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5种中草药对美国红鱼生长和免疫机能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用分别含连翘(Forsythia suspensa)、猪苓(Polyporus umbellatus)、黄芩(Radix scutellariae)、茯苓(Poria cocos)和黄连(Coptis chinensis)水提取物的配合饵料饲喂美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus),研究其对美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)生长和免疫机能的影响.结果表明,投喂含有黄芩和茯苓的药饵可使美国红鱼的体长增长率和相对增质量率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);投喂5种含中草药的药饵后,美国红鱼血液白细胞的吞噬活性有明显提高,投药后3 d,除茯苓组外,其余各组吞噬百分比(PP)与对照组之间均差异极显著(P<0.01);在投药后3 d或投药后7 d,连翘、黄芩和黄连组的吞噬指数(PI)与对照组相比有显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)差异.在停投药饵后7 d,除茯苓组外,其余各组PP、PI与对照组相比仍有显著差异(P<0.05).同时,美国红鱼血清溶菌酶活性也有显著提高,投药后7 d,溶菌酶活性与对照组之间差异极显著(P<0.01),但在停投药饵后7 d,溶菌酶活性与对照组之间无显著差异(P>0.05);投药28 d后,利用哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)人工感染美国红鱼,黄芩组的相对免疫保护率最高,达88.9%,连翘组次之,茯苓组最低.  相似文献   
We report new data for thirty seven elements determined in twenty six Chinese geochemistry reference materials using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and a reliable and simple dissolution technique. One hundred milligrams of sample were digested with 1 ml of HF and 0.5 ml of HNO3 in PTFE-lined stainless steel bombs heated to 200 °C for 12 hours. Insoluble residues were dissolved using 6 ml of 40% v/v HNO3 heated to 140 C for 3 hours. Analytical calibration was accomplished using aqueous standard solutions. Rhodium was used as an internal standard to correct for matrix effects and instrument drift. Precisions were typically better than 5% RSD. Most of the data presented here agree well with the published certified values. For the elements Zr, Hf and most other trace elements, the measured values were less than 10% in error when compared to certified values.  相似文献   
加拿大原型产地的矿物种数计208种,其中118个是具有人名或地名意义的矿物种名。这些矿物的现中文译名多数采用化学成分名称,未能体现原作者的意愿,与IMA-CNMNC关于新矿物的命名原则和译名规则不相符合。本文根据英文的人名与地名,采用音译方法,列举这些矿物的英文名称、原命名依据和现中文译名,并列出新的建议中文译名。  相似文献   
阿尔泰超高温变泥质麻粒岩的锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
仝来喜  陈义兵  徐义刚  周信  刘兆 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3435-3445
最近我们通过岩相学观察和矿物温压计算,首次确定了在阿勒泰喀拉苏附近存在超高温变泥质麻粒岩,其矿物组合为石榴石+斜方辉石+夕线石+堇青石+尖晶石+黑云母+斜长石+石英等。斜方辉石成分具有高铝特点,其Al2O3含量高于8.0%,指示了其峰期变质作用达到了超高温(>900℃)的条件。P-T计算结果显示其峰期变质条件为:P=~8.0kb, T=~960℃。初步P-T估算结果表明了一个峰期后近等压冷却的逆时针P-T轨迹。我们对其中锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,年龄结果主要分布于260~280Ma之间,具有峰值年龄271±5Ma,个别年龄为380~390Ma,继承锆石主要分布于450~500Ma之间。该年龄结果表明阿尔泰超高温变质事件发生于二叠纪,在时间上与二叠纪塔里木地幔柱活动的时间(~275Ma)高度一致,且也和该区广泛的二叠纪(260~280Ma) 后造山或非造山的基性岩和花岗岩侵入是同时的。因此,阿尔泰二叠纪超高温变泥质麻粒岩的形成,可能与由二叠纪塔里木地幔柱活动引起的岩浆底侵和下地壳伸展加热密切相关,这也与该超高温变泥质麻粒岩的逆时针P-T轨迹所反映的构造背景一致。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the petrology and U–Pb dating of coesite-bearing garnet–phengite schist from the Kebuerte Valley, Chinese western Tianshan. It mainly consists of porphyroblastic garnet, phengite, quartz and chlorite with minor amounts of paragonite, albite, zoisite and chloritoid. The well preserved coesite inclusions (∼100 μm) in garnet are encircled by a narrow rim of quartz. They were identified by optical microscopy and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Using the computer program THERMOCALC, the peak metamorphic conditions of 29 kbar and 565 °C were obtained via garnet isopleth geothermobarometry. The predicted UHP peak mineral assemblage comprises garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + coesite + phengite. The metapelite records prograde quartz–eclogite-facies metamorphism, UHP coesite–eclogite-facies peak metamorphism, and a late greenschist-facies overprint. Phase equilibrium modeling predicts that garnet mainly grew in the mineral assemblages garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + chloritoid + glaucophane + quartz + phengite and garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + glaucophane + quartz + phengite. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the coesite-bearing metapelite yielded the peak metamorphic age 320.4 ± 3.7 Ma. For the first time, age data of coesite-bearing UHP metapelite from the Chinese western Tianshan are presented in this paper. They are in accord with published ages obtained from eclogite from other localities in the Chinese western Tianshan and the Kyrgyz South Tianshan and therefore prove a widespread occurrence of UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   
地下深部流体的来源与演化的研究已成为国际地球化学领域的探索前沿和研究热点之一,中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)为开展深部流体地球化学研究提供了珍贵的样品,构建了探索地下流体的研究平台。中给出了中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔He、Ar、N2、O2、H2、CH4、CO2流体地球化学剖面。CCSD主孔CH4浓度的变化与H2浓度的升降没有显相关性;CO2浓度的变化与钻井条件下的氧含量无显相关性;CO2浓度与CH4浓度的关系有三种情况:CO2浓度与CH4浓度不相关、CO2浓度与CH4浓度负相关、或CO2浓度与CH4浓度正相关;氦浓度的增加与CO2和CH4浓度的上升呈现一定的正相关。大气中N2、O2、Ar浓度太高,掩盖了井中N2、O2、Ar气体组分浓度变化,通常情况下N2、O2、Ar浓度变化难以作为深源气体的判据。CCSD流体与KTB流体中氧.氮关系基本一致,氧、氮线性相关(r=0.97),表明这两种气体主要来源于大气。KTB中的CH4与乙烷、N2表现出非常强的线性关系,而在CCSD流体中CH4与乙烷、N2之间不存在线性相关性。两个地区间的流体成因、围岩相互作用机理等方面可能有所不同。在CCSD主孔中,目前已发现存在大量的CO2,及少量CO、CH4、C2H6、C3H8、C4H10和He、N2等气体。已确定300~2000米主孔出现多处来自于地下的气体异常,包括甲烷和C2~C4等烃类气体,一氧化碳与二氧化碳,稀有气体氦。根据流体各组分间相关性研究,可以判定异常中氧主要来源于大气,N2、Ar和CO2有一部分源于大气,一部分来源于地下。在流体显异常时,甲烷等烃类气体、氦、一氧化碳和绝大部分CO2来源于地下。出现显地下流体异常处,在岩石中存在裂隙、晶洞、破裂面、断层;它们作为流体迁移通道或存储空间,可能是流体存在的必要条件。某些CO2和He气异常与碳酸盐和铀矿石等围岩密切相关。  相似文献   
In this paper, the sequential extraction procedure was used for the selection of fractions of lead in seven stages corresponding to lead exchangeable, lead bounded to carbonates, to manganese oxides, to organic matters, to amorphous iron, and lead associated to crystallized iron, and to residuals. The vertical distributions of lead species were carried out in the soils related to good agriculture progress (GAP) of Chinese medical materials of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort in Dujiangyan city and Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. Based on those researches, it is found that the plant of Glycine Max (L.) Merr. has the character of lead enrichment and sorption, which is not reported in the literature. Using Glycine Max (L.) Merr. alternate planting with Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort is a valuable recommended in order to produce a high quality Chinese medical materials in order to eliminate the barrier on the beyond the lead limit for the import and export of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.  相似文献   
The paper presents the evolution of the geographic environment imposed by sea-level changes in selected sites of the Aegean Sea region during the Upper Holocene. The changes are due, mainly, to paroxysmic phases of the actual neotectonic evolution and to differential—in time and space—block movements, and emerged or submerged coasts. The reconstitution of these coasts is presented and, in some cases, natural harbor morphology is revealed. The use and evolution of these sites is discussed. Other sites concern coastal or inland ancient settlements or constructions affected by submersion by the sea, by the rise of the groundwater table, or by uplift movements. A general discussion on engineering measures to be applied for protection of the antiquities affected by these geographic changes closes the presentation.  相似文献   
The ancient landslide has endured long-term slope evolution which results in its complicated material and special rock-soil properties. The risk of ancient landslide reactivation is substantially increasing due to the increase of intensified human engineering activities and the frequency of extreme weather events. Many ancient landslides have been reactivated all over the world and led to serious fatalities and severe damage to many important engineering facilities such as transportation and hydropower engineering projects. On the basis of the analysis of the research situation about the ancient landslides at home and abroad, the main research advances were summarized including the regional developing laws and recognizing of the ancient landslides, the mechanics properties of ancient landslide body and related sliding zone, reactivation mechanism of ancient landslides, reactivating process and modeling analysis of ancient landslides, early recognization of ancient landslide reactivation, etc. To meet the demands of disaster prevention and reduction, three key scientific issues were put forward to be solved: ①automaticaly establishing the methodology and identification criterions for recognition of ancient landslide; ②revealing the reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide based on a new strength theory; ③establishing the early rapid recognition method and predictive model for ancient landslide reactivation. Solving the above mentioned scientific theory and methodology will facilitate the planning and site selection of major projects as well as the disaster prevention and reduction in ancient landslide developing areas.  相似文献   
中国学者在数学地质学科发展中的成就与贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鹏大  夏庆霖 《地球科学》2009,34(2):225-231
在过去的四十年里, 中国学者在矿产资源定量预测与评价、非线性地质学等领域取得了大量研究成果, 如提出和发展了地质异常定量预测理论、“三联式”数字找矿理论、综合信息成矿预测方法、混沌边缘成矿理论、多重分形矿产预测理论与非线性信息提取和综合技术(如C-A模型和S-A模型、模糊证据权模型)等, 并在矿产勘查、环境和地质灾害预报中得到广泛应用.中国学者对数学地质学科的发展做出了重要贡献, 并在国际数学地球科学协会、重要学术期刊和学术会议上担任重要职务.中国数学地质学科已经形成了一些具有较大学术影响的优势领域和特色方向, 并成为当今国际数学地质研究中心之一.   相似文献   
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