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简单介绍了湖南元古宙论水铺群林家湾组正层型剖面和板溪群横路冲组正副层型剖面;对比了二组剖面的地层岩性和成岩时代及层位等特征;论证了沧水铺群林家湾组层位是合乎客观地质实际的;阐述了对湖南益阳沧水铺地区磨拉石一火山建造的划分对比讨论的重要意义。  相似文献   
青藏高原及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪地层中广泛分布的漂砾层、杂砾岩、含砾板岩等是一套特殊的冰海相沉积岩,称为冰海杂砾岩,前人已对它的成因环境做了初步的研究,但没有获得统一的结论。本次以青藏高原羌塘南部冈玛错地区冰海杂砾岩的砾石为研究对象,观察它们的野外特征和镜下特点,并对与冰海杂砾岩互层产出的石英砂岩做了粒度分析。结果表明,冰海杂砾岩是在冈瓦纳大陆冰川呈消融状的情况下,冰阀搬运沉积的产物。通过碎屑锆石和岩性对比,初步认为冰海杂砾岩的物源为冈瓦纳大陆,并简单论述了冰海杂砾岩各类砾石的可能来源。以上研究成果为探讨冈瓦纳大陆的沉积环境提供了依据。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to relate the lithology and fabric of four main groups of Newcastle Coal Measures rock types to their geotechnical properties and engineering behaviour. The four groups comprise: massive sandstone and conglomerate; claystones and tuffs; mudstone, shale and siltstone; and the coal itself. Although their geological relevance is primarily concerned with underground coal mining, these rocks are exposed at the surface across most of Newcastle and its suburbs, and are thus significant in terms of urban environmental geology. The key mining issues include longwall support design and panel layouts, caving and subsidence mechanisms, soft floors and stiff roofs, water inflows and pillar design. The urban geotechnical issues include landslides and rock falls, shallow abandoned mine workings, reactive and erodible soils, waste disposal and potential sources for geomaterials.  相似文献   
渤海B油田主要目的层为东营组,与上覆馆陶组底部相距50~80 m。馆陶组底部发育1套或多套高速高密砾岩,局限分布,致能量损失,使下伏储层的地震响应变弱,严重影响着储层真实范围的识别。为此,本文首先从地震波传播理论出发,分析砾岩致能量的反射与透射损失效应。其次基于正演模拟,分析砾岩致能量损失程度,相同的累积厚度,砾岩的层数越多,损失越大;据正演模拟结果及井震结合,描述3种地震相即单套砾岩、多套砾岩、无砾岩的平面展布形态,再结合地震属性定量分析储层能量损失程度的平面分布范围。然后提取不同地震相的能量补偿因子,提出基于相控的能量补偿法进行相应的振幅补偿,即单套砾岩造成的能量损失主要进行反射系数补偿,对多套砾岩造成的能量损失主要进行多次透射系数的补偿。最后定量消除上覆馆陶组砾岩对下伏东营组储层的能量屏蔽影响,刻画出储层的真实平面范围,并获得钻井成功,充分证明了本次研究的有效性,并实现精确预测潜力区域。  相似文献   
利用毛管压力曲线分形分维方法研究流动单元   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用取心井铸体薄片获得的图像资料和毛管压力曲线,通过图像分形几何学方法以分维数的形式定量地表征出了复杂的微观孔隙喉道结构特征,发现能够很好地划分和评价孔隙岩石中油、气、水的渗流差异,可以用于储层微观流动单元表征。文中阐述了岩石微观孔隙喉道结构分形的理论基础、计算方法和应用于表征流动单元的依据。建立了中国西部砾岩低渗透油藏微观孔隙喉道分维数与孔隙度、渗透率之间计算图版,据此在油藏中利用常规测井资料获得的孔隙度、渗透率参数计算微观孔隙喉道分维数,开展全油藏流动单元划分与评价,取得了良好的效果。研究结果表明,利用毛管压力曲线分形分维方法研究储层微观流动单元是一种很有效的途径。  相似文献   
剑门地貌见于四川盆地北部的剑阁县剑门关一带,是一种特定的砾岩地貌,以发育砾岩悬崖绝壁、砾岩关隘、砾岩峡谷、砾岩山峦、砾岩峰丛等为特征,规模宏大,气势如虹。龙门山山前广泛分布,景观独特,与广东丹霞地貌显著不同。  相似文献   
Middle Eocene conglomerates which overlie the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks contain clasts of metamorphic rock with isotope ages of 120-85 Ma, which fall within the age range reported from the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks. They were derived from the chlorite to oligoclase zones of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. Clasts of garnet amphibolite and oligoclase-biotite schist show a mineral assemblage similar to the highest grade Sanbagawa schists. However, the metamorphic temperatures estimated by various mineralogical thermometers show that some of the clasts were formed at higher temperatures than the in situ Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks. Such higher grade rocks were at the surface by the Middle Eocene and for the most part they have been eroded away. Cretaceous and post-Cretaceous sediments overlie, or are in fault contact with, the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks which suggests that rocks in the belt were uplifted and eroded from the latest Cretaceous to Middle Eocene time after strike-slip movement along the Median Tectonic Line. Since the Middle Eocene, the belt has experienced relatively slow uplift which was locally around 2 km in central Shikoku.  相似文献   
海南岛中元古代沉积记录对于探讨华南陆块早期大陆演化过程起关键作用。对海南三亚三郎岭地区奥陶系干沟村组砂岩-板岩组合中的变砾岩形成时代进行了重新厘定。碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年龄分析结果表明,65颗锆石207Pb/206U年龄范围为2691~1350 Ma,且分成2691~2444 Ma、1838~1632 Ma、1540~1350 Ma三组,形成约1699 Ma、约1440 Ma 2个主要峰值和约2461 Ma的1个次要峰值。基于最年轻锆石年龄为1350 Ma,且没有出现海南岛常见的1250~1100 Ma和1000~900 Ma年龄记录,将该套变质砾岩沉积时代限定在1350~1250 Ma,而并非前人划属的奥陶纪,这是海南岛首次发现中元古代的砾岩建造。该套变砾岩砾石成分成熟度高、结构成熟度中等,表现为裂谷盆地高密度的碎屑流沉积特征,是研究区Columbia超大陆裂解晚期的沉积响应。变质砾岩与劳伦大陆西部的Belt-Purcell超群下部沉积地层具有相似的碎屑锆石年龄组成和年龄谱特征,暗示中元古代哥伦比亚超大陆中,海南岛与劳伦西部靠近。  相似文献   
Flat pebble conglomerates were a common carbonate facies in Cambrian to Early Ordovician open marine settings, but they become extremely rare in these environments after this time. However, the Early Triassic witnessed an anachronistic reappearance of flat pebbles, together with other intraclast types, in a range of carbonate depositional settings. In south China, flat pebble conglomerates are encountered in storm-dominated, platform carbonates to deep basinal settings, while prefossilized bivalve intraclasts and flat pebbles are common in mid-ramp facies of northern Italy. The emplacement mechanisms of the intraclast-bearing beds appear to have been diverse and to have included basinal turbidity flows and storm-generated hyperconcentrated flows: true storm beds, deposited under combined flow conditions, are rare. The cause of the widespread early lithification implied by the Early Triassic intraclasts appears to have been twofold: suppression of bioturbation, allowing the preservation of thin beds, and rapid submarine lithification. Both features appear to be a response to the widespread development of benthic dysoxia/anoxia during and following the end-Permian mass extinction. This event appears to have temporarily recreated the conditions that pertained in Cambro-Ordovician shelf seas. Flat pebble conglomerates may, therefore, constitute a proxy indicator of stressed environmental conditions associated with global anoxic/dysoxic events.  相似文献   
The thick alluvial conglomerate sequences around the Tibetan Plateau have been notoriously difficult to date. Here we use the cosmogenic nuclide burial dating method to date the Yumen and Jiuquan formations, a ∼900 m thick fanglomerate found in the Hexi Corridor, the foredeep of the Qilian Shan, and exposed in the Laojunmiao anticline. We date 16 sites with simple burial dating and 2 sites with isochron burial dating, and use these dates to reinterpret the magnetostratigraphy of the section. We suggest that the bottom of the Yumen Formation, defined by a progressive unconformity, is around 5 My. Taking this timing as the initiation of anticline growth, the long-term crustal shortening rate at the ramp zone in western Qilian Shan is about 0.72 mm/yr, consistent with those obtained from middle and eastern Qilian Shan. The boundary between the Yumen and Jiuquan Formations is near ∼1.2 My. Three other angular unconformities are dated to ∼2.6–3.1, ∼2.2–2.5, and ∼1.2–1.7 My, respectively. Burial dating offers a robust chronology for these deposits, and when combined with paleomagnetic stratigraphy offers much tighter precision.  相似文献   
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