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大气环境层结对闪电活动影响的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑栋  张义军  马明  孟青  吕伟涛 《气象学报》2007,65(4):622-632
利用一个二维面对称雷暴云起电、放电模式,选取了北京地区3次雷暴过程的环境层结,计算并讨论了不同层结条件下雷暴中动力、微物理过程及其对起电、放电活动的影响.结果表明,上升速度和水汽条件是影响雷暴动力、微物理过程和闪电活动的最重要因子.上升速度的大小决定了雷暴发展到成熟的时间和雷暴的强弱,较强的上升气流有利于雷暴云在较短时间内达到较大的高度.而持续的上升气流和充足的水汽有利于雷暴的成熟期延长从而增强闪电活动.较强的上升速度和充足的水汽可以产生更多的对闪电起电、放电有直接影响的冰相物并能使其持续生成,从而形成较大的电荷浓度.较强的上升速度和不利的水汽条件也可以在某时形成较大的冰相物浓度,但冰相物难以持续生成.而较弱的上升速度和充足的水汽则容易形成暖云过程,对冰相物的生成也有不利影响.上升速度和水汽相互影响,又共同受到环境层结的支配.大气低层潮湿、中层湿度适中,较大的不稳定能量和一定量的对流抑制能量将有利于强闪电活动的发生.表现在大气不稳定参数的取值上,对流性稳定度指数的值小于-10℃(负值表示不稳定),对流有效位能值在1000 J/kg以上,对流抑制能量大于40 J/kg,700 hPa相当位温在340 K以上,700-400 hPa中层平均湿度在35%-85%,有利于强闪电活动的发生.  相似文献   
The atmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) with a low-level jet is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. The turbulence structure and flow characteristics are investigated by simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations and by flow visualization. Attention is focused on the effect of strong wind shear due to a low-level jet on stratified boundary layers with strong stability. Occasional bursting of turbulence in the lower portion of the boundary layer can be found in the SBL with strong stability. This bursting originates aloft away from the surface and transports fluid with relatively low velocity and temperature upward and fluid with relatively high velocity and temperature downward. Furthermore, the relationship between the occurrence of turbulence bursting and the local gradient Richardson number (Ri) is investigated. The Ri becomes larger than the critical Ri, Ricr = 0.25, in quiescent periods. On the other hand, the Ri number becomes smaller than Ricr during bursting events.  相似文献   
从描述南、北半球间大气经向质量传输的角度人手,考察IPCC第4次评估报告提供的8个AMIP大气环流模式对越赤道质量通量输送的模拟性能。结果表明:NCAR、MPI和UKMO模式模拟出的越赤道整层大气质量通量与观测大体相一致;MIROC3模拟的整层大气质量通量年循环与观测结果相去甚远,尤其在夏季模拟出较强的虚假向北大气质量输送;IAP模拟的整层大气质量通量年循环方向与观测结果在7个月份中相反;把垂直大气分为4层.各模式对700 hPa以下(I_1)和300-70 hPa(I_3)两层质量通量的模拟能力普遍较好;对700-300 hPa层(I_2)质量通量模拟结果偏差较大;除MIROC3外,其余模式基本能够模拟出70-10 hPa(I_4)大气质量通量的季节变化.显然,不仅南、北半球间大气存在质量交换,越过其他纬度同样存在着经向大气质量输送,无论冬季、夏季还是年平均,各模式对越过其他纬度(60°S-60°N)经向大气质量输送的模拟结果与观测差异明显。整体权衡,UKMO_HADGEMl在模拟越赤道大气质量通量方面表现突出,MPI_ECHAM5模式优势较明显;NCAR、GISS和GFDL 3个模式在某些压力层内具有较好的模拟水平;MIROC模式对整层、700-300 hPa层的模拟能力较低,而对700 hPa以下层和300-70 hPa层的模拟水平较高;IAP_FGOALS和CNRM模式在模拟越赤道大气质量通量方面存在一定的不足.  相似文献   
极地海冰异常对我国夏季大气环流和降水影响的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用全球大气环流谱模式分别进行了南极和北极海冰面积异常偏大和偏小的数值试验,对6-8月的结果进行了对比分析,讨论了极地海冰异常对我国夏季大气环流和降水的可能影响。结果表明,南极或北极海冰面积异常偏大,则我国夏季风变弱,特别蝇使得南亚高压、西北太平洋副热带高压等减弱。南极海冰面积偏大使得我国黄河-长江-带地区降水减少,北极海冰面积偏大,造成我国东部地区的降水量有所减少,模拟结果与统计分析相一致。可同  相似文献   
The effects of the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical western Pacific on the atmospheric circulation anomalies over East Asia are simulated by the IAP-GCM with an observed and idealized distributions of the SST anomalies in the tropical western Pacific,respectively.Firstly,the atmospheric circulation anomalies during July and August,1980 are simulated by three anomalous experiments including the global SST anomaly experiment,the tropical SST anomaly experiment and the extratropical SST anomaly experiment,using the observed SST anomalies in 1980.It is shown that the SST anomalies in the tropical ocean greatly influence the formation and maintenance of the blocking high over the northeastern Asia,and may play a more important role than the SST anomalies in the extratropical ocean in the influence on the atmospheric circulation anomalies.Secondly,the effects of the SST anomalies in the tropical western Pacific on the atmospheric circulation anomalies over East Asia are also simulated w  相似文献   
1981和1982年夏半年高原地区低频振荡与南亚高压活动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1981和1982年5—9月欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)的100hPa高度场客观分析资料,分析了四川盆地典型的“西涝东旱”年(1981年)、“西旱东涝”年(1982年)5—9月青藏高原地区大气低频振荡特征及其与南亚高压活动的关系。结果表明:青藏高原地区大气低频振荡是显著的,南亚高压活动与此密切相关;1981和1982年南亚高压活动的低频振荡特征具有明显差异,东西方向基本上呈反位相变化;这些事实对于认识四川盆地夏季旱涝异常有一定意义  相似文献   
为了全面分析浙江省不同区域能见度变化基本特征及影响机理,基于杭州、宁波、温州3个国家基本气象站2013-2014年逐时能见度观测资料,比较分析了3市能见度变化的基本特征。发现3市不同等级能见度出现频率基本一致,随着能见度等级的提高,出现频率逐渐降低;从能见度的日变化来看,07时(北京时)前后最低,之后缓慢上升,14-15时达到最高,随后逐渐下降;全年有两个能见度较低时段,分别出现在12月-次年2月和5-6月;总体而言,宁波能见度最优,杭州和温州大体相当。功率谱分析结果表明,3市能见度均有显著的日周期,高频波段呈现出多个显著谱峰,低频波段存在若干显著谱峰。进一步开展机理分析,发现相对湿度和PM2.5浓度是调制大气能见度的关键因子,相对湿度增大、PM2.5浓度升高导致能见度降低。在同一相对湿度等级下,初始阶段能见度随PM2.5浓度的升高迅速降低,到达“拐点”之后降低速率趋于缓慢。在同一PM2.5浓度水平下,相对湿度越大,能见度越低,说明水汽对能见度也有重要影响。基于相对湿度和PM2.5浓度两个因子,采用非线性拟合方案构建了大气能见度定量统计模型,总体而言模型拟合效果较好。最后针对研究中存在的不足和未来值得进一步发掘的科学问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Atmospheric deposition can provide a significant fraction of the nitrogen loading to coastal waters. The Delmarva Peninsula, on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, is a region with intense poultry production that may supply a significant source of atmospheric ammonia (NH3). There is a need to quantify ammonia NH3 from representative growing methods in this region in order to more accurately estimate agricultural NH3 emissions and to develop best management practices. In this study, NH3 emissions were determined at an 18,600-bird tunnel-ventilated chicken house using a modified sampling grid (a planar arrangement normal to the length of the house) with Ogawa passive samplers to characterize the emission plume downwind from the house. This improvement in the sampling strategy, compared to a previous study, simplified the inverse Gaussian plume analysis which improved the confidence in the emission factors. In this study, a total of four separate plume characterizations were conducted over the final 3 weeks of the 6-week broiler grow-out cycle. The mean emission factor observed at the tunnel-ventilated house, 0.13 g NH3–N/bird-day, was an order of magnitude lower than that previously observed at a nearby side-wall ventilated house. Although not all growing variables were measured, the large difference in emission factors between the two ventilation regimes suggest that modern, tunnel-ventilated houses may result in a significant decrease in NH3 emissions compared with traditional growing methods. This variability in emission factors underscores the need for characterizing chicken houses under various conditions and determining the factors that control these atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   
大气中尺度涡旋的三维螺旋结构理论   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
文中应用描写大气运动的方程组求得了中尺度涡旋的三维定常流场以及相应的压力场和温度场 ,其中的三维流场构成了物理空间的一个非线性自治动力系统。理论分析和计算表明 :若中尺度涡旋的下层流体呈气旋 (反气旋 ) ,且伴有水平辐合 (散 )的螺旋转动 ,则通过上升(下沉 )运动 ,其上层流体呈反气旋 (气旋 )且伴有水平辐散 (合 )的螺旋转动 ,从而形成中尺度涡旋的三维螺旋结构。这些都与实际大气中的中尺度涡旋结构相似。它充分说明 :在旋转有粘性的大气中 ,为了保证质量守恒 ,必须有这种螺旋结构。  相似文献   
魏强  胡永云 《大气科学》2018,42(4):890-901
我国计划在2030年发射木星探测飞船,相关工程技术、科学目标论证的前期准备工作已经开始。为了更好地规划我国木星探测的科学目标,我们在本文系统地总结了美欧在过去几十年所进行的历次木星探测项目及其大气探测成果。到目前为止,已成功发射的有关木星的探测飞船共有9次,其中7次为飞越探测(飞船在飞越木星时顺带进行了木星的探测),另外2次为专门探测(专门为了探测木星而发射的飞船),分别为伽利略号和朱诺号飞船。这些飞船携带了大量的探测仪器,对木星大气的动力、物理和化学性质,磁层、电离层和内部结构等进行了综合探测。我们在本文中将主要集中在木星大气探测方面,对7次飞越探测做简要的介绍,对两次专门的探测进行详细介绍,并对一部分尚未解决的科学问题进行简单讨论。  相似文献   
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