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Stromboli Volcano in Italy is a persistently active, complex volcanic system. In May 2002 activity was confined to 3 major summit craters within which several active vents hosted multiple explosions each hour. During a 5-day field campaign an array of 3 low-frequency microphones was installed to investigate the coherent infrasound produced by degassing from these vents. Consistent phase lags across the 3 stations indicate distinct sources that are subsequently investigated to determine the associated vent location, apparent depth, and origin time. The cross-correlation routine allows for variations in comparison window length, waveform filtering bandwidth, and correlation and consistency thresholds, allowing for improved detection of certain types of degassing sources. Identification of activity at the various vents could be subsequently corroborated with 3 channels of synchronously acquired thermal data and video. During the May 2002 experiment persistent, energetic infrasound was observed from a passive degassing source within the Central Crater (CC) and transient infrasound, produced by discrete Strombolian explosions, was identified at 4 additional vents. The continuous infrasound produced by the CC exhibits variable frequency-dependent correlation lag times that are interpreted as a diffraction effect due to the acoustic radiators recessed location within a steep-walled crater. Such dispersion has important implications for accurate eruption source modeling because it indicates that infrasonic waveforms may be significantly filtered during propagation. Transient explosion signals from the Northeast Crater (NEC) and Southwest Crater (SWC) vents also exhibit dynamic correlation lag times, but this scatter may be more reasonably attributed to variable epicentral locations. Explosions from the NEC west vent, for instance, appear to emanate from a diffuse zone with a lateral extent in excess of 10 m.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   
漳州地震台阵背景噪声的特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑重  郝春月  黄昭  张爽 《中国地震》2016,32(3):454-464
对2007年10~12月在福建省漳州地区进行的勘址观测数据进行了分析,采用了均方根、功率谱、相干函数等方法对漳州地区的地震背景噪声水平进行了研究。研究结果表明,漳州台阵内环半径参考值为510m,外环半径参考值为1700m。滨临海边的台阵勘址测点噪声水平偏高,并在1.5、5.0Hz处发现明显噪声源。1.5Hz噪声源主要来自水库地区的大风引起的水波,5.0Hz噪声源来自台阵场地东北方向的发电厂。  相似文献   
The data recorded during the site survey in the Zhangzhou area in Fujian Province between October 23, 2007 and December 3, 2007 was analyzed. The main methods adopted for the noise level of this area are the noise root mean square (RMS), noise power spectrum density and noise coherency function. The results indicate that the noise levels of the survey sites are higher in the 1s-10s periods, which is the main frequency band of preliminary microseism, and also, two main noise sources were found in 1.5Hz and around 5Hz. According to arithmetic, the direction and frequency band of the noise source were analyzed and academic proofs were presented. At last, we found that the noise source in 1.5Hz was made by the water wave aroused by the wind in the reservoir region and the noise source around 5Hz was made by the power station in the northeast direction.  相似文献   
高金定  蒋奇云  裴婧 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3819-3826
针对广域电磁法(WFEM)接收机各频组数字信号快速傅里叶变换(FFT)点数不统一、低频组点数大不适合现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实时实现的技术难题,本文采用插值和抽取相结合的抽样率转换方法,提出了满足广域电磁法接收机要求的等长度FFT变换技术,将各频组FFT变换点数统一变换到1024点,并以广域电磁法接收机实际采集到的电场信号进行了测试,最终在EP2C35F484C8 FPGA芯片上实现了1024点FFT变换,最高响应频率达到了93.84 MHz,完成1024点广域电磁信号FFT运算最快只需34 μs,并且能够有效提取广域电磁信号的振幅和相位信息.结果表明:在对广域电磁法接收机信号进行FIR低通滤波后,能够通过插值和抽取相结合的方法,将各个频组FFT变换的长度统一变换成1024点,实现广域电磁信号的FFT实时变换.本文提出的等长度FFT变换技术能够满足新一代高性能广域电磁法接收机FFT实时变换的需求.  相似文献   
根据游标法事件计时器的设计原理,给出基于现场可编门阵列(FPGA)的设计方案,并对实现游标法事件计时器的技术难点进行相关分析。  相似文献   
Radio frequency interference (RFI) has plagued radio astronomy from its inception. The Workshop on the Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio Astronomy (RFI2004) was held in Penticton, BC, Canada in July 2004 in order to consider the prognosis for the RFI problem, in particular as it impacts the planned Square Kilometre Array (SKA). This paper concludes that RFI is unlikely to be a “showstopper” in achieving SKA science goals, but that improved RFI mitigation technology may nevertheless be essential in order to take advantage of the vastly improved sensitivity, bandwidth, and field of view. Reported results provide some optimism that the desired improvements in RFI mitigation technology are possible, but indicate that much more work is required.  相似文献   
随着风云气象卫星事业的飞速发展,卫星观测通道数量不断增加、时间和空间分辨率不断提高,原始数据码速率已经由每秒几十兆比特上升为几百兆比特,不久将达到千兆以上.卫星的主要任务是获取遥感数据,从某种角度而言,卫星的价值等价于遥感数据的质量和大小.原始数据通过无线电载波传输至地面站,从载波中准确无误地解调出原始数据,是风云卫星...  相似文献   
This study aims at assessing the relative impacts of four major components of the tropical Pacific Ocean observing system on assimilation of temperature and salinity fields. Observations were collected over a period between January 2001 through June 2003 including temperature data from the expendable bathythermographs (XBT), thermistor data from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TOGA-TAO) mooring array, sea level anomalies from the Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimetry (T/P-J), and temperature and salinity profiles from the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO) floats. An efficient three-dimensional variational analysis-based method was introduced to assimilate the above data into the tropical-Pacific circulation model. To evaluate the impact of the individual component of the observing system, four observation system experiments were carried out. The experiment that assimilated all four components of the observing system was taken as the reference. The other three experiments were implemented by withholding one of the four components. Results show that the spatial distribution of the data influences its relative contribution. XBT observations produce the most distinguished effects on temperature analyses in the off-equatorial region due to the large amount of measurements and high quality. Similarly, the impact of TAO is dominant in the equatorial region due to the focus of the spatial distribution. The Topex/Poseidon-Jason-1 can be highly complementary where the XBT and TAO observations are sparse. The contribution of XBT or TAO on the assimilated salinity is made by the model dynamics because no salinity observations from them are assimilated. Therefore, T/P-J, as a main source for providing salinity data, has been shown to have greater impacts than either XBT or TAO on the salinity analysis. Although ARGO includes the subsurface observations, the relatively smaller number of observation makes it have the smallest contribution to the assimilation syst  相似文献   
The Telescope Array experiment studies ultra high energy cosmic rays using a hybrid detector. Fluorescence telescopes measure the longitudinal development of the extensive air shower generated when a primary cosmic ray particle interacts with the atmosphere. Meanwhile, scintillator detectors measure the lateral distribution of secondary shower particles that hit the ground. The Middle Drum (MD) fluorescence telescope station consists of 14 telescopes from the High Resolution Fly’s Eye (HiRes) experiment, providing a direct link back to the HiRes measurements. Using the scintillator detector data in conjunction with the telescope data improves the geometrical reconstruction of the showers significantly, and hence, provides a more accurate reconstruction of the energy of the primary particle. The Middle Drum hybrid spectrum is presented and compared to that measured by the Middle Drum station in monocular mode. Further, the hybrid data establishes a link between the Middle Drum data and the surface array. A comparison between the Middle Drum hybrid energy spectrum and scintillator Surface Detector (SD) spectrum is also shown.  相似文献   
I investigate the problem of high dynamic range continuum synthesis imaging in the presence of confusing sources, using scaling arguments and simulations. I derive a quantified cost equation for the computer hardware needed to support such observations for the EVLA and the SKA. This cost has two main components – from the data volume, scaling as D−6 (where D is the antenna diameter), and from the non-coplanar baselines effect, scaling as D−2, for a total scaling of D−8. A factor of two in antenna diameter thus corresponds to 12 years of Moore’s law (18 month doubling time) cost reduction in computing hardware. For a SKA built with 12.5 m antennas observing with 1 arcsecond at 1.4 GHz, I find the computing load to be about 150 Petaflops (costing about $500 million in 2015). For 25 m antennas, the load is about 256 times lower, costing $2 million in 2015. This new cost equation differs from that of Perley and Clark (2003), which has scaling as D−6. This is because I find that the excellent Fourier plane coverage of the small antenna design does not significantly change the convergence rate of the Clean algorithm, which is already satisfactory in this regime.The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by Associated Universities, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
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