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冰川反照率时空变化特征研究对于评估冰川能量物质平衡及认识冰川消融过程至关重要。本文基于高空间分辨率的Landsat OLI影像和高时间分辨率的MOD10A1产品,并结合冰面反照率实测数据,开展了2011—2021年北疆萨吾尔山木斯岛冰川表面反照率的时空变化特征及其对冰川物质平衡影响的研究。结果表明:Landsat反演反照率和MOD10A1反照率与同期内冰面实测反照率的相关性分别为0.95和0.62,均显示木斯岛冰川表面反照率存在显著的时空变化特征;在空间尺度上,冰面反照率沿主流线整体随海拔升高呈增加趋势。但由于局部地形差异,反照率在海拔3 600 m以下区域随海拔升高出现下降趋势;在同一海拔处,反照率沿冰川两侧边缘向中部递增。2011—2021年,冰川年均反照率微弱增加,消融期内(5—8月)平均反照率与全年平均反照率的变化速率分别为0.0024 a-1和0.0017 a-1;逐月反照率具有显著的季节变化特征,6—8月冰面反照率较低(0.330),12月—次年2月冰面反照率较高(0.586);消融期内冰川消融区反照率下降幅度大于积累区。研究进一步表明,夏季(6—8月)平均反照率与冰川物质平衡存在显著的正相关(R=0.84,P<0.01),气温、固态降水、云量、太阳入射角、吸光性杂质等是影响冰川反照率变化的重要因素。该研究将对冰川消融过程和机理、能量物质平衡模拟等工作提供重要的基础支撑。  相似文献   
冰川运动造成了冰川物质的再分布,改变了冰体所处的水、热环境,维系了冰川的动态平衡.冰川表面速度是冰川运动的基本体征,通过对天山乌鲁木齐河源区1号冰川2006-2008年连续2 a的月观测,获得了冰川表面运动速度的时、空变化特征,并对其进行了动力学模拟验证.结果表明:冰川运动速度分布是冰川厚度、冰面坡度及冰川基岩形态等因素综合作用的结果,而厚度的改变是运动速度季节性变化的主要影响因素.  相似文献   
A one‐dimensional energy and mass balance snow model (SNTHERM) has been modified for use with supraglacial snowpacks and applied to a point on Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. It has been adapted to incorporate the underlying glacier ice and a site‐specific, empirically derived albedo routine. Model performance was tested against continuous measurements of snow depth and meltwater outflow from the base of the snowpack, and intermittent measurements of surface albedo and snowpack density profiles collected during the 1993 and 2000 melt seasons. Snow and ice ablation was simulated accurately. The timing of the daily pattern of meltwater outflow was well reproduced, although magnitudes were generally underestimated, possibly indicating preferential flow into the snowpack lysimeter. The model was used to assess the quantity of meltwater stored temporally within the unsaturated snowpack and meltwater percolation rates, which were found to be in agreement with dye tracer experiments undertaken on this glacier. As with other energy balance studies on alpine valley glaciers, the energy available for melt was dominated by net radiation (64%), with a sizable contribution from sensible heat flux (36%) and with a negligible latent heat flux overall, although there was more complex temporal variation on diurnal timescales. A basic sensitivity analysis indicated that melt rates were most sensitive to radiation, air temperature and snowpack density, indicating the need to accurately extrapolate/interpolate these variables when developing a spatially distributed framework for this model. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present work evaluates the applicability of operational land imager (OLI) and thermal infrared sensor (TIRS) on-board Landsat 8 satellite. We demonstrate an algorithm for automated mapping of glacier facies and supraglacial debris using data collected in blue, near infrared (NIR), short wave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) bands. The reflectance properties in visible and NIR regions of OLI for various glacier facies are in contrast with those in SWIR region. Based on the premise that different surface types (snow, ice and debris) of a glacier should show distinct thermal regimes, the ‘at-satellite brightness temperature’ obtained using TIRS was used as a base layer for developing the algorithm. This base layer was enhanced and modified using contrasting reflectance properties of OLI bands. In addition to facies and debris cover characterization, another interesting outcome of this algorithm was extraction of crevasses on the glacier surface which were distinctly visible in output and classified images. The validity of this algorithm was checked using field data along a transect of the glacier acquired during the satellite pass over the study area. With slight scene-dependent threshold adjustments, this work can be replicated for mapping glacier facies and supraglacial debris in any alpine valley glacier.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been constructed over snow-covered and glaciated areas from 11 air photos optimized during production using a semi-automatic contrast-adjusting method called dodging. Construction of the DEMs from the air photos was accomplished using IMAGINE OrthoMAX software. In general, the results of the DEM construction are promising. Analytical and visual comparisons of GPS field data and published maps with the constructed DEMs indicate a high degree of agreement, with an average difference better than 2.8 m for most of the area. Errors and spurious data cells appear to have been minimized throughout most of the DEMs. One height anomaly, an erroneous peak with a height of between c. 250 m and 1200 m above the actual elevation, persistently appeared in one of the DEMs, despite numerous attempts to address the issue. Enhancements during the air-photo scanning process, such as sharpening and applying a tone curve, have been found to have a beneficial effect in reducing such erroneous results.  相似文献   
Quaternary glaciations in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, Northeast Siberia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geomorphological mapping revealed five terminal moraines in the central Verkhoyansk Mountains. The youngest terminal moraine (I) was formed at least 50 ka ago according to new IRSL (infrared optically stimulated luminescence) dates. Older terminal moraines in the western foreland of the mountains are much more extensive in size. Although the smallest of these older moraines, moraine II, has not been dated, moraine III is 80 to 90 ka, moraine IV is 100 to 120 ka, and the outermost moraine V was deposited around 135 ka. This glaciation history is comparable to that of the Barents and Kara ice sheet and partly to that of the Polar Ural Mountains regarding the timing of the glaciations. However, no glaciation occurred during the global last glacial maximum (MIS 2). Based on cirque orientation and different glacier extent on the eastern and western flanks of the Verkhoyansk Mountains, local glaciations are mainly controlled by moisture transport from the west across the Eurasian continent. Thus glaciations in the Verkhoyansk Mountains not only express local climate changes but also are strongly influenced by the extent of the Eurasian ice sheets.  相似文献   
The seasonal and inter-annual variations of pH and EC(electrical conductivity) at Yu-long(玉龙) Snow Mountain,Lijiang(丽江) City,are sensitive to precipitation variations and are important indicators of the atmospheric environment.The pH of summer rainfall at Lijiang City ranges from 6.7 to 7.4,and alkaline mineral salts dominate the variations of rainfall acidity.pH values in theshallow firn profile at Baishui(白水) Glacier No.1 range from 5.6 to 6.3,and EC values from 2.4 to 7.3 μs/cm.The ranges are lower than ...  相似文献   
贡嘎山海螺沟冰川物质平衡、水交换特征及其对径流的影响   总被引:12,自引:17,他引:12  
在贡嗄山海螺沟冰川研究的基础上,提出计算该冰川物质平衡的两种方法,获得了较一致的结果,表明近10a来物质平衡平均为-470mm,与高亚洲边缘山脉的冰种同样处于强烈的衰退状态,该冰川有很高的物质平衡水平(2544mm)及水交换水平(3819mm),液相比例高(1/3),较小的稳定性系数(0.20),具有典型的季风海洋型冰川的水交换特征,由于冰川退缩冰川径流增加,预计2020年将达到临界状态,在气候持续暖变湿情况下,预测临界状态将延至2050年左右,冰川面积及储量将大幅度减少小。  相似文献   
东南极Lambert冰川流域路线考察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
任贾文 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):303-307
Lambert冰川是Amery冰架的补给源,为东南极冰盖最大的一支冰流。近几年对该冰流源区的路线考察表明,该地区累速度相当低,大部分观测点你于150kg/(m^2.a)。考察区域表面年平均温度为-45--30℃。表面2m雪层的平均密度在400kg/m^3左右变化,在1830-2700m海拔范围内的许多地点曾观测到深霜发育,表面运动速度基本上在20m/a以内。在低积累区,强烈的下降风和表面雪丘的发育  相似文献   
Turbulence measurements performed in a stable boundary layer over the sloping ice surface of the Vatnajökull in Iceland are described. The boundary layer, in which katabatic forces are stronger than the large-scale forces, has a structure that closely resembles that of a stable boundary layer overlying a flat land surface, although there are some important differences. In order to compare the two situations the set-up of the instruments on an ice cap in Iceland was reproduced on a flat grass surface at Cabauw, the Netherlands. Wind speed and temperature gradients were calculated and combined with flux measurements made with a sonic anemometer in order to obtain the local stability functions m and h as a function of the local stability parameter z/L. Unlike the situation at Cabauw, where m was linear as a function of z/L, in the katabatically forced boundary layer, the dependence of m on stability was found to be non-linear and related to the height of the wind maximum. Thermal stratification and the depth of the stable boundary layer however seem to be rather similar under these two different forcing conditions.Furthermore, measurements on the ice were used to construct the energy balance. These showed good agreement between observed melt and components contributing to the energy balance: net radiation (supplying 55% of the energy), sensible heat flux (30%) and latent heat flux (15%).Local sources and sinks in the turbulent kinetic energy budget are summed and indicate a reasonable balance in near-neutral conditions but not in more stable situations. The standard deviation of the velocity fluctuations u, v, and w, can be scaled satisfactorily with the local friction velocity u* and the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuation with the local temperature scale *.  相似文献   
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