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红海盆地石油地质特征及其油气勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐宁  张杰  史卜庆 《地学前缘》2014,(3):155-165
红海盆地是Afar三联点裂谷的一支,属于陆内原洋裂谷盆地,另两支分别是亚丁湾裂谷和埃塞俄比亚的东非大裂谷。通过对红海盆地不同国家地层的对比,建立了红海盆地统一的地层格架。在中新世中期,红海盆地处于封闭洋盆环境,沉积了一套区域性盐层,主要发育盐下和盐上两套成藏组合。红海盆地南北成藏存在明显差异,北部与苏伊士湾类似,主要是盐下的基底断块、地垒和旋转掀斜断块等构造圈闭,同时半地堑边界断层控制的点源砂体是重要的勘探目标。而南部热流较高,有利目标集中在盐上,主要包括盐底辟构造、盐流动以及沿断层重力滑动在盐上地层形成的构造圈闭及地层尖灭圈闭。  相似文献   
业已研制出一种可测量蒸汽干度和流量的新型高精度蒸汽测量系统,该系统由一个“V”维(差压仪)和一台涡流计(速度计)串联组成,并配有与电子数据记录仪相连接的温度与压力传感器,这些旨在实现现场监控的基本机械测量仪既耐用又价廉,经正在实验的蒸汽驱方案的试验证明该系统是有生命力的。Coalinga油田约有100口注汽井,每口注汽井采用这项新技术后都证明其经济上是合算的。自蒸汽用于工业性EOR作业以来,石油界  相似文献   
塔里木盆地三叠系烃源岩有机岩石学特征与生烃评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
肖贤明 《地球化学》1997,26(1):64-71
应用现代有机岩石学方法,配合有机地球化学方法,通过对塔里木盆地三叠系烃源岩的研究,认识了一种较特殊的烃源岩类型,其生烃母质以菌解无定形体为主,不仅其实测镜质组反射率R°具有明显抑制作用,而且其生烃早,“液态窗”范围介于镜质组R°为0.40%-0.95%之间。这类烃源岩生烃潜力较强(相当于ⅡB型干酪根),实际上已进入成熟-成烃峰期阶段,并广泛分布于塔北轮南及其以南地区,预测展布面积达1.0-1.5万  相似文献   
大民屯凹陷烃源岩有机质丰度的恢复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
烃源岩有机质丰度的恢复具有重要的现实和理论意义。笔者在对比多种方法的基础上,对大民屯凹陷的烃源岩的有机质丰度进行了恢复。  相似文献   
The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.  相似文献   
烃源岩评价是油气勘探的关键工作之一。为了更加合理、直观和有效地评价烃源岩,以辽东湾地区为例,通过对烃源岩常规评价参数的分析,提出了考虑有机质丰度、类型和热演化程度的综合指标——成烃贡献值,并利用该指标对辽东湾地区烃源岩进行了评价。从个体评价和整体评价两方面,与常规评价方法的结论进行对比研究。结果表明,辽东湾地区辽中凹陷沙河街组烃源岩对成烃的贡献比东营组大,中洼烃源岩比北洼好。由此可见,用成烃贡献值评价烃源岩,不仅可以达到常规评价的要求,而且比常规方法更加合理和直观。  相似文献   
富烃凹陷是当今油气勘探的主战场,中国近海已发现的油气储量主要集中在14个富烃凹陷中。利用钻井、测井、地震及化验测试等资料,结合最新油气勘探成果,从温压系统、储盖组合、热流体活动及油气输导与聚集等方面分析、总结了中国近海典型已证实富烃凹陷的油气成藏特征。研究表明:中国近海富烃凹陷深层超压普遍发育,地温梯度高,复合型温压系统构成,为油气成藏提供了充足的动力;主力储层物性好,发育1~2套优质的区域性盖层,至少存在2套有利的储盖组合;发育多种类型的烃类包裹体,油气主成藏期集中,并存在快速幕式充注现象;发育高效优势输导体系、多种圈闭与油气藏类型,存在多种油气成藏模式,油气呈带状差异富集与分布。  相似文献   
石油地质学是国家石油战略的组成部分,是国家石油安全的组成部分,必须予以高度重视。石油地质学来源于实践。但随着石油勘探开发实践的不断深入,仅仅依靠归纳和总结来自实践的认识已经无法满足人们对石油地质学在科学层面的理解和掌握。从沉积层获得的有关构造、生油、储层方面的知识无法全面解释在结晶基底和火山岩中发育油气藏的事实,而最新揭示出金属、非金属矿床、油气藏与深部构造和深部流体存在密切关系,为我们发展石油地质学提供了崭新的思路。欧洲惠更斯号探测器发现土卫六上存在甲烷湖的事实告诉我们,石油地质学的不仅仅是地质学问题,更是天文学问题。所以,及时吸收消化各学科最新成果,创新发展中国石油地质学,已是保障国家石油安全的当务之急。  相似文献   
The absolute amounts and relative distributions of neutral nitrogen compounds in the Tabei oilfield (e. G. Blocks Ln1-Ln1 1) showed remarkable migration fractionation in the vertical direction. From Ordovician reservoirs (O) to oil legs TⅢ and T Ⅰ of Triassic reservoirs in blocks LN1-LN11, the concentrations of [a] [c] decreased from 1. 59μg/g, 0.49μg/g to 0.17 μg/g (oil). The ratios of various alkylcarbazole isomers, such as 1,8-dimethylcarbazole/nitrogenpartially shielded isomers and 1,8-dimethylcarbazole/nitrogen-exposed isomers, were adopted as the indicators of petroleum migration. The ratios increased from 0.13, 0.20 to 0.67 and from going from the south to the north of the Tabei oilfield, the absolute concentrations of neutral nitrogen compounds decreased drastically, and the nitrogen-shielded isomers were enriched relative to nitrogen-exposed isomers and nitrogen-partially shielded isomers. Crude oils in the Tabei oilfield migrated laterally from the Jilake structure to the Sangtamu fault uplift and Lunnan fault uplift, and crude oils in the same fault uplift migrated and remigrated vertically from Ordovician reservoirs, to oil legs TⅢ to TⅠ of Triassic reservoirs.  相似文献   
工信部近日披露数据显示,今年前5个月,我国原油对外依存度达55.2%,已超过美国(53.5%)。  相似文献   
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