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对一株具有细胞毒活性的南极青霉属真菌Penicillium sp.S-1-16进行发酵条件的初步优化。通过对基础发酵培养基、发酵温度及培养基配制用水的筛选,以次级代谢产物量为主要指标,同时参考生物量及细胞毒活性指标来进行初步优化,获得一个较优的摇瓶发酵条件:酵母提取粉0.3%,蛋白胨0.5%,麦芽糖0.3%,葡萄糖1%,蔗糖5%,自来水,初始p H=7.0,接种量15%,18℃,180 r·min-1发酵15 d。采用初步优化后的条件进行发酵,与初始发酵条件相比,其次级代谢产物量提高到568.75%,对A549肿瘤细胞的抑制作用增强至265%,并且对He La肿瘤细胞和SGC-7901肿瘤细胞的抑制率分别从0提高到48.19%和69.18%,效果显著,为获得菌株中活性次级代谢产物奠定了基础。  相似文献   
对硫磷对扁藻和杜氏藻膜脂的过氧化与脱酯化伤害   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于1994-1995年,运用急性急性实验及生化方法对扁藻和杜氏藻的对硫磷毒性效应进行研究。结果表明,对硫磷对扁藻生长的抑制作用明显强于杜氏藻,在对硫磷的胁迫下,两种微藻细胞的超氧阴离子自由基相对含量上升,膜透性增大,微粒体膜脂过氧化水平提高。同时,扁藻微粒体膜的磷脂减少,游离脂肪酸含量增加。  相似文献   
王楠  李超伦 《海洋与湖沼》2012,43(3):480-485
海月水母在全球范围内大量暴发,严重危害海洋生态系统的健康以及鱼类资源的可持续利用。本文以卤虫无节幼体为饵料,初步研究了水母伞径和饵料密度对海月水母个体捕食率的影响以及海月水母的昼夜捕食节律。研究结果表明,海月水母的伞径对其捕食率的影响极显著(P<0.01),在1—8cm范围内,随着伞径的增加个体捕食率线性增加,两者之间的关系式为y=0.044x+0.125(R2=0.9036)。饵料密度对海月水母捕食率的影响显著(P<0.05),在0.25—26.11mgC/L范围内,随饵料密度的增加个体捕食率呈线性增加趋势,关系式为y=0.508x(R2=0.958)。在饵料充足时,海月水母没有昼夜捕食节律。在高饵料密度下海月水母出现过剩捕食,但是捕食行为依然活跃。上述结果既为量化评估海月水母对浮游动物群体的捕食压力提供了基础参数,同时水母过剩捕食行为说明依据生物量和代谢率的推算结果可能低估自然海域水母队浮游动物的捕食压力。  相似文献   
采用Tessier五步连续提取法和红外光谱技术,研究类芽孢杆菌对铜陵新桥矿区重金属污染土壤中Cu化学形态的影响,初步探讨了Cu形态变化的机理。结果表明,不同投入量的类芽孢杆菌接种到土壤培养一周后,土壤溶液pH值降低,土壤中可交换态、有机结合态Cu含量增加,碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态Cu的含量降低。土壤中可交换态、铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态Cu含量的变化主要受土壤溶液的pH值控制;有机结合态升高主要与类芽孢杆菌菌数及其代谢产生的低分子量有机酸有关。类芽孢杆菌可以改变矿区土壤中Cu的化学形态,影响Cu的生物有效性。  相似文献   
To determine the existence of p-nitrophenol (PNP)-lowering bacteria in intestine of Japanese coastal fish, the gastro-intestinal contents were incubated in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth and minimal medium (MM) broths containing 1 mmol/L PNP at 30 °C for 7 days. Among 26 samples of 19 fish species, 17 samples showed a decrease in PNP of 0.5-0.8 mmol/L in BHI broth, but no decrease was shown in MM broth. Eighteen PNP-lowering bacterial strains were isolated from four fishes. All of the strains were identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Three L. lactis strains JS1-3 isolated from Japanese seabass Lateolabrax japonicus showed the highest PNP-lowering activity (0.44 mmol/L). Optimum temperature and pH for the growth and PNP decreasing corresponded with the marine environment. These results suggested that marine fishes have PNP decreasing bacteria in their intestine. These bacteria might protect host fish from toxicities of PNP and PNP related compounds.  相似文献   
The campterophlebiid new genus and species Ctenogampsophlebia reni is described from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. It shows close similarities with the Lower to Middle Jurassic genera Gampsophlebia, and Petrophlebia, with closed and short subdiscoidal cells, confirming the attribution of these two other genera to the Campterophlebiidae.  相似文献   
通过对鸟蛤(Cardium sp.)的生物学研究,进行了苗种培育、稚贝中间培育、养成、增殖技术的综合系统研究,探明了鸟蛤的生态分布、食性、繁殖习性、生长发育、埋栖及移动生态等生物学特性,报道了鸟蛤人工苗种培育及增养殖技术措施,系统地提出了鸟蛤苗种控温培育及增养殖技术工艺流程与操作规范。  相似文献   
In 1994 a major biotoxin event occurred along the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Gymnodimine, a unique bioactive spiroimine, was isolated and characterised from Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Tiostrea chilensis = Ostrea chilensis) collected during this outbreak. This study reports the results of liquid chromatographic‐mass spectrometric analysis for gymnodimine in 217 samples from eight species of shellfish over the years 1993–99. Of these samples 155, covering six species of shellfish, contained detectable gymnodimine with a range in concentration from 14.8 to 23 400 μg/kg. Gymnodimine‐containing shellfish occurred at 37 of the 63 sites sampled from around New Zealand. This study demonstrates that accumulation of gymnodimine is not limited to T. chilensis and can occur in other shellfish species over much of New Zealand. Gymnodimine is a possible cause of the numerous historical biotoxin screen‐positive results.  相似文献   
王蕾  杨涛  孙革 《世界地质》2014,33(4):735-745
笔者首次发现了内蒙古霍林河煤田霍林河组(K1h)茨康类拟刺葵属拟刺葵亚属的一个新种—内蒙古拟刺葵(Phoenicopsis(Phoenicopsis)neimengensis sp.nov.)。该新种以表皮构造下气孔式,上表皮细胞未见乳突,下表皮普通表皮细胞发育中央乳突,气孔器副卫细胞多发育乳突,孔缝不定向等特征区别于拟刺葵属已知种。新种的研究对于了解拟刺葵属(Phoenicopsis)的分类,以及恢复古地理、古气候有重要作用。  相似文献   
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