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在首届狮子座强流星雨国际联测期间,开展了多学科、多手段的狮子座和天龙座强流星雨及其灾害性空间天气事件的综合观测,并结合近半个世纪的(1957-2003年)狮子座、英仙座和天龙座强流星雨及其相关资料的综合分析,充分证实了非偶现的周期性强流星雨可导致灾害性空间天气事件的形成.下述结论亦得到初步证认:强流星雨形成机制;f_bE_s异常峰出现规律;对宇航安全的严重危害.文中还对彗星尘演化过程、宇宙尘暴出现和丢失规律及中纬区E_s层宇宙尘维持机制作了讨论.  相似文献   
世界历史上一次罕见的陨石雨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年三月八日,在我国吉林省吉林地区降落了一场空前规模的陨石雨,这是中外科学史上的一次重大事件。  相似文献   
对在一个各向同性、均匀的弹性球的具有恒定的热传导系数的球面上进行加热这一理想情况下,计算了陨星由于空气动力学加热而产生的热应力。在某个充分的时间内,陨星内部的张应力可能达到10kb,这一应力值大于估计的抗拉强度及其所遭受的空气动力学压力。在一个小的石质陨星(半径<10cm)和大一些的金属质陨星(半径<1m)内显著的热应力(1kb)发展很快(几十秒之内),因此可能导致在陨星内部开始拉张破裂。由于高层大气中尘埃粒子的存在、陨星在相对较低的高度上的破裂、陨星的角体形状、在一个撒落场内的广泛散布以及撞击坑的爆炸性质等,由热应力产生的破裂会在观测中反映出来,在大的陨星中,为了热应力的充分扩展要求有更长的加热时间,故其影响可能不甚显著。对于表面要遭到熔化和烧蚀的实际的陨星,此计算所得的应力值可能是一个上限。  相似文献   
A New Martian Meteorite from Antarctica:Grove Mountains (GRV) 020090   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Reported in this paper are the petrology and mineral chemistry of GRV 020090, the second Martian meteorite collected from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. This meteorite, with a mass of 7.54 g, is completely covered by a black and glazy fusion crust. It has two distinct textural regions. The interstitial region is composed of euhedral grains of olivine, pigeonite, and anhedral interstitial maskelynite, with minor chromite, augite, phosphates and troilite. The poikilitic region consists of three clasts of pyroxenes, each of which has a pigeonite core and an augite rim. A few grains of subhedral to rounded olivine and euhedral chromite are enclosed in the pyroxene oikocrysts. GRV 020090 is classified as a new member of lherzolitic shergottites based on the modal composition and mineral chemistry. This work will shed light on the composition of Martian crust and magmatism on the Mars.  相似文献   
万天丰 《地学前缘》2018,25(2):320-335
全球板块构造的动力学机制问题是一个热门但至今尚未解决的难题。本文首先回顾了近百年来大地构造学的各种主要假说和近四十年来板块构造学说的许多新进展。在上述研究的基础上, 受Rampino和Stothers关于陨击作用可引起地表重大灾变事件思想的启发,笔者提出了一个新的假说。基于中、新生代(200 Ma以来)每隔33 Ma太阳系就会穿越一次银河系星际物质密集的银道面,诱发太阳系内部引力场的巨变,使部分小行星失稳,从而撞击地球。笔者根据用以描述中生代以来全球板块构造的七种不同的运动模式, 提出了巨大陨星在不同地点、以不同角度撞击地表岩石圈,可能诱发地幔底辟的形成,从而推动板块呈放射状或单向运移的假说,也即在200、170、100、65和0.78 Ma等时期的陨击事件基本上是垂直地表面而撞击的,从而诱发地幔底辟的形成和岩石圈板块的放射状张裂和运移;138 Ma的陨击事件可能是指向印度板块的斜向撞击;而35 Ma时期的微玻璃陨石撞击事件则是陨石以极低角度撞击地球表面的表现。陨石撞击地球,这是太阳系内部各星体之间引力作用变化的表现,因而此假说不是什么外因作用论。  相似文献   
陨星撞击地球将是21世纪的研究热门   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类对陨星撞击的研究,始于1609年,当时伽利略凭望远镜对月球表面环形“斑点”的观察,提出月坑陨击成因的科学见解。1906年,D.M.巴林格成功地论证了地球上第一个陨星撞击构造——美国亚里桑那州梅蒂尔(Meteor)陨击坑。嗣后,据原苏联和美国宇宙飞行探测所取得的丰富资料,特别是1969年人类首次踏足月球以来,认为陨星撞击作用是太阳系各星球上已知最基本的“地质”作用,所有星球都遭受过陨星的撞击,地球也绝不例外。从此在地球上  相似文献   
A Tiny Piece of Basalt Probably from Asteroid 4 Vesta   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Grove Mountains (GRV) 99018 is a new eucrite (0.23 g), consisting mainly of pyroxene (50.5 vol%) and plagioclase (37.2 vol%) with minor silica minerals (7.0 Vol%) and opaque minerals (5.2 vol%). It was intensely shocked, leading to partial melting, formation of abundant tiny inclusions in pyroxenes and plagioclase, and heavy brecciation. Exsolution of most pyroxenes (1-3μm in width of the lamellae), recrystallization of the shpck-induced melt pockets and veins (5-20μm in size), and homogeneous compositions of pyroxenes of  相似文献   
The hydroxyl in phyllosilicate minerals is the most common occurrence of water in primitive meteorites.Direct hydrogen isotopic analysis of this water component using an ion microprobe has been made in some glassy or phyllosilicate spherules from the A1 Rais (CR) and Orgueil (CI) chondrites. The spherules from A1 Rais show largedeuterium excesses (δD= 200- 800‰) relative to terrestrial standards, whereas deuterium-enrichments in the spherules from Orgueil are much smaller (δD= 40- 130‰). The phyllosilicate spherules are products of aqueous alteration of glassy precursors. In A1 Rais the phyllosilicate spherules have relatively higher δD values than the glassy ones, indicating that water introduced during aqueous alteration was deuterium-enriched. The deuterium-enrichments in the phyllosilicate spherules from Orgueil could result from isotopic exchange under thermodynamic conditions within the solar nebula. The much larger δD excesses of the A1 Rais spherules, however, cannot be attributed to the similar process;instead, an interstellar origin needs to be invoked.  相似文献   
林素  徐伟彪 《天文学报》2007,48(3):328-342
详细分析了中国新近发现的3块铁陨石即:昭平、惜福和哈密的矿物组成和化学成分,并根据它们的化学元素(Ga、Ge、Ni和Ir等)含量进行了分群;昭平和惜福铁陨石分别属于IAB的低Ni低Au亚群和ⅢCD铁陨石群,哈密铁陨石因为其本身的Ga和Ge的含量很低以及实验仪器的精度限制,只能得知该陨石的Ga含量小于2ppm、Ge含量小于10ppm,根据其化学元素含量、结构特征和矿物组成,初步判断哈密铁陨石应属于未分群铁陨石.  相似文献   
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