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一串数字在海岸上跳跃 金石滩,绵延十里的黄金海岸,是沙滩文化节的主会场。作为国务院批准设立的第一批国家级旅游度假区,金石滩以独特的地理优势和地质奇观,成为“大连的后花园”、“镶嵌在大连明珠上熠熠生辉的宝石”,绿化覆盖率达到46.2%,年平均空气质量指数达到20。  相似文献   
一、大庆城市用地扩展中存在的生态安全问题分析 大庆市由于干旱少雨、地势平坦、林地和绿地覆盖率低,是黑龙江省风蚀重点区域之一。加之油田用地的增加导致了农用地和城市郊区绿地的减少,同时石油开采过程中公路网和管线培梗网将油田开发区的植被分割的支离破碎,不仅改变了过去平坦的地势特征,更使其周围的植被遭到灭顶之灾。在采油及各种作业中产生的污染物,  相似文献   
1IN T R O D U C T IO N As a risingindustry,modern logisticpslaya vitalrolein thedevelopment ofurban economy . Meantime , many expertsin theworld are interestedin modern logistic.s Study on modern logisticsismostly focused on man - agement and program (HES…  相似文献   
经历几十年的矿业开发,带来的严重环境问题及诱发日益频繁的次生地质灾害,已影响到区域社会及经济的发展。近年来经济的高速增长,对矿产资源的需求保持持续增长态势,对生态环境的破坏更加严重;全国工矿业发展导致的土地与生态退化的面积达700万hm2,复垦率不足15%,目前仍以每年4万hm2的速度增加。我国矿山存在的主要问题是:破坏山体植被、地面塌陷灾害严重、过量开采地下水引发地面沉降、大量废石尾矿造成污染、矿坑废水污染严重。我国自20世纪90年代后开始重视矿山生态恢复,经过十几年的研究,已在生态恢复技术方面取得了较多的成果并在工程实践中取得了很好效果。目前我国矿山生态环境恢复与治理的主要技术方法有:植生卷铺盖法、挂三维网植草、液压喷播、生态多孔混凝土绿化法、浆砌空心砖培土种草与喷混植草、喷混植草、高陡岩石边坡绿化的新型防护结构体系等。  相似文献   
山岭重丘区高速公路——百罗高速公路景观绿化设计,运用景观绿化设计手段和方法充分体现了百色当地"革命老区、红色政权、多少数民族"等的地域特色。通过景观绿化设计,对公路沿线景观有较大的改善,在有限的投资范围内力争恢复沿线原生植被,恢复环境,恢复自然,把百罗高速公路建成高规格的具有南亚热带地域特色的景观大道。整个设计自始至终贯穿自然、生态、发展的"绿色廊道"和坚持"以人为本、和谐共生、功能互补、生态效应"的原则。  相似文献   
基于土地覆盖分类的植被覆盖率估算亚像元模型与应用   总被引:114,自引:2,他引:112  
如何利用遥感资料估算植被覆盖率已成为建立全球及区域气候、生态模型的基础工作之一。重点探讨了利用TM资料从植被指数(NDVI)中提取植被覆盖率的方法。根据TM像元为非均一混合像元的特点,提出了基于土地覆盖分类的综合运用“等密度模型”和“非密度模型”计算植被覆盖率的方法,通过对北京市海淀市区的植被覆盖率计算表明,该方法的估算精度可达75.4%,比单纯使用等密度亚像元模型在估算精度上可提高5.8%。可以认为,该方法为大面积植被覆盖率估算提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   
各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市园林绿化局、新疆生产建设兵团建设局,解放军总后营房部,敦化市、淮安市、上虞市、赣州市、长沙市、宜都市、南充市、西宁市人民政府: 根据<国家同林城市申报与评审办法>和(<国家园林城市标准>,由有关城市人民政府申请,经有关省、自治区建设主管部门推荐,我部组织了评审工作.  相似文献   
Complex topography buffers forests against deforestation in mountainous regions. However, it is unknown if terrain also shapes forest distribution in lowlands where human impacts are likely to be less constrained by terrain. In such regions, if important at all, to- pographic effects will depend on cultural-historical factors and thus be human-driven (an- thropogenic) rather than natural, except in regions where the general climate or extreme soils limit the occurrence of forests. We used spatial regression modeling to assess the extent to which topographic factors explain forest distribution (presence-absence at a 48x48 m resolu- tion) in a lowland agricultural region (Denmark, 43,075 km2) at regional and landscape scales (whole study area and 10x10 km grid cells, respectively), how landscape-scale for- est-topography relationships vary geographically, and which potential drivers (topographic heterogeneity, forest cover, clay content, coastal/inland location) determine this geographic heterogeneity. Given a moist temperate climate and non-extreme soils all landscapes in Denmark would naturally be largely forest covered, and any topographic relationships will be totally or primarily human-driven. At regional scale, topographic predictors explained only 5% of the distribution of forest. In contrast, the explanatory power of topography varied from 0%-61% at landscape scale, with clear geographic patterning. Explanatory power of topog- raphy at landscape scale was moderately dependent on the potential drivers, with topog- raphic control being strongest in areas with high topographic heterogeneity and little forest cover. However, these conditioning effects were themselves geographically variable. Our findings show that topography by shaping human land-use can affect forest distribution even in flat, lowland regions, but especially via localized, geographically variable effects.  相似文献   
正说到生活环境的变化,家住焦作市中站区周窑村的李有根深有感触:"咱们村的变化太大了!最明显的就是我不再怕刮风了,因为我家附近私挖乱采造成的裸露山体穿上了绿衣裳。"裸露山体没有绿化前,李有根经常会遇到这样的烦恼事儿:一阵风吹来,裸露山体的泥灰被扬起,落得一身灰不说,鼻子嘴巴里也全是土,院子里晾晒的衣服也遭了殃。"龙翔辖区各类矿藏丰富,赤铁、硫铁、石灰石、铝  相似文献   
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