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王约  王训练 《古地理学报》2007,9(4):407-418
以原地埋藏为主的中寒武世凯里生物群生活环境为远离古陆、盐分正常、透光性良好和含氧量充分的热带海洋; 沉积环境为波浪基准面与风暴基准面之间、软性泥质基底、水体相对平静的正常浅海,深度在100 m以内,可能为一系列岛屿所组成的海湾边缘相。依据生物的主要生活和活动空间,可将凯里生物群分为水体上层群落、水体下层群落、底栖表生群落和底栖内生群落。这些生物群落依赖食物链将生态系统中的生物结成一个整体,其群落特征随海平面的变化而有所变化。热带频繁的风暴流或洋流等为生活于海湾边缘的凯里生物群的生长和繁殖提供了大量的营养物质和矿物质,同时由此产生的快速沉积事件是生物遗体得以较为完整保存的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Systematic extinctions can leave major morphological gaps between living crown-group clades. Such morphological gaps would be perceived, from a neontological point of view, as major evolutionary transitions. In order to fill these morphological gaps and to map the evolutionary steps toward major evolutionary transitions, we need to integrate extinct stem-group taxa in phylogenetic studies. However, the recognition of stem group has not been widely adopted in the study of early animal fossils, despite that all fossils are stem groups at one level or another. Part of the difficulty is that stem groups may not have all features that collectively diagnose the respective crown group, and they can have unique (autapomorphic) features, making them tantalizingly similar to and frustratingly different from the crown group (e.g., stem-group eukaryotes can be prokaryotic and stem-group animals can be protistan). The need to embrace stem groups and to implement the PhyloCode, in order to achieve phylogenetic clarity and to offer key paleontological insights into the origin and early animal evolution, is illustrated in debates on several controversial Ediacaran and Cambrian fossils.  相似文献   
通过对各类层序界面的识别,以沉积特征、副层序和体系域与结构转换面等层序分析,进行露头层序地层学研究,将湘西北慈利大庸地区台缘斜坡相区上震旦统-下寒武统划分为11个Ⅲ级层序,其中上震旦统7个、下寒武统4个,主要是Ⅱ型层序。在区域层序地层对比、分析的基础上初步讨论了露头层序地层分析中存在的问题。  相似文献   
彭善池 《地层学杂志》2005,29(2):171-177,204
评述了国际地层委员会最新公布的2 0 0 4年版“国际地层表”的寒武系部分,包括它的底界全球层型和点位的确定和存在的问题、寒武系当前的再划分情况、芙蓉统和排碧阶及其底界全球层型剖面和点位、寒武系的时代跨度。介绍了全球寒武系年代地层的研究方向和正在表决中的全球寒武系最新划分方案。讨论了与我国寒武系年代地层的划分和建立地方性、区域性年代地层系统的相关问题  相似文献   
笔者(1987,1988)在辽东半岛南部复州湾晚寒武世崮山组中发现卷曲的王冠头虫。卷曲的王冠头虫的卷曲器官为胸节和尾节,其中最重要的是胸节和尾节中轴的半环。三叶虫的卷曲显示了生物力学的作用,卷曲是生物与环境相适应的表现,由环节动物的侧曲到节肢动物三叶虫的卷曲是生物演化的规律。  相似文献   
A chert-phosphorite unit from the Sugetbrak section in the Tarim Basin was analyzed for rare earth elements (Ce, Eu), redox sensitive proxies, and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13Ccarb and δ 13Corg) in the lower Yurtus Formation of the Early Cambrian period. Redox sensitive element ratios (Th/U, V/Cr, Ni/Co, and V/Sc) were employed to determine the palaeoenvironmental conditions during this period. The ratios indicated that the depositional environment of the chert-phosphorite-black shale unit ranged from suboxic to anoxic. Negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies in the chert-phosphorite assemblages of the studied Yurtus Formation indicated the existence of a redox-stratified ocean, similar to that of South China. Overturn or upward expansion of the deep water-mass probably reached the shallow marine zone after the formation of the Yurtus phosphorites. The characteristics of the negative Ce anomaly may be due to phosphoritic inheritance from the Ce-depleted signature of the overlying water column. Subsequent hydrothermal inputs and reduced detrital supplies of the deep water caused by the upwelling affected certain redox sensitive elements in the sedimentary basin. δ 13Ccarb and δ13Corg negative excursions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite unit may be related to a transgression phase when episodic basinal upwelling moved 12C- and P-rich waters from the pelagic basin floor to the continental shelf. Although carbon isotopic compositions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages may have suffered from diagenetic alteration, they can be used to probe diagenetic conditions. Multi-proxy geochemical studies indicated that the δ 13Ccarb values of the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages might be considered reflections of a predominantly suboxic environment that was subsequently affected by hydrothermal inputs due to the upwelling.  相似文献   
山东张夏期(中寒武世晚期)三叶虫生物地层   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
袁金良  李越  穆西南 《地层学杂志》2000,24(2):136-143,T001
根据山东长清张夏虎头山至黄草顶、淄博市淄川区峨庄乡黑石寨谢家峪及新泰县九龙村九龙山的中寒武世晚期地层剖面的新材料 ,分析了山东张夏期三叶虫的地层分布 ,讨论了张夏组的顶底界线 ,扼要地比较了张夏期的 6个多节类三叶虫带与华南过渡区的 4个球接子带。  相似文献   
The genus and species Yuyuanozoon magnificissimi gen. et sp. nov., a new fossil vetulicolian, is reported from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna in Yunnan of China. It has a bipartite body plan and five pairs of chain-formed gill sacs, showing the general characteristics of Ventulicolia. However, the exclusive "atrial cavity" and external gill observed indicate that the new form is different from those previously described as vetulicolians, probably representing a lineage developed within deuterostomes and more primitive than urochordates.  相似文献   
文章描述了云南寒武纪早期澄江生物群小细丝海绵属一新种——螺旋小细丝海绵(Leptomitella spiralis sp. nov.)。新种 具有横向骨针束围绕海绵体呈螺旋状排列的典型特征,明显区别于属内其他种;此外,在外部形态和骨针类型上与属内其他种 也存在较大差异。新种的发现增加了Leptomitella种间形态结构的多样性,也为海绵动物的早期演化及寒武纪海绵动物辐射演 化研究提供新的化石资料。  相似文献   
本文通过大比例尺野外测量及镜下观察,对鲁西寒武系第三统张夏组的附枝菌与附枝菌微生物灰岩特征进行了详细研究。附枝菌是一种树枝状蓝细菌,一般向上生长扩展,形成灌木状附枝菌群落,生长于附枝菌微生物丘内部。而在微生物丘的外部边缘,附枝菌群落呈半闭合的房室状,与肾状菌十分相似。房室状附枝菌群落可能是在微生物丘外部边缘受局部高能微环境(如水流、波浪等)的影响形成的。在其形成后,其保存状态则是由附枝菌的钙化作用及早期成岩作用决定。由于附枝菌构成其微生物岩的生长骨架,且该微生物岩不具备清晰的中型构造,故可称其为附枝菌格架岩,作为对微生物岩分类命名的又一补充。附枝菌格架岩一般生长于台地边缘或台地外部斜坡环境,其生长过程受水动力条件、阳光照射及海水清澈度等影响。  相似文献   
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