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全球城市理论与中国的国际城市建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕拉昌 《地理科学》2007,27(4):449-456
全球城市是多因素作用的结果,研究范式由20世纪70年代的马克思主义政治经济学向全球与地区相互作用的范式转换。全球城市体系的划分从单一指标向经济与文化结合的多指标方向发展。但如何选取指标,如何进行指标的测量,如何确定各指标的权重分配以及如何采集城市间相互作用的数据与资料,都是全球城市研究要面对的重要问题。中国的全球城市建设要从全球城市体系的等级、位序规律出发,根据社会经济发展的实际,要有步骤、有目标、分阶段,稳步推进,逐步提升城市发展的层次,促进城市国际化的步伐,建设中国的国际城市。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探主孔自然放射性测井及其解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了认识江苏东海超高压变质带上地壳岩石自然放射性的垂向分布特征, 榴辉岩退变质程度对放射性元素浓度的影响, 以及放射性产热率对地温梯度的影响, 利用中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD) 主孔100~5000m自然放射性测井(自然伽马和自然伽马能谱) 资料统计了CCSD主孔各类岩石的自然放射性强度和铀、钍、钾元素的浓度, 计算出产热率曲线.自然伽马, 铀、钍、钾浓度和产热率从蛇纹岩到榴辉岩、角闪岩、副片麻岩、正片麻岩依次增大.随着榴辉岩退变质程度的增强, 其铀、钍、钾元素的浓度值逐渐增大.CCSD主孔自然放射性的垂向分布特征主要受岩性控制, 自然放射性随深度增加有增强趋势.产热率与自然伽马测井值之间有很好的线性关系, 在高放射性岩层的上部, 地温梯度会出现较强扰动和低值异常.   相似文献   
A combined study of mineral O isotopes and hydroxyl contents was carried out for the contacts between ultrahigh‐pressure eclogite and gneiss from main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project in the Sulu orogen. While there is a large δ18O variation from ?8.3 to 7.3‰ for all minerals, different styles of mineral‐pair fractionation occur at the boundaries of different lithologies. Both equilibrium and disequilibrium O isotope fractionations are observed between quartz and the other minerals, with reversed fractionations between omphacite and garnet in some samples of eclogite. This suggests that both eclogite and gneiss acquired their negative δ18O values by meteoric‐hydrothermal alteration of their protoliths at high temperatures before subduction, and that fluid‐assisted O isotope exchange did take place across the boundary of different lithologies at local scales during amphibolite‐facies retrogression. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis yielded H2O concentrations of 50 to 1144 p.p.m. (by weight) for garnet and 139 to 751 p.p.m. for omphacite. The state of equilibrium or disequilibrium O isotope fractionations between omphacite and garnet are correlated with variations in their water content at local scales, indicating that the internally derived fluid plays a critical role in retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. The retrograde metamorphism results in mineral reactions and O isotope disequilibria between some of the minerals, but the fluid for retrogression was derived from the decompression exsolution of structural hydroxyl and thus internally buffered in the O isotope composition. A quantitative estimate suggests that a hand specimen (3 × 6 × 9 cm) of eclogite composed of 70% garnet and 30% omphacite can release 0.316 g water by the decompression exsolution of structural hydroxyl, which can form 14.4 g amphibole during exhumation. This provides sufficient amounts of water for the amphibolite‐facies retrogression.  相似文献   
The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B(FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder(MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014. It is more difficult, however, to assimilate microwave observations over land and sea ice than over the open ocean due to higher uncertainties in land surface temperature, surface emissivity and less effective cloud screening. We compare approaches in which the emissivity is retrieved dynamically from MWHS channel 1 [150 GHz(vertical polarization)] with the use of an evolving emissivity atlas from 89 GHz observations from the MWHS onboard NOAA and EUMETSAT satellites. The assimilation of the additional data over land improves the fit of short-range forecasts to other observations, notably ATMS(Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) humidity channels, and the forecast impacts are mainly neutral to slightly positive over the first five days. The forecast impacts are better in boreal summer and the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the techniques tested allow for effective assimilation of MWHS/FY-3B data over land.  相似文献   
一个适用于描述中国大陆冬季气温变化的东亚冬季风指数   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
朱艳峰 《气象学报》2008,66(5):781-788
利用1951年1月-2007年2月的NCEP V1格点资料和中国台站观测资料,定义了一个冬季风环流指数(IEAWM),并分析其与中国冬季气温和东亚大气环流变化的联系.结果表明该指数能够很好地反映东亚冬季风系统各成员的变化,兼顾北方和南方的环流状况和东西部热力差异的影响,改进了原有冬季风指数大多针对单一的冬季风环流成员及对中国冬季气温变化反映能力的不足,能够很好地反映中国冬季平均气温的异常变化.分析表明,当该指数为正值时东亚冬季风偏强,对应着地面西伯利亚高压和高空东亚大槽均偏强,东亚地区对流层中层的高-低纬度之间的纬向风经向切变加强,有利于中高纬度冷空气向南侵入,导致中国大陆地区气温偏低,反之亦然.IEAWM的年代际变化表明东亚冬季风在1985年之前偏强,1985年之后明显偏弱,这与1985年之后中国冬季变暖是一致的.  相似文献   
The authors exploit the remarkable connection between the Chinese climate trends and the annular modes by partitioning the trends into components linearly congruent with and linearly independent of the annular modes. Results show that the winter hemisphere annular mode has closer connection to Chinese climate than the summer one, e.g., the wetting JJA (June-July-August) rainfall trend along the Yangtze River valley and the associated temperature trends are significantly linearly congruent with the trend of the southern annular mode, while the JFM (January-February-March) climate trends are closely linked to the northern annular mode. The seasonal differences of a meridional wave-train-like chain across the equatorial Pacific associated with the annular modes are responsible for the seasonal-dependent connections to Chinese climate. Citation: Zhou, T. J., and J. Li, 2008: Climate change in China congruent with the linear trends of the annular modes, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 1-7  相似文献   
参考作物蒸散量的多种计算方法及其结果的比较   总被引:51,自引:3,他引:51       下载免费PDF全文
分别用 FAO Penman- Monteith公式 (模型 1 )、FAO Penman 修正式 (模型 2 )和国内Penman修正式 (模型 3)计算了泰安和西峰两地的参考作物蒸散量 ,对 3种方法的计算结果进行了比较 .模型 1得到的参考作物蒸散量大于后 2种模型 ,导致不同模型计算偏差的原因是 3种模型各自选用了不同的辐射项和动力项计算式 ,且计算偏差随季节和地理条件而变 .建议计算区域参考作物蒸散量用模型 1 ,计算单站逐日参考作物蒸散量 3种模型都可用 .  相似文献   
This paper deals with the petrology and U–Pb dating of coesite-bearing garnet–phengite schist from the Kebuerte Valley, Chinese western Tianshan. It mainly consists of porphyroblastic garnet, phengite, quartz and chlorite with minor amounts of paragonite, albite, zoisite and chloritoid. The well preserved coesite inclusions (∼100 μm) in garnet are encircled by a narrow rim of quartz. They were identified by optical microscopy and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Using the computer program THERMOCALC, the peak metamorphic conditions of 29 kbar and 565 °C were obtained via garnet isopleth geothermobarometry. The predicted UHP peak mineral assemblage comprises garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + coesite + phengite. The metapelite records prograde quartz–eclogite-facies metamorphism, UHP coesite–eclogite-facies peak metamorphism, and a late greenschist-facies overprint. Phase equilibrium modeling predicts that garnet mainly grew in the mineral assemblages garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + chloritoid + glaucophane + quartz + phengite and garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + glaucophane + quartz + phengite. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the coesite-bearing metapelite yielded the peak metamorphic age 320.4 ± 3.7 Ma. For the first time, age data of coesite-bearing UHP metapelite from the Chinese western Tianshan are presented in this paper. They are in accord with published ages obtained from eclogite from other localities in the Chinese western Tianshan and the Kyrgyz South Tianshan and therefore prove a widespread occurrence of UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   
The available literature on marine debris from Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region was collected and linked, reviewing their methodologies and principal results (quantities, composition and spatial-temporal patterns). The study region comprises 52 coastal countries of which only 14 had registers of works on marine debris. A total of 70 works were available and 69 had their full contents accessed. Brazil dominated the available literature with 70% of the documents. Beaches were the most studied environment, and plastics the prevalent form of contamination in the whole region. The exposure of marine biota (species, type of contact, consequences) was highlighted. The studied region, although still little exploited by this sort of research, shows the same contamination patterns observed world-wide. We also contacted 40 researchers in the area, collecting scientific contributions, opinions and suggestions for improvement of this research field. Further advances and new (urgently needed) lines of research are also discussed.  相似文献   
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