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Himawari 8 AHI数据地表温度反演的实用劈窗算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表温度是水文、气象、气候和环境等研究领域中的关键参数,利用热红外遥感可快速获取区域和全球高精度的地表温度数据。Himawari 8号是日本发射的新一代地球静止轨道气象卫星,星上搭载AHI(Advanced Himawari Imager)成像仪,具有更高的时空分辨率。利用AHI第14(11.2μm)和15(12.35μm)通道星上亮温数据,提出反演地表温度的实用劈窗算法,其中输入的发射率数据利用ASTER GED(Global Emissivity Dataset)v4计算得到。劈窗算法的系数由观测角度和大气水汽含量分区决定,其中大气水汽含量由两个劈窗通道直接估算得到。利用黑河流域生态—水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验(Hi WATER)4个站点的实测数据和中国7个湖泊中心点的MODIS地表温度产品对反演结果进行验证,结果表明,算法的均方根误差(RMSE)在3 K以内,达到目前常用遥感地表温度产品的精度。同时与利用MOD11C3 C6产品估算的发射率和温度反演结果进行对比分析,发现ASTER GED反演的结果具有更高的精度,适合用来生产高精度的地表温度产品。  相似文献   
田明璐  常庆瑞  冯冰凛 《测绘科学》2012,37(2):86-87,102
由于雷达干涉采集误差导致SRTM数据出现高程空值,为了保证数据完整性,需要对其进行空值修补。本文总结了国内外对SRTM数据空值的填补方法,提出了一种在内插的基础上利用ASTER数据进行数据融合的空值填补方法。该方法首先对ASTER数据进行预处理,以消除两者之间的高程差异,然后利用处理后的90m间隔ASTER数据对SRTM数据进行融合,从而实现了SRTM数据的空值填补。实例验证了该方法是一种获取完整地形数据的有效途径。  相似文献   
青海湖是我国最大的内陆咸水湖,是世界著名的湿地,但随着周围地区荒沙漠化环境的恶化,其土地荒漠化也不断加剧。本文对青海湖地区土地荒漠化的自然特征和社会经济特征进行了分析,明确了荒漠化的环境背景。在此基础上,结合青海湖地区荒漠化土地普查与监察工作的范围和内容,采用ASTER卫星影像图对湖区周围地区进行解译,并利用解译数据对荒漠化土地进行等级划分,分析土地荒漠化的空间分布格局,对荒漠化作出综合评价。  相似文献   
亮温与地表温度表征的城市热岛尺度效应对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ASTER数据反演亮温和地表温度,并对二者差异进行对比;利用地统计学界定采样的最大尺度范围,并分别将亮温和地表温度影像以原分辨率为基础进行尺度下推分析,在多尺度分割基础上,构建热岛面积百分比、热岛强度两个指标,用于表征城市热岛尺度效应的差异性。结果表明:亮温和地表温度在数量结构、表征地物温度变异程度上存在很大差异;随着像元尺度增加,用亮温和地表温度表征的城市热岛面积百分比存在明显的尺度效应,且前者明显强于后者,但二者表征的城市热岛强度的尺度效应不明显,且后者稍强于前者;二者表征的城市热岛面积百分比和热岛强度均存在明显差异,表明亮温表征城市热岛的欠合理性。鉴于以上不同,在相关研究中应谨慎选取研究尺度和温度类型。  相似文献   
针对ASTER数据的单窗算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对地观测卫星ASTER传感器的15个波段中,有5个(10~14波段)是热红外波段,特别是其中的第13和14波段可以被用来反演地表温度。文中把针对TM影像的单窗算法改进成适应于ASTER传感器的单窗算法,即先对ASTER的13波段(10.25~10.95μm)和14波段(10.95~11.65μm)的,Planck方程进行线性简化,然后用单窗算法分别对ASTER的第13和14波段建立方程,从而形成了针对ASTER传感器的单窗算法,并对参数的获取做了简要的介绍。最后分析了算法的有关应用。  相似文献   
The left-lateral Dead Sea Transform (DST) in the Middle East is one of the largest continental strike-slip faults of the world. The southern segment of the DST in the Arava/Araba Valley between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, called Arava/Araba Fault (AF), has been studied in detail in the multidisciplinary DESERT (DEad SEa Rift Transect) project. Based on these results, here, the interpretations of multi-spectral (ASTER) satellite images and seismic reflection studies have been combined to analyse geologic structures. Whereas satellite images reveal neotectonic activity in shallow young sediments, reflection seismic image deep faults that are possibly inactive at present. The combination of the two methods allows putting some age constraint on the activity of individual fault strands. Although the AF is clearly the main active fault segment of the southern DST, we propose that it has accommodated only a limited (up to 60 km) part of the overall 105 km of sinistral plate motion since Miocene times. There is evidence for sinistral displacement along other faults, based on geological studies, including satellite image interpretation. Furthermore, a subsurface fault is revealed ≈4 km west of the AF on two ≈E–W running seismic reflection profiles. Whereas these seismic data show a flower structure typical for strike-slip faults, on the satellite image this fault is not expressed in the post-Miocene sediments, implying that it has been inactive for the last few million years. About 1 km to the east of the AF another, now buried fault, was detected in seismic, magnetotelluric and gravity studies of DESERT. Taking together various evidences, we suggest that at the beginning of transform motion deformation occurred in a rather wide belt, possibly with the reactivation of older ≈N–S striking structures. Later, deformation became concentrated in the region of today’s Arava Valley. Till ≈5 Ma ago there might have been other, now inactive fault traces in the vicinity of the present day AF that took up lateral motion. Together with a rearrangement of plates ≈5 Ma ago, the main fault trace shifted then to the position of today’s AF.  相似文献   
Reference 3D是法国Spot立体卫星影像生成的DEM、ASTER DEM是高分辨率卫星成像设备—ASTER获取的立体影像生成的DEM,它们全球覆盖范围广、数据获取快、质量稳定。针对我国缺乏1:10000或1:5000基础地形资料的地区、难以获取资料的海外交通建设地区,本文探讨基于这两种DEM进行公路勘察设计。工程实践表明:Reference 3D相比ASTERDEM有着更高的精度,质量更加稳定可靠,可以满足公路勘察设计中规划、工可等阶段的需要,从而提高工作效率,缩短外业周期,降低成本。  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000036   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper evaluates sensitivity of various spaceborne digital elevation models (DEMs), viz., Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Shuttle Radar Topography Mapping Mission (SRTM) and Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED), in comparison with the DEM (TOPO) derived from contour data of 20 m interval of Survey of India topographic sheets of 1 : 50,000 scale. Several topographic attributes, such as elevation (above mean sea level), relative relief, slope, aspect, curvature, slope-length and -steepness (LS) factor, terrain ruggedness index (TRI), topo- graphic wetness index (TWI), hypsometric integral (lhyp) and drainage network attributes (stream number and stream length) of two tropical mountain river basins, viz. Muthirapuzha River Basin and Pambar River Basin are compared to evaluate the variations. Though the basins are comparable in extent, they differ in respect of terrain characteristics and climate. The result.,; suggest that ASTER and SRTM provide equally reliable representation of topography portrayed by TOP() and the topographic attributes extracted from the spaceborne DEMs are in agreement with those derived from TOPO. Despite the coarser resolution, SRTM shows relatively higher vertical accuracy (RMSE -- 23 and 20 m respectively in MRB and PRB) compared to ASTER (RMSE - 33 and 24 m) and GMTED (RMSE - 59 and 48 m). Vertical accuracy of all the spaceborne DEMs is influenced by relief of the terrain as well as type of vegetation. Further, GMTED shows significant deviation for most of the attributes, indicating its inability for mountain-river-basin-scale studies.  相似文献   
漳平市森林可燃物类型变化遥感动态监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林可燃物类型的空间分布是林火蔓延、灭火可视化建模与仿真中需要考虑的重要因素之一。在对森林可燃物类型划分的研究进行回顾的基础上,提出了考虑树种信息的分类方法。根据漳平市2003年小班图层中的优势树种信息,获得该市2003年四种森林可燃物类型即竹林、阔叶树、杉木林以及马尾松的空间分布专题图。在此基础上,采用面向对象分类技术,对ASTER影像进行分类,探测每种可燃物类型的内部变化和外部变化。该技术利用影像分割技术构建分类对象,使每个对象具有光谱信息的同时,具备大小、形状、拓扑关系、类别层次等诸多信息。对分类结果进行评价的结果表明,利用面向对象分类技术,充分利用了光谱特征以及类别相关特征,提高了分类精度,分类的面积精度达到89.3%。由于影像分割过程应用了专题图层,对象的边界不会超越专题图层的边界,使得对现有图层的更新尤为容易。最后,利用矢量格式的遥感分类结果对原森林小班图层进行更新,获得新的可燃物类型图层,作为林火可视化模型的输入图层。该研究不仅提供了现势性强的森林可燃物类型图层,而且在不破坏原小班边界的基础上,对发生变化的区域进行刻画。对于森林资源管理者,提供了实地调查过程的目标区域的信息。  相似文献   
The paper illustrates the application of high-spatial resolution satellite images in interpreting volcanic structures and eruption impacts in the Tengger-Semeru massif in east Java, Indonesia. We use high-spatial resolution images (IKONOS and SPOT 5) and aerial photos in order to analyze the structures of Semeru volcano and map the deposits. Geological and tectonic mapping is based on two DEMs and on the interpretation of aerial photos and four SPOT and IKONOS optical satellite images acquired between 1996 and 2002. We also compared two thermal Surface Kinetic Temperature ASTER images before and after the 2002-2003 eruption in order to delineate and evaluate the impacts of the pyroclastic density currents. Semeru's principal structural features are probably due to the tectonic setting of the volcano. A structural map of the Tengger-Semeru massif shows four groups of faults orientated N40, N160, N75, and N105 to N140. Conspicuous structures, such as the SE-trending horseshoe-shaped scar on Semeru's summit cone, coincide with the N160-trending faults. The direction of minor scars on the east flank parallels the first and second groups of faults. The Semeru composite cone hosts the currently active Jonggring-Seloko vent. This is located on, and buttressed against, the Mahameru edifice at the head of a large scar that may reflect a failure plane at shallow depth. Dipping 35° towards the SE, this failure plane may correspond to a weak basal layer of weathered volcaniclastic rocks of Tertiary age. We suggest that the deformation pattern of Semeru and its large scar may be induced by flank spreading over the weak basal layer of the volcano. It is therefore necessary to consider the potential for flank and summit collapse in the future. The last major eruption took place in December 2002-January 2003, and involved emplacement of block-and-ash flows. We have used the 2003 ASTER Surface Kinetic Temperature image to map the 2002-2003 pyroclastic density current deposits. We have also compared two 10 m-pixel images acquired before and after the event to describe the extent and impact of an estimated volume of 5.45 × 106 m3 of block-and-ash flow deposits. An ash-rich pyroclastic surge escaped from one of the valley-confined block-and ash flows at 5 to 8 km distance from the crater and swept across the forest and tilled land on the SW side of the Bang River Valley. Downvalley, the temperature of the pyroclastic surge decreased and a mud-rich deposit coated the banks of the Bang River Valley. Thus, hazard mitigation at Semeru should combine: (1) continuous monitoring of the eruptive activity through an early-warning system, and (2) continuous remote sensing of the morphological changes in the drainage system due to the impact of frequent pyroclastic density currents and lahars.  相似文献   
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