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国道G111线北京至加格达奇公路齐齐哈尔至讷河段工程建设用地经国务院批准后,富裕县委、县政府把国道G111线富裕段建设工作做为全县30万人民群众政治生活和经济生活中的一件大事来抓。仅用两个月时间,涉及4个乡镇、17个村屯、10个国有单位的征地拆迁工作已经全部结束。其主要作法是:  相似文献   
张景明 《国土资源》2003,(12):38-38
湖南省韶山市如意土地整理项目工程推行“四制”即:规划设计民主决策制、工程建设招投标制、工程拨款进度制、工程质量监理制,促进了工程快速有序地开展,工程质量再上新台阶,得到了省领导及地方政府的高度赞扬和广  相似文献   
<正>百灵鸟百灵鸟是草原的代表性鸟类,属于小型鸣禽,往往边飞边鸣,由于飞得很高,人们往往只闻其声,不见其踪。在广袤无垠的大草原上,常常此起彼伏地演奏着连音乐家都难以谱成的美妙乐曲,那就是百灵鸟儿们高唱的情歌。由于叫声清脆,"小百灵"也成为声音甜美好听的代名词。近日,有大批百灵鸟、画眉鸟迁徙来到二连浩特国家地质公园。百灵鸟羽毛颜色虽然比较平淡无偿,但是唱歌动听,飞行姿态也很优美。由于在北方,它是人们饲养的一种名贵的笼养鸟,一些唯利是图的人大量捕获、销售,因此,百灵鸟现已被列入国家二级保护动物。  相似文献   
The relative change of in-situ stress is an inevitable outcome of differential movement among the crust plates. Conversely, changes of in-situ stress can also lead to deformation and instability of crustal rock mass, trigger activity of faults, and induce earthquakes. Hence, monitoring real-time change of in-situ stress is of great significance. Piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring has good and longtime applications in large engineering constructions and geoscience study fields in China. In this paper, the new piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring system is introduced and it not only has overall improvements in measuring cell's structure and property, stressing and orienting way, but also enhances integration and intelligence of control and data transmission system, in general, which greatly promotes installing efficiency of measuring probe and quality of monitoring data. This paper also discusses the responses of new piezomagnetic system in large earthquake events of in-situ stress monitoring station at Qiaoqi of Baoxing and Wenxian of Gansu. The monitoring data reflect adjustments and changes of tectonic stress field at the southwestern segment of and the northern area near the Longmenshan fault zone, which shows that the new system has a good performance and application prospect in the geoscience field. Data of the Qiaoqi stress-monitoring station manifest that the Lushan Earthquake did not release stress of the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone adequately and there still probably exists seismic risk in this region in the future. Combined with absolute in-situ stress measurement, carrying out long-term in-situ stress monitoring in typical tectonic position of important regions is of great importance for researchers to assess and study regional crust stability.  相似文献   
栾川县自古有“四河三山两道川,九山半水半分田”之说,总面积2477平方公里,耕地面积仅有27.9万亩。在该县土地面积相对匮乏和社会各项建设事业迅猛发展的情况下,该县国土资源局一方面节约集约用地,做好各项重点工程建设用地保障工作,一方面又尽职尽责做好耕地保护工作,使各项建设事业不滞后,耕地保有量占补平衡,为全县的各项事业发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   
正中设协施工图审查分会岩土工程勘察工作委员会2014年工作会议召开近日,中国勘察设计协会施工图审查分会岩土工程勘察工作委员会2014年工作会议在重庆召开。中国勘察设计协会副理事长、施工图审查分会会长王树平,施工图审查分会秘书长刘珊,施工图审查分会副会长、岩土工程勘察工作委员会主任温靖等出席了会议。重庆市城乡建设委员会勘察设计处处长  相似文献   
11月26日,国务院印发了《关于创新重点领域投融资机制鼓励社会投资的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),鼓励社会资本参与健康养老服务、生态环保、清洁能源交通等7个领域项目建设。近日,国家发改委召开新闻发布会,就《指导意见》及重大工程建设的有关情况回答了记者的提问。  相似文献   
正近日,国务院印发了《关于加强城市地下管线建设管理的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),明确了今后一段时间我国城市地下管线建设管理的指导思想、基本原则、重点任务等。对此,国务院有关部门司局负责人及专家就相关问题进行了解答。问:为什么要制定出台《指导意见》?答:城市地下管线是指城市范围内供水、排水、燃气、热力、电力、通信、广播电视、工业等管线及其附属设施,是保障城市运行的重要基础设施和"生命线"。近年来,随着城市的快速发展,地下管线建设规模不足、  相似文献   
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