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G. Bourda 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):295-305
The temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field, nowadays routinely determined from satellite laser ranging (SLR) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), are related to changes in the Earth’s rotation rate through the Earth’s inertia tensor. We study this connection from actual data by comparing the traditional length-of-day (LOD) measurements provided by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) to the variations of the degree-2 and order-0 Stokes coefficient of the gravity field determined from fitting the orbits of the LAGEOS-1 and −2 satellites since 1985. The two series show a good correlation (0.62) and similar annual and semi-annual signals, indicating that the gravity-field-derived LOD is valuable. Our analysis also provides evidence for additional signals common to both series, especially at a period near 120 days, which could be due to hydrological effects.  相似文献   
Seasonal precipitation changes over the globe during the 20 th century simulated by two versions of the Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System(FGOALS) model are assessed. The two model versions differ in terms of their AGCM component, but the remaining parts of the system are almost identical. Both models reasonably reproduce the mean-state features of the timings of the wet and dry seasons and related precipitation amounts, with pattern correlation coefficients of 0.65–0.84 with observations. Globally averaged seasonal precipitation changes are analyzed. The results show that wet seasons get wetter and the annual range(precipitation difference between wet and dry seasons) increases during the 20 th century in the two models, with positive trends covering most parts of the globe, which is consistent with observations. However,both models show a moistening dry season, which is opposite to observations. Analysis of the globally averaged moisture budget in the historical climate simulations of the two models shows little change in the horizontal moisture advection in both the wet and dry seasons. The globally averaged seasonal precipitation changes are mainly dominated by the changes in evaporation and vertical moisture advection. Evaporation and vertical moisture advection combine to make wet seasons wetter and enhance the annual range. In the dry season, the opposite change of evaporation and vertical moisture advection leads to an insignificant change in precipitation. Vertical moisture advection is the most important term that determines the changes in precipitation, wherein the thermodynamic component is dominant and the dynamic component tends to offset the effect of the thermodynamic component.  相似文献   
Throughout the world, tidal marshes are being restored to obtain natural protection against recurring storm surges and sea level rise and to preserve the resources these habitats provide. Managed realignment, or breaching of the seaward dikes, is a restoration technique increasingly used; yet unsuitable site elevation has been a major constraint to habitat development. Controlled reduced tide (CRT), a new technique to implement tidal regime on low elevated sites, could offer solutions for several problems associated with reconstruction or mitigation of tidal marshes.  相似文献   
杨秋明 《气象》2015,41(7):881-889
用长江下游降水低频分量和南半球中纬度地区850 hPa低频经向风主成分,建立多变量时滞回归 (multivariable lagged regression, MLR)模型,对2013年6—7月长江下游降水低频分量进行延伸期逐日变化预报试验。结果表明, 20~30 d时间尺度的长江下游低频降水预测时效可达25~30 d。进一步对2001—2012年资料分别构建的MLR模型的历史回报预测试验表明,对于20~30 d振荡较强和正常的年份,南半球中纬度绕球遥相关(south circum global teleconnection, SCGT)波列是预测初夏长江下游低频降水未来30 d变化的显著信号。基于南半球SCGT的发展和演变,对于提前20 d以上预报长江下游地区2013年7月上旬持续强降水过程异常变化过程很有帮助,南半球热带外环流低频变化是影响初夏长江下游地区延伸期强降水变化的重要因子之一。  相似文献   
A new seasonal and annual dataset describing Arctic sea ice extents for 1901–2015 was constructed by individually re-calibrating sea ice data sources from the three Arctic regions (North American, Nordic and Siberian) using the corresponding surface air temperature trends for the pre-satellite era (1901–1978), so that the strong relationship between seasonal sea ice extent and surface air temperature observed for the satellite era (1979-present) also applies to the pre-satellite era. According to this new dataset, the recent period of Arctic sea ice retreat since the 1970s followed a period of sea ice growth after the mid-1940s, which in turn followed a period of sea ice retreat after the 1910s. Arctic sea ice is a key component of the Arctic hydrological cycle, through both its freshwater storage role and its influence on oceanic and atmospheric circulation. Therefore, these new insights have significance for our understanding of Arctic hydrology.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   
IPCC AR4模式中夏季西太平洋副高南北位置特征的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用IPCCAR4中8个气候系统模式的环流、对流和降水资料,结合实际的观测及再分析资料,从年际尺度上比较分析了这些气候系统模式对夏季西太平洋副热带高压南北位置、暖池对流和江淮降水关系的模拟能力,结果表明在西太平洋副热带高压随纬度分布的模拟中,经向分辨率高的模式存在一定的优势。在夏季西太平洋副热带高压的南北位置、暖池对流和江淮降水关系的模拟上,GFDL-CM2.1能合理地表征三者之间的关系;在影响东亚夏季风年际变化的东亚太平洋遥相关型的模拟上,GFDL-CM2.1和ECHAM5_MPI/OM能够较好地模拟出其特征,其中前者模拟结果要明显好于后者。同时利用GFDL-CM2.1在SRES A1B情景下的试验结果,EAP(East Asia/Pacific)指数与中国东部降水的变化关系得出,随着大气中二氧化碳浓度增加,在21世纪前期,江淮偏旱的概率较高;21世纪后期,江淮降水可能偏多。  相似文献   
刘辉  范可 《大气科学》2014,38(3):469-483
本文评估了美国国家大气海洋局(NOAA)新发布的20世纪再分析资料(20CR)对欧亚季节环流气候平均态和气候变率及中国东部气温降水的刻画能力。结果表明:20CR再分析资料对欧亚地区四季环流气候平均态刻画能力与NCEP2资料的相比,均呈现北部中高纬度系统性偏高,南部中低纬度系统性偏低的特点,导致描绘的东亚冬季风偏弱,夏季风偏强。这可能与20CR资料在极地海岸地区海冰资料处理时产生的差错有关。与中国东部的站点资料对比则显示20CR对我国东部气温的刻画偏低,而对降水的刻画偏高,站点相关性气温好于降水,东南沿海地区优于内陆地区。平均场和空间相关场结合来看,秋季气温和降水20CR与站点观测资料吻合最好。20CR资料较好地刻画近百年北半球冬夏季的气候指数(北极涛动、北大西洋涛动、北太平洋涛动、东亚冬季风、阿留申低压等)的年际变率及年代际变化特征,很好地刻画了阿留申低压1970年代末的年代际增强,西伯利亚高压1970年代末的下降和1990年后的上升趋势及北太平洋涛动、北大西洋涛动和北极涛动指数1970年代末期由负位相到正位相的年代际转变。  相似文献   
地质科学100年的发展折射了20世纪经济发展和社会进步的曲折过程,地质学科的演化反映了工业化对矿产资源的依存度和社会进步对地质学科布局的深刻影响。通过对20世纪100年世界地质科学论文的统计、分析和综合,从计量的角度获得了反映地质科学及其各学科发展和演化的轨迹,包括:①见证了地质科学的发展动力从“供给驱动型”向“需求驱动型”的转变;②记录了工业化过程中对矿产资源的需求对地质科学发展和演变的影响;③反映了过去100年重大历史事件对地质科学发展的影响;④体现了技术进步是地质科学发展的革命性推动力;⑤揭示了我国与发达国家地质科学发展的差距。运用学术论文定量分析地质科学长周期发展规律,用数据反映地质学科的百年兴衰,是研究地质科学发展战略的新思路、新方法。  相似文献   
杨秋明 《气象学报》2014,72(3):494-507
用长江下游降水低频分量和环流低频主成分,构造多变量时滞回归模型(MLR)和主成分复数自回归模型(PC-CAR)的混合预报模型(MLR/PC-CAR),对长江下游降水低频分量进行延伸期逐日变化预报,延长预报时效。通过2011年6—8月预测试验表明,20—30 d时间尺度的长江下游低频降水预测时效可达50 d左右,采用南半球中高纬度地区850 hPa 低频经向风的主成分作为预测因子的模型的预测精度明显高于东亚地区低频经向风作为预测因子的模型。这表明在20—30 d时间尺度上,长江下游降水与南半球中纬度绕球遥相关(SCGT)型有关的主分量的时滞相关更加密切。进一步对于较强20—30 d振荡的多年资料构建的MLR/PC-CAR混合模型预测试验表明,SCGT是预测夏季长江下游低频降水未来50 d变化的显著信号。基于SCGT的发展和演变,对于把握类似长江下游地区2011 年6月初旱涝急转和7月中旬持续降水和强降水过程异常变化过程很有帮助,SCGT可以作为夏季长江下游20—30 d低频降水和强降水过程进行延伸期预报的主要可预报性来源之一。  相似文献   
对南海北部陆架琼东沿岸泥质区$20孔进行了岩性、粒度和常量元素分析,初步探讨了该泥质区常量元素地球化学特征.S20孔岩性较均一,主要为黏土质粉砂,研究区受相对单一而稳定的水动力条件控制.常量元素含量变化符合“元素的粒度控制律”,R型因子分析结果表明,第一因子P2O5,MnO,TiO2,A12O3,Fe2O3和K2O等的...  相似文献   
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