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印度-亚洲大陆的碰撞开始于65Ma左右,大约在45/40Ma完成,之后转入碰撞后阶段至今。碰撞过程(~65~40Ma)中,已消减的新特提斯大洋板片回转,不仅导致会聚速率提高,还诱使青藏岩石圈之下的对流软流圈上涌,并发生减压熔融,产生碰撞期(或同碰撞)火山作用。西藏中部和南部的古新世一始新世早期(~65~40Ma)火山岩即是此碰撞期(或同碰撞)火山作用的产物。该碰撞期(或同碰撞)火山岩系并非是单一的长英质中酸性火山岩,其成分变化很宽.从玄武质到流纹质均有发育。它们源于成分为ENd(t)≈+3、87Sr/88Sr(f)≈0.705和La/Nb≈0.8的软流圈源。根据岩石地球化学数据,古新世一始新世早期基性熔岩可以划分为高Ti/Y(HT,Ti/Y≥500)和低Ti/Y(LT,Ti/Y〈500)两个岩浆类型。LT熔岩又可以进一步划分为LT1和LT2等两个亚类。HT和LT1熔岩为未遭受地壳混染的基性熔岩,以具有高Nb/La值(0.88~1.53)和原始地幔标准化分配曲线上缺乏Nb、Ta和Ti负异常为特征;而LT2熔岩却为受到了强烈地壳混染的基性熔岩.其Nb/La值很低(O.20~0.49),Nb、Ta和Ti明显亏损。西藏中部拉嘎拉玄武岩和邦达错碱性玄武岩的化学演化受控于橄榄石(ol)+单斜辉石(cpx)结晶分离作用;而西藏南部林子宗火山岩系的化学变异则是经受了辉长质结晶分离作用。元素和同位素数据表明.青藏高原古新世一始新世早期基性熔岩并不是单一母岩浆结晶分离的产物。遭受地壳混染的LT2熔岩的Sr—Nd同位素变化特点与其软流圈源熔体上升过程中所卷入的不同岩石圈组分有关。下地壳组分的卷入导致典中组、帕那组和拉嘎拉玄武岩的LT2熔岩具有低-负εNd(t)值(+1.3~-3.9)和较低87St/86Sr(f)值(0.7046~-0.7065);而达孜基性火山岩和年波组的LT2?  相似文献   
黑龙江省柳树河盆地始新统八虎力组发育多层油页岩。通过对油页岩样品元素地球化学分析测试,研究了其常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征,分析了油页岩沉积环境。研究结果表明,常量元素以富Al2O3、Fe和CaO,贫SiO2、MgO、Na2O和K2O为特征,微量元素总体上表现出不同程度的亏损特征,稀土元素总量平均为140.7×10-6,表现出轻稀土元素轻度富集特征。稀土元素具有较为一致的变化趋势,表明油页岩沉积时物源和沉积环境较为稳定。Mn/Ti值表明油页岩组成物质的搬运距离随着时间变化经历了远→近→远的变化,反映水体深度经历了深→浅→深的变化。Sr/Cu值和Rb/Sr值表明油页岩沉积时为相对炎热干旱的环境。Sr/Ba值反映当时为炎热干旱气候条件下的过渡相咸水湖泊沉积环境。V/(V+Ni)值、δEu和有机碳含量表明油页岩沉积时处于缺氧的还原沉积环境中。总体上,柳树河盆地油页岩发育于炎热干旱气候、咸水、缺氧条件下的湖泊沉积环境中。  相似文献   
在野外地质考察、岩心观察和大量测试数据分析的基础上,对我国东北地区桦甸盆地始新统桦甸组和美国犹他盆地始新统绿河组油页岩中类异戊二烯烷烃、甾类和萜类等生物标志化合物特征进行了详细的对比研究,并探讨其对两地油页岩在有机质来源及古沉积环境上的差异指示意义。结果表明:在GC谱图上,桦甸油页岩Pr/Ph为1.47~2.03,具姥鲛烷优势;而绿河油页岩Pr/Ph为0.34~0.44,具植烷优势。GC-MS分析表明:桦甸油页岩规则甾烷C27-C28-C29呈反"L"型分布,∑(C27+C28)/∑C29为0.63~2.52;绿河油页岩规则甾烷C27-C28-C29呈钝角不对称"V"型分布,∑(C27+C28)/∑C29为0.96~1.20。桦甸油页岩萜类化合物中萜烯>ββ构型霍烷>αβ构型霍烷,以C29萜烯占优势;绿河油页岩中五环三萜烷>三环萜烷>四环萜烷,并检出丰富的γ-蜡烷和β-胡萝卜烷。两地油页岩生物标志化合物特征参数的对比分析揭示:桦甸油页岩为水生生物和高等植物双重生源,但细菌及藻类等水生生物的贡献较大,主要形成于弱还原淡水沉积环境;绿河油页岩有机质来源主要为细菌和藻类等水生生物,主要形成于强还原咸水沉积环境。  相似文献   
The Palaeocene of southern Sardinia includes a continental ferruginous sedimentation, with a high content of Al and Fe, indicative of a subhumid tropical climate. The subsequent microcodium carbonated detrital microcodium levels, containing an abundant quartzose fraction, rather suggest semiarid conditions. In SW Sardinia, the marine deposits, referred to Late Thanetian–Lower Ypresian (=Ilerdian) times, are limestones including larger foraminifers and contain significant amounts of quartz. A lower content of detrital kaolinite points a sediment source from the surrounding areas with a semiarid climate. The occurrence, at the top of this unit, of small trochospiral rotaliids and larger amount of detrital kaolinite suggests a transition to a rainy tropical climate in the adjacent areas. These limestones pass gradually to carbonate sediments characterized by large amounts of detrital kaolinite and intercalated coal layers, with pollen of tropical palms, attributed to the Late Ypresian (=Cuisian)–Early Lutetian and referred to a humid-subhumid tropical climate.  相似文献   

始新世暖期可为理解现代增温过程和机制提供历史相似型。广泛分布于渭河盆地的红河组为中始新世到晚始新世的滨浅湖相-冲积扇堆积,剖面出露厚度超过330 m,盆地沉积中心钻探厚度大于1000 m,为一套红色的碎屑沉积间化学沉积序列。盆地边缘的红河组沉积物含碳酸盐岩、泥岩、砂岩和少量砾岩,沉积中心以泥质灰岩、泥岩和粉砂岩为主。对蓝田支家沟红河组(时代为46~33 Ma)2910个样品的磁化率测试表明,红河组沉积物磁化率值在0~20×10-8 m3/kg之间,整体偏低,频率磁化率值也相对较低(0~11%),与中国西北部新生代红层磁化率总体较低相似。高分辨率磁化率测试证实了红河组堆积时期干湿变化的多旋回和阶段性,受到太阳辐射变化影响,并受到下垫面的反馈驱动。红河组泥岩和粉砂岩的磁化率值偏高,而砂岩的磁化率值较低,载磁矿物以赤铁矿为主。盆地周围岩体弱磁性物质的快速输入,降低了红河组粗颗粒沉积物的磁化率值。在中、晚始新世的轨道-构造时间尺度,红河组沉积序列粒度变化受到湖面波动控制。湖面上升时湖滨地区沉积物颗粒偏细,磁化率值高;反之,磁化率值低。因此,磁化率高低变化指示了湖面高低波动,进而指示了气候的干湿变化。分析还表明,中、晚始新世渭河盆地湖面多旋回变化和阶段性变干,与全球温度变化和降温过程可良好对比,指示全球温度降低可能抑制水汽循环,进而驱动始新世东亚内陆干旱的发展。

辽宁抚顺盆地始新世古气候定量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用德国科学家 Mosbrugger 和 Utescher 在 1997 年提出的共存分析法对辽宁抚顺盆地始新世古气候进行定量重建。通过共存分析获得的抚顺盆地始新世古气候参数为:年均温度为 14.3~19.8℃(中值为 17.05℃),最热月均温为 24.1~27.7℃,最冷月均温为 2.5~10.9 ℃,年较差为 17.7~22.7℃,年降雨量为 803.6~1 113.3 mm (中值为 958.45 mm),最大月降雨量为 179.4~268.1 mm,最小月降雨量为 10.2~12.7 mm。与现代气候对比发现:始新世时气温较现在(7.8℃)高9.25℃,年降雨量较现在(734.5 mm)多约224 mm,始新世时属于亚热带季风气候,现今为温带季风气候。  相似文献   
The Cenozoic strata of the Xining Basin, NE Tibet, have provided crucial records for understanding the tectonic and palaeo-environmental evolution of the region. Yet, the age of the lower part of the sedimentary stratigraphy and, consequently, the early tectonic evolution of the basin remain debated. Here, we present the litho- and magnetostratigraphy of various early Eocene sections throughout the Xining Basin independently constrained by the U–Pb radiometric age of a carbonate bed. Our study extends the dated stratigraphy down to 53.0 Ma (C24n.1r) and reveals highly variable accumulation rates during the early Eocene ranging from 0.5 to 8 cm/ka. This is in stark contrast to the low but stable accumulation rates (2–3 cm/ka) observed throughout the overlying Palaeogene and Neogene strata. Such a pattern of basin infill is not characteristic of flexural subsidence as previously proposed, but rather supports an extensional origin of the Xining Basin with multiple depocentres, which subsequently coalesced into a more stable and slowly subsiding basin. Whether this extension was related to the far-field effects of the subducting Pacific Plate or the India–Asia collision remains to be confirmed by future studies.  相似文献   
The coal deposits of Meghalaya occur in the Lakadong Sandstone (25–250 m thick) of Eocene age. The coal-bearing formations are understood to have been deposited over platform areas in estuarine and lagoonal environments and subjected to recurrent marine transgressions and regressions during the Eocene period. There are three major groups of coalfields in Meghalaya, viz. Garo Hills (West Daranggiri and Siju Coalfields), Khasi Hills (Langrin and Mawlong–Shella Coalfields) and minor coalfields (Laitryngew, Cherrapunji and Bapung Coalfields). Pillar coal samples have been collected from 10 seams at 15 locations and have been subjected to a detailed petrographic examination for their characterization. An effort has been made to trace the path of their evolution based on coal petrography-based models. The quantitative petrographic analysis shows that these coals are vitrinite rich (45.0–92.9%, mean 73.4% mmf basis) with low concentration of inertinite (0.0–13.8%, mean 3.0% mmf basis), whereas the liptinite occurs in appreciable concentration (5.5–53.1%, mean 22.5% mmf basis). Further, these coals are rich in vitrite (51.6–100%, mean 78.3% mmf basis). The volatile matter (from 38.5% to 70.0%, d.a.f.) and vitrinite reflectance (Rom from 0.37% to 0.68%) characterize these coals, as per German (DIN) and North American classification, approximately as sub-bituminous ‘C' to high volatile ‘C' bituminous. The occurrence of teleutospore (single, double and triple celled) suggests that these coals have originated from a characteristic Tertiary flora. The maceral and microlithotype composition in the coal petrography-based depositional models suggest that the coals of Garo Hills were formed in reed to open water swamps in telmatic to limnic conditions. The coals of Khasi Hills were dominated by forest swamps and telmatic to limno-telmatic conditions. In addition, the occurrence of large-size resins suggests prolific growth of conifers in the swamps.  相似文献   
地球围绕太阳的轨道要素周期性变化引起气候旋回变化,进而影响到地质历史中沉积物及生物面貌的旋回变化。牛38井始新统沙河街组三段旋回地层学研究表明,沉积物和古生物对404.8ka的天文偏心率旋回具有明显的响应特征。在一个偏心率旋回之内,随着地球围绕太阳公转轨道位置的变化,气候由热变冷再变热,古生物属种数量、沉积物粒度出现相应的的旋回变化。若以404.8ka偏心率旋回为单位来划分高频层序,可以保证所划分的地层具有异旋回性和严格的等时性。  相似文献   
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