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矿物的溶解和分解是矿物风化的重要过程,因此探明矿物的溶解和分解过程将有助于揭示其风化机理。古玉在长期的埋藏过程中,处于土壤及土壤水的溶解反应体系中。本文初步模拟古玉埋藏的酸、碱性土壤环境,通过对不同材质玉料的粉末形态在酸、碱缓冲溶液中的浸泡实验,初步探讨了不同材质玉料在酸、碱环境下的风化机理。  相似文献   
长江下游下蜀黄土化学风化的地球化学研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
根据元素含量,K2O/Na2O,K2O/CaO,Al2O3/Na2O,CIA及A-CN-K图解等指标,对长江下游地区下蜀土的化学风化作用进行了研究,下蜀土比西北黄土经历了较强的化学风化过程,Ca,Sr,Na和Mg大量迁移淋失,不仅表现为碳酸盐矿物的迅速风化,而且硅酸盐矿物如斜长石也明显风化,脱Ca,Na过程显著,而钾长石的风化很弱,脱K不明显,下蜀土与西北黄土的原始沉积物具有相似的化学组成,下蜀土较强的化学风化过程可能受长江下游地区较强的季风性气候控制。  相似文献   
硅酸盐体系的化学平衡:(2)反应热力学   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
通过具体的应用实例,系统介绍了在矿物材料学研究中硅酸盐体系的多相平衡反应热力学的基本原理。对硅酸盐体系的典型多相平衡反应进行了热力学计算,包括:(1)微晶玻璃制备过程中的硅酸盐熔融反应;(2)霞石正长岩和高铝粉煤灰利用技术中的硅酸盐烧结反应;(3)S iO2-CaO-H2O体系和KA lS i3O8-CaO-H2O体系雪硅钙石、硬硅钙石的水热晶化反应;(4)高铝粉煤灰和霞石正长岩烧结产物的溶解反应;(5)Na[A l(OH)4]-A l(OH)3-H2O体系和Na2SO4-Ca(OH)2-H2O体系中α-A l(OH)3和CaSO4.2H2O的析晶反应。研究成果可望对矿物材料制备实验方案设计、工业生产过程优化及改进产品性能提供理论指导,同时为同类材料学研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
人为排放CO2导致全球气候变暖已经对人类生存和发展造成威胁,碳捕获与封存是世界公认的实现碳减排的主要途径之一。基性-超基性岩碳酸盐化固碳作为地质碳汇之一,是一种经济、安全且长久的碳捕获与封存方式,引起了国际社会越来越多的重视。本文阐述了自然条件下基性-超基性岩碳酸盐化反应过程,分析其固碳机理和影响基性-超基性岩碳酸盐化速率的主要因素。在此基础上,梳理并总结了目前国际上基性-超基性岩固碳技术的研究进展和典型应用实例,认为全球广泛分布的基性-超基性岩具有巨大的固碳潜力。该技术的推广和应用将对未来大气CO2减排具有重要意义。  相似文献   
镁铁岩-超镁铁岩侵人体中常常含有少量及微量硫化物,它们是硅酸盐岩浆与硫化物熔体不混溶作用的产物。由于岩石圈环境下铂族元素亲硫性的制约,当硅酸盐岩浆与硫化物熔体呈液态熔离时,铂族元素便被硫化物熔体所捕集和运载,尔后在重力分异过程中下沉到岩盆底部富集成矿。能否依据岩盆上部岩浆熔离硫化物的铂族元素丰度值来判断岩盆深部铂族元素潜在成矿能力呢?这是本试图回答的问题。  相似文献   
Analysis and comparison of Jiaozhou Bay data collected from May 1991 to February 1994 revealed the spatiotemporal variations of the ambient Si(OH)4:NO3 (Si:N) concentration rations and the seasonal variations of (Si:N) ratios in Jiaozhou Bay and showed that the Si:N ratios were <1 throughout Jiaozhou Bay in spring, autumn, and winter. These results provide further evidence that silicate limits the growth of phytoplankton (i.e. diatoms) in spring, autumn and winter. Moreover, comparison of the spatiotemporal variations of the Si:N ratio and primary production in Jiaozhou Bay suggested their close relationship. The spatiotemporal pattern of dissolved silicate matched well that of primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. Along with the environmental change of Jiaozhou Bay in the last thirty years, the N and P concentrations tended to rise, whereas Si concentration showed cyclic seasonal variations. With the variation of nutrient Si limiting the primary production in mind, the authors found that the range of values of primary production is divided into three parts: the basic value of Si limited primary production, the extent of Si limited primary production and the critical value of Si limited primary production, which can be calculated for Jiaozhou Bay by Equations (1), (2) and (3), showing that the time of the critical value of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay is around November 3 to November 13 in autumn; and that the time of the critical value of Si satisfaction of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay is around May 22 to June 7 in spring. Moreover, the calculated critical value of Si satisfactory for phytoplankton growth is 2.15–0.76 μmol/L and the critical value of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth is 1.42–0.36 μmol/L; so that the time period of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth is around November 13 to May 22 in the next year; the time period of Si satisfactory for phytoplankton growth is around June 7 to November 3. This result also explains why critical values of nutrient silicon affect phytoplankton growth in spring and autumn are different in different waters of Jiaozhou Bay and also indicates how the silicate concentration affects the phytoplankton assemblage structure. The dilution of silicate concentration by seawater exchange affects the growth of phytoplankton so that the primary production of phytoplankton declines outside Jiaozhou Bay earlier than inside Jiaozhou Bay by one and half months. This study showed that Jiaozhou Bay phytoplankton badly need silicon and respond very sensitively and rapidly to the variation of silicon. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010) and subsidized by Special Funds from National Key Basic Research Program of P. R. China (G19990437), the Postdoctoral Foundation of Ocean University of Qingdao, the Director's Foundation of the Beihai Monitoring Center of the State Oceanic Administration and the Foundation of Shanghai Fisheries University.  相似文献   
崔来运 《物探与化探》2011,35(1):131-135
自加里东运动以来,华北陆块南部处于长期的隆起状态,寒武一奥陶系及其以前的不同类型基底剥蚀达1.4Ma之久,这为铝土矿的形成创造了有利的环境和物质来源.铝土矿成矿物质来源有2种:碳酸盐岩基底和硅酸岩基底.化学习性活泼的元素在风化、迁移、沉积过程中会产生变化,而稳定的化学元素则在风化前和沉积成矿后具有一定的联系,尤其是氧化物对比值.通过对不同地质单元的常用氧化物对比值进行讨论与数学模拟,揭示了铝土矿的成矿物质来源.为判断铝土矿成矿物质来源提供一种简便、快捷的数学统计方法.  相似文献   
基于硅酸盐熔体不混溶相平衡实验资料,采用氧化物规则溶液的活度模型,建立了预测岩浆不混溶作用的热力学方法,研究了氧化物组分在不混溶两液相之间的分配系数与温度、压力和岩浆成分之间的关系.由此,可以预测天然岩浆不混溶作用,计算不混溶的起始温度、共轭两液相的成分及含量.计算的不混溶两液相中SiO2,Al2O3,FeO的摩尔分数平均残差为3.0%~4.0%,其他氧化物平均残差小于1.0%,不混溶两液相的摩尔分数平均残差约为1.0%.对阳原岩体的模拟计算表明,磁铁矿-磷灰石矿床的形成与球粒状黑云辉石正长岩岩浆在1150~1250℃下的不混溶作用有关;计算的共轭两液相的相对含量与岩相学证据吻合.  相似文献   
通过研究硅酸盐熔体的氧平均体积,并与硅酸盐玻璃相对比,提出硅酸盐熔体的体积可分为两部分,即硅-氧骨架部分和阳离子部分,根据氧平均体积变化规律,得出硅-氧骨架部分的体积基本不随温度变化,硅酸盐熔体的体积膨胀主要是由于“氧化物”部分的局部膨胀所致,进一步提出O~(2-)半径基本不变,而主要是阳离子半径变化,并讨论了膨胀的机制。  相似文献   
微生物对硅酸盐矿物风化作用研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
微生物对硅酸盐矿物风化的影响研究取得了一系列重要进展。在贫营养环境中,微生物风化硅酸盐矿物获取营养物质,加速了硅酸盐矿物的风化;由于微生物的作用,矿物的风化会不遵循正常的矿物化学风化序列,表现出稳定矿物比不稳定矿物更易风化的特征。微生物风化硅酸盐矿物时会在硅酸盐矿物表面留下痕迹,即富集或转移相应的元素和矿物,而且还能改变硅酸盐矿物的化学组成和结构。微生物的上述行为受营养基质含量、有机酸、生物膜、胞外聚合物以及氧化还原作用的影响。  相似文献   
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