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This paper investigates the exchange of global mean angular momentum between an atmosphere and its underlying planet by a simple model. The model parameterizes four processes that are responsible for zonal mean momentum budget in the atmospheric boundary layer for a rotating planet: (i) meridional circulation that redistributes the relative angular momentum, (ii) horizontal diffusion that smoothes the prograde and retrograde winds, (iii) frictional drag that exchanges atmospheric angular momentum with the underlying planet, and (iv) internal redistribution of the zonal mean momentum by wave drag. It is shown that under a steady-state or a long-term average condition, the global relative angular momentum in the boundary layer vanishes unless there exists a preferred frictional drag for either the prograde or the retrograde zonal wind. We further show quantitatively that one cannot have either a predominant steady prograde or retrograde wind in the boundary layer of a planetary atmosphere. The parameter dependencies of the global relative angular momentum and the strength of the atmospheric circulation in the boundary layer are derived explicitly and used to explain the observational differences between the atmospheres of Earth and Venus.  相似文献   
We have constructed a new high resolution solar reference spectrum in the spectral range between 250 and 550 nm. The primary use of this spectrum is for the calibration of the Dutch – Finnish Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), but other applications are mentioned. The incentive for deriving a new high resolution solar reference spectrum is that available spectra do not meet our requirements on radiometric accuracy or spectral resolution. In this paper we explain the steps involved in constructing the new spectrum, based on available low and high resolution spectra and discuss the main sources of uncertainty. We compare the result with solar measurements obtained with the OMI as well as with other UV-VIS space-borne spectrometers with a similar spectral resolution. We obtain excellent agreement with the OMI measurements, which indicates that both the newly derived solar reference spectrum and our characterization of the OMI instrument are well understood. We also find good agreement with previously published low resolution spectra. The absolute intensity scale, wavelength calibration and representation of the strength of the Fraunhofer lines have been investigated and optimized to obtain the resulting high resolution solar reference spectrum.  相似文献   
We have recently digitized and partially reanalyzed the historic bolide infrasonic database. These 10 events were originally detected by the U.S. Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) from ∼1960 to 1974. In this paper we present the first preliminary reanalysis results for two of the 10 bolide events, namely the Revelstoke bolide of 3/31/1965 as well as the Prince Edward Islands (P.E.I). S. African bolide of 8/03/1963, which were among the largest bolides detected during this time period. These bolides have been investigated initially since they are most likely to have had a significant effect on the computed global influx rate of ReVelle (Global Infrasonic Monitoring of Large Bolides, pp 483–490, 2001) as indicated in Brown et al. (Nature, 420:314–316, 2002). We are in the process of recomputing all relevant infrasonic propagation quantities such as plane wave back azimuth, signal velocities, power spectra, spectrograms, as well as energy estimates using multiple techniques. In a future paper we will present a complete digital reanalysis of the AFTAC bolide infrasonic data and its final resulting global bolide influx implications.  相似文献   
Aster多光谱遥感异常提取在新疆天湖铁矿中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ASTER遥感数据因波段范围宽、波段多,在蚀变异常提取与矿产勘探中有较好的应用前景.据金属矿床常见蚀变矿物光谱特征与ASTER数据波段设置特点,提出硅酸盐铁、Fe~(2+)、白云石等提取的光谱指数.在此基础上研究该数据大气校正、干扰剔除等数据处理技术方法,提出了异常提取技术流程与步骤,在新疆东天山天湖铁矿区进行了试验研究,将矿物提取结果与地质图对比分析,表明提取结果与数据处理技术流程较可靠.  相似文献   
High-accuracy large-eddy simulations of neutral atmospheric surface-layer flow over a gapped plant canopy strip have been performed. Subgrid-scale (SGS) motions are parameterized by the Sagaut mixed length SGS model, with a modification to compute the SGS characteristic length self-adaptively. Shaw’s plant canopy model, taking the vertical variation of leaf area density into account, is applied to study the response of the atmospheric surface layer to the gapped dense forest strip. Differences in the region far away from the gap and in the middle of the gap are investigated, according to the instantaneous velocity magnitude, the zero-plane displacement, the potential temperature and the streamlines. The large-scale vortex structure, in the form of a roll vortex, is revealed in the region far away from the gap. The nonuniform spatial distribution of plants appears to cause the formation of the coherent structure. The roll vortex starts in the wake of the canopy, and results in strong fluctuations throughout the entire canopy region. Wind sweeps and ejections in the plant canopy are also attributed to the large vortex structure.  相似文献   
根据2003年1月份珠江口实测资料获得了适合该海域的相关参数,建立了适用于该海域的二类水体水色三要素优化反演模型,同步优化反演得到了与2003年1月25~26日实测站点相对应的2003年1月29日的SeaWiFs图像像元点的水色三要素,反演与实测水色三要素的平均相对误差分别为:叶绿素14.9%,悬浮泥沙12.1%,黄色物质13.6%。研究结果说明本研究建立的优化反演模型比较适用于珠江口二类水体水色三要素的反演,且具有较高的反演精度。  相似文献   
Streamers were injected into a large population of small droplets, of radii about 20 m, confined to a given region of pre-determined shape on a photographic film, and situated in a gap between which a variable electric field can be applied. Results showed that the droplet region behaves like a dipole discharging from both ends if its inclination to the electric field is less than 45° and the field is not less than –230 kV/m at atmospheric pressure.We deduced that streamer intensification will occur at relatively low fields if there exists pockets of large number density of small droplets.  相似文献   
2018年3月27—28日,内蒙古中东部、中国东北地区、华北等地出现一次大范围沙尘天气.28日凌晨,沙尘进入北京,受此影响北京出现了严重的污染天气.本文利用中国气象局地面常规观测资料、气溶胶激光雷达、风廓线雷达资料、生态环境部大气成分等资料分析了北京沙尘天气前后边界层特征、沙尘来源以及沙尘天气前后大气污染特征.结果表明...  相似文献   
基于气象站资料的中国地区太阳日辐射量算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行计算水平面太阳日辐射主要有两种方式:一种是利用影响辐射的相关要素建立模型,另一种是依据实测资料进行空间插值.但后一种方法若要保证精度则需有足够多的样本.针对上述问题,利用我国不同区域67个站点的数据,在VP-RAD模型的基础上,建立了一个适用于中国地区的逐日太阳辐射算法CNR,该算法仅需要输入站点基本信息、最高最低温度和降水量.模拟结果与实际观测结果比较吻合.  相似文献   
The flybys of Jupiter by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979, and over two decades later by Cassini in 2000, have provided us with unique datasets from two different epochs, allowing the investigation of seasonal change in the atmosphere. In this paper we model zonal averages of thermal infrared spectra from the two instruments, Voyager 1 IRIS and Cassini CIRS, to retrieve the vertical and meridional profiles of temperature, and the abundances of the two minor hydrocarbons, acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6). The spatial variation of these gases is controlled by both chemistry and dynamics, and therefore their observed distribution gives us an insight into both processes. We find that the two gases paint quite different pictures of seasonal change. Whilst the 2-D cross-section of C2H6 abundance is slightly increased and more symmetric in 2000 (northern summer solstice) compared to 1979 (northern fall equinox), the major trend of equator to pole increase remains. For C2H2 on the other hand, the Voyager epoch exhibits almost no latitudinal variation, whilst the Cassini era shows a marked decrease polewards in both hemispheres. At the present time, these experimental findings are in advance of interpretation, as there are no published models of 2-D Jovian seasonal chemical variation available for comparison.  相似文献   
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