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何淑芬  吕娟  刁惠芳 《山地学报》2007,25(6):747-752
对西藏古乡沟泥石流模型试验中的模型砂配制进行了研究,旨在保证模型试验的合理性和科学性,从而为泥石流灾害防治工程提供可靠的设计依据。通过对泥石流形成区和堆积区样品的粒径分析,根据模型试验的目的和条件,选定模型的几何比尺为1∶100,但模型砂的配制采用泥砂分段模拟法,原型中小于0.1 mm的颗粒不缩小,仍按重量百分比配制;原型中大于0.1 mm的颗粒按相似比尺缩小后用小于0.1 mm模型砂代替。并通过模型样品的选用和粒径组合对泥石流体以及堆积扇的模型砂配制过程进行了详细的分析研究,使模型试验获得了比较好的结果。  相似文献   
Magmatic accretion is potentially an important mechanism inthe growth of the continental crust and the formation of granulites.In this study, the thermal evolution of a magmatic arc in responseto magmatic accretion is modeled using numerical solutions ofthe one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The initial andboundary conditions used in the model are constrained by geologicalobservations made in the Kohistan area, NW Himalayas. Takingconsideration of the preferred intrusion locations for basalticmagmas, we consider two plausible modes of magmatic accretion:the first involves the repeated intrusion of basalt at mid-crustaldepths (‘intraplate model’), and the second evaluatesthe simultaneous intrusion of basalt and picrite at mid-crustaldepths and the base of the crust respectively (‘double-platemodel’). The results of the double-plate model accountfor both the inferred metamorphic PT paths of the Kohistanmafic granulites and the continental geotherm determined frompeak PT conditions observed for granulite terranes. Thedouble-plate model may be applicable as a key growth processfor the production of thick mafic lower crust in magmatic arcs. KEY WORDS: thermal model; magmatic underplating; PT path; granulite; lower crust  相似文献   
郭政  姚士谋  吴常艳 《地理科学》2020,40(12):1949-1957
采用空间分析和空间杜宾模型等方法,研究1999—2017年中国工业烟粉尘排放时空演化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:①中国工业烟粉尘排放空间分布差异明显,其排放的基尼系数和污染物分布指数均呈现下降态势,空间集中程度有所缓和。②中国工业烟粉尘排放空间分布呈东北-西南走向,其排放中心不断由东南向西北方向迁移。③中国工业烟粉尘排放存在空间相关性和空间溢出效应,其冷热点区空间分布发生显著变化。④能源消耗、第二产业比重、人口密度和经济发展水平的提升将会增加工业烟粉尘排放,而外资水平、治理技术水平和环境规制力度的提升则有利于减少工业烟粉尘排放。  相似文献   
中国半干旱区城镇众多,风沙灾害频发,开展城镇风沙灾害防治研究势在必行。以毛乌素沙地的乌审旗达布察克镇为例,对其周边沙尘源地和植被进行实地调查;在此基础上,结合单项植物、机械沙障防风原理的风洞模拟结果,提出各种沙尘源地亚类防沙治沙措施的合理配置。根据建立半干旱区城镇防沙工程体系的原则以及城镇周边不同下垫面的防沙治沙措施配置,达布察克镇防沙治沙模式可以概括为城镇周边的“三圈模式”。第一圈是以达布察克镇为核心的绿化景观带,这一圈层大致位于达布察克镇以外600~900 m宽度范围内。第二圈层为沙丘(地)封禁与农牧业生产区,包括两个次级圈层:设施农业次级圈层的宽度约为1 km;远郊沙丘(地)封禁与农牧户独立生产次级圈层的范围较大,这一次级圈层的显著特点是大面积用于生态环境建设和保护,小面积用于农牧业生产。第三圈层是沙丘(地)封禁保护圈。该圈层位于乌审旗的西北位置,圈层内主要包括流动、半流动沙丘链以及平坦流沙地,是达布察克镇上风向主要的沙尘源地,应按照防沙治沙原理对其进行封禁与保护。  相似文献   
用时域分析组合模型建立了100万年来60°N6月份太阳辐射量时间序列、宝鸡黄土粒度时间序列、渭南夏季风指数时间序列的动态模型.研究结果表明,时域分析组合模型较好地提取了时间序列的信息,得到的几个显著周期T=133,100,89,41,23,19ka,与地球轨道三要素的变化周期接近.用组合模型拟合实测数据,精度是高的;用其预测未来气候替代性指标时间序列的变化情况,发现未来气候有向干冷方向发展的趋势.时域分析组合模型为研究气候变化趋势提供了一种定量分析、预测的方法.  相似文献   
Immature crude oils are a kind of unconventional petroleum resources. They are generated through early low-temperature biochemical/chemical reactions of some specific organic matter. Their geological reserves explored are as high as several hundred million tons in China. Based on a detailed organic geochemical study, five genetic mechanisms of immature oils have been proposed in this paper for early hydrocarbon generation from suberinite, resinite, bacteria-reworked terrestrial organic matter, biolipids and sulphur-rich macromolecules respectively.  相似文献   
确定卫星的位置和速度是GPS定位导航的基础,以二体问题为基础,介绍了卫星运动状态的计算方法,建立了计算卫星实时位置、速度的数学模型,并运用C 语言实现了算法,证实了算法的正确性。  相似文献   

Remote sensing is an important source of land cover data required by many GIS users. Land cover data are typically derived from remotely–sensed data through the application of a conventional statistical classification. Such classification techniques are not, however, always appropriate, particularly as they may make untenable assumptions about the data and their output is hard, comprising only the code of the most likely class of membership. Whilst some deviation from the assumptions may be tolerated and a fuzzy output may be derived, making more information on class membership properties available, alternative classification procedures are sometimes required. Artificial neural networks are an attractive alternative to the statistical classifiers and here one is used to derive a fuzzy classification output from a remotely–sensed data set that may be post–processed with ancillary data available in a GIS to increase the accuracy with which land cover may be mapped. With the aid ancillary information on soil type and prior knowledge of class occurrence the accuracy of an artificial neural network classification was increased by 29–93 to 77–37 per cent. An artificial neural network can therefore be used generate a fuzzy classification output that may be used with other data sets in a GIS, which may not have been available to the producer of the classification, to increase the accuracy with which land cover may be classified.  相似文献   
洞庭湖区生态承载力系统耦合协调度时空分异   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
不同时空尺度下,生态承载力系统耦合协调度呈现不同差异和变化。在阐述耦合协调发展作用机理的基础上,构建了耦合协调度评价指标体系,利用容量耦合模型对洞庭湖区生态承载力系统耦合协调度进行时空分析。结果表明:① 时序变化上,2001~2012年洞庭湖区生态承载力系统耦合度和耦合协调度变化趋势基本趋同,大致呈现同步稳定上升态势,耦合度均值达0.499,处于拮抗阶段;耦合协调度均值达0.463,处于中度耦合协调阶段;年均增长率上,耦合度达3.35%,大于耦合协调度的3.05%。表明生态承载力内部系统耦合作用和协同效应明显,并且耦合作用的强度大于内部协调性。② 空间分异上,17个县域的耦合度出现了低水平耦合、拮抗阶段和磨合阶段3种状态,3种耦合状态的县域个数和区间变化呈现不同的差异。耦合协调度出现了低度耦合协调、中度耦合协调和高度耦合协调3种状态,其变化状况基本上与耦合度类似,但从协调状态的县域个数和区间变化来看,耦合协调度的变化稍滞后于耦合度的变化,空间分布与耦合度分布特征基本相似,高、低值区的空间分布由西南向东北大致呈现较低----较低的“M”型基本格局。③ 空间组合上,17个县域出现了低耦合低协调区、中耦合低协调区、中耦合中协调区、高耦合中协调区和高耦合高协调区5种空间组合类型,其基本空间格局是,低耦合低协调区集中分布在洞庭湖区中部和西南部,高耦合高协调区则沿京广线、石长线和常岳高速三线呈“三足鼎立”布局,其它不同组合类型则集中于高耦合高协调区外围呈“零星状”分布。  相似文献   
基于统计模型识别气候变化对农业产量贡献的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
史文娇  陶福禄  张朝 《地理学报》2012,67(9):1213-1222
从统计模型与作物机理模型的区别与联系出发, 介绍了识别气候变化对农业产量贡献的3 种主要统计模型, 即时间序列模型、截面模型和面板模型;综述了前人在站点和区域(全球、国家、省级、地区、县级) 尺度对这一问题的研究进展;总结了应用统计模型识别农业产量对气候变化响应敏感性的4 个主要问题, 包括时空尺度问题、产量的非气候趋势去除问题、气候要素间的自相关问题和忽略适应措施的问题;最后针对以上主要问题, 提出了改进建议及今后研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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