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基于Casio fx-9860 G SD型计算器的特性,笔者利用VS2008开发出能够读取、处理维地道路系统生成的Excel直曲表,并能生成计算器能读取的线元串列数据库文件的软件。然后利用生成的串列文件在计算器中进行线路任意里程正反算。实现了公路平面设计参数的自动转换、输入。本文着重介绍软件开发、工程实例中遇到的问题和解决方法。通过多个工程实践证明,该系统可以很好地帮助测量技术人员快速、准确地进行横断面测量、线路中边桩放样、线路地形图等工作,提高了线路测量的效率和规范性。  相似文献   
数字化测绘的图形数据整理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于数据标准滞后和技术手段局限等原因,以往传统的CAD图形数据已经不能满足GIS入库的要求,因此数据整理已成为测绘工作者面临的一个重要课题。在分析图形数据的现状及其存在问题的基础上,对数据整理技术要求和方法提出了探讨,仅供同行们参考。  相似文献   
随着城市规划信息化建设的不断深入与完善,GIS已成为一种辅助规划管理必不可少的新技术,怎样实现GIS与广泛使用的CAD之间的集成,成为当前规划信息化建设工作中必须解决的一项课题。本文以宁波市规划管理信息系统为例,实现了CAD与GIS、MIS系统的集成应用,对图文进行一体化管理。  相似文献   
赵永兰  ;何耀帮 《东北测绘》2013,(2):148-149,151
简要介绍了如何基于CAD平台开发构面软件,实现3DSMAX快速建模,提出了一套完整的思路,总结了实现快速建模的技术路线,并用实例进行了验证,达到了预期的3维效果,为实现数字城市和数字乡镇的3维景观显示提供了切实可行的方法,起到了抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   
胡祝敏  刘星  艾鸿敏 《测绘工程》2014,(5):62-65,70
地籍测量中宗地数据以AutoCAD的图形文件格式(*.dwg)为主,其中宗地属性以闭合多段线的扩展数据(XData)存储。目前,宗地属性的录入一般以南方CASS软件的模式窗口逐条录入,当宗地数据量增加时,该过程显得过于繁琐,如果能从Excel直接批量导入,可以解决该问题。文中以乐山市马边县的房屋宅基地调查为例,借助Excel对宗地数据的预处理,利用C#对AutoCAD进行二次开发,最终实现自动添加宗地编码,批量导入宗地属性。实践表明,该方法的处理效率较高。  相似文献   
本文通过对AutoCAD技术的二次开发,实现了市政工程系列图图形的直观显示、编码管理、快速成图等功能。  相似文献   
介绍了防雷工程CAD辅助设计系统的总体构思、技术方法和功能特点,从而为地方台站提供参考.  相似文献   
基于荷载-结构法并采用面向对象的设计方法,介绍了盾构隧道衬砌计算机辅助设计(GeoFBA)软件编制的理论依据、软件的适用范围及特点。软件考虑了各种可能的线性和非线性模式以及规范验算方法,实现了计算的图形化输入,适用于管片通缝和错逢拼装计算。该软件已经得到了广泛的应用,为工程设计人员和科研人员提供了有力的工具,极大地提高了设计人员的生产效率。  相似文献   
For in excess of 100 years, photogrammetry has played a significant role in documenting the cultural heritage of nations and peoples. Many recent advances in the technique have enhanced the use of photogrammetry as a recording tool, enabling more complex representations of objects and moving access to the procedure from the expert to the interested user. Some of these recent developments include low cost digital photogrammetric systems, image sequence analysis, bundle adjustment and camera calibration procedures, and three dimensional laser scanning. An overview of some of these developments is given in this paper. The University of Melbourne, in conjunction with Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, has been working on a project to create a computer visualization of the ancient Thai city of Ayutthaya. This project has blended three dimensional CAD models of the architectural features of Ayutthaya with historical research and artistic rendering to build a realistic representation of this city as it may have existed in the past. The model of the city has been built up from historical “maps”, aerial photographs, field survey and the use of photogrammetry to derive models of individual wat, chedi, prang (see GLOSSARY) and statuary. The historical research conducted in Thailand has provided the basis for the determination of the most likely location and appearance of the missing structures. The CAD models created from the photogrammetry have been visualized by the addition of surface textures and materials and rendered in as realistic a manner as possible. The virtual city has also been augmented by the incorporation of live actors in the computer reconstruction. When completed, the end product will be capable of producing an experience of daily life in Ayutthaya, with the potential for giving the user a level of interaction. The reconstruction will also be used as the basis of a variety of educational products to be produced in Thailand on a number of different media, including a bilingual CD-ROM already developed to “proof-of-concept” stage.  相似文献   
截流是整个施工导流工程中最关键的工序之一,通过计算机仿真,模拟截流施工的进程,能够为决策机构提供及时、可靠的依据。为此,探讨了截流计算机辅助设计软件的开发技术,介绍了截流计算机辅助设计系统(JLCADS)的主要功能。  相似文献   
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