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对取自冲绳海槽北部的DOC024岩心进行了浮游有孔虫氧同位素和统计分析,依据浮游有孔虫群落组合和Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O的记录以及表层海水温度、温跃层深度的变化揭示了近7300 aBP以来日本九州西南海区上升流的演化过程。7300~7000 aBP期间,较轻的δ18O值、较高的年平均表层海水温度以及典型上升流种Globigerina bulloides的低含量和较大的温跃层深度指示这一时期该海区上升流尚不发育,其环境主要受黑潮暖流的控制;7000~4800 aBP期间,区域环境略有变化,上升流开始出现,但发育程度不高;在4800~4200 aBP期间,各环境参数的变化都说明该时期为上升流的迅速发育期,并逐渐取代黑潮成为该区环境的主要控制因素。1900~1200 aBP期间上升流发育程度有所减弱,1200~400 aBP之间上升流的发育又逐渐增强,到约400aBP以后,N.dutertrei δ18O的明显加重、年平均表层海水温度的显著下降、Globigerina bulloides含量的快速增加和温跃层的明显变浅指示近400 aBP以来是区域上升流发育程度最强的时期。  相似文献   
通过荧光染色、稀释培养、生理生化和16SrRNA基因鉴定等方法,研究了北极黄河站附近海域海水中浮游细菌的丰度、可培养浮游细菌形态学特征及多样性;采用高通量测序技术研究了黄河站附近采样站点(BJ2)的不可培养浮游细菌群落结构。可培养研究结果表明:(1)9个站点(BJ1-BJ9)水样平均含菌数为2.88×108个/L;(2)21株可培养浮游细菌中,仅AB08、AB09和AB17三株细菌为革兰氏阳性菌;(3)细菌主要包括放线菌纲(Actinobacteria),黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteriia)和γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria),其中假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)为优势菌(占71%)。高通量测序结果显示:在得到的1 467个不可培养浮游细菌OTU中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)为优势菌群,所占比例分别为49.71%和41.61%,还有少量的浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia);其中变形菌门中以α-变形菌纲(α-Proteobacteria)为主要类群。  相似文献   
The reconstruction of sea surface temperature(SST) is a key issue in research on paleoceanography. The recently related studies are mainly concentrated on the Quaternary. The skeletons of a typical species of benthonic foraminifer(Amphistegina radiata) in the top 0–375.30 m interval of Well "Xike-1" reef core, Shidao Island, the Xisha Islands, are uniformly selected. The ratios of magnesium to calcium concentrations and other indicators are analyzed by an electron microprobe analysis(EMPA) with the purpose of estimating the paleo-SSTs since the Pliocene and further investigating the periodic change law of paleoclimate in the South China Sea(SCS).Meanwhile, the geologic significance of paleoclimatic events in the SCS is discussed with global perspectives. The results indicate that the paleo-SSTs reconstructed by the ratios of magnesium to calcium concentrations in the SCS show a general periodic trend of "high–low–high–low" in values changes since the Pliocene. By comparison,the fluctuations of reconstructed paleo-SSTs are much stronger in the Quaternary. Moreover, the variations of the ratios of magnesium to calcium concentrations in the A. radiata skeletons have recorded a series of major paleoclimatic events since the Pliocene, of which the Quaternary glaciation events and the Arctic ice cap forming events during the late Pliocene are more significant. Thus, using the changes of the ratios of magnesium to calcium concentrations in the A. radiata skeletons from Well "Xike-1" reef core to reflect the relative changes of paleo-SSTs is a relatively feasible and reliable way in the SCS, which is also proved by the correlation of drilling cores characteristics in this area.  相似文献   
受人类活动和全球变化的影响,河口和近海海域的低氧以及酸化等环境问题日益突出,近年来已成为科学研究的热点问题并受到社会广泛关注。本文通过梳理底栖有孔虫壳貌微观特征对海域低氧及酸化环境指示的研究现状,总结了壳体特征(壳径和壳重)、壳孔特征(密度、孔径、形态)、壳饰(牙突、瘤状物、脐翼)、壳面溶蚀及壳体重新钙化所引起的房室畸变等指标应用的理论基础和方法技术,并分析了影响结果的各种干扰因素,指出了在研究中若干需要注意的问题和研究方向,提出了一些具有可操作性的建议,为更好地将其应用于近岸海域低氧和酸化环境的研究中并推进至地质历史时期此类古环境的演化研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Upwelling occurs on the coast of Java between June and October, forced by local alongshore winds associated with the southeasterly monsoon. This causes variations in phytoplankton community composition in the upwelling zone compared with the surrounding offshore area. Based on pigments analysis with subsequent calculations of group contributions to total chlorophyll a(Chl a) using CHEMTAX, we studied the distribution and composition of phytoplankton assemblages in the subsurface chlorophyll maximum along the south coast of Java and the influence of upwelling. Nineteen phytoplankton pigments were identified using high-performance liquid chromatography, and CHEMTAX analysis associated these to ten major phytoplankton groups. The phytoplankton community in the coastal area influenced by upwelling was characterized by high Chl a and fucoxanthin concentrations, indicating the dominance of diatoms. In contrast, in the offshore area, the Chl a and fucoxanthin concentrations declined to very low levels and the community was dominated by haptophytes represented by 19′-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin. Accordingly, microphytoplankton was found to be the major size class in the coastal area influenced by upwelling, while nanophytoplankton was most abundant in the offshore area. Low concentrations of other accessory pigments indicated less contribution from dinoflagellates,prasinophytes, chlorophytes and cryptophytes. Photo-pigment indices revealed that photosynthetic carotenoids(PSCs) were the largest component of the pigment pool, exceeding the proportion of Chl a, with the average PSCTP up to 0.62. These distribution trends can mainly be explained by phytoplankton adaption strategies to upwelling and subsurface conditions by changing species composition and adjusting the pigment pool.  相似文献   
北大西洋45°N区是北大西洋冰筏碎屑(IRD)带的中心区,其海洋沉积物包含高分辨率沉积环境和气候变化信息,对45°N区沉积记录的研究有利于反演末次冰期以来古海洋环境的变化。通过对岩心Hu71-377中IRD含量的统计、浮游有孔虫组合及氧和碳同位素(δ18O和δ13C)分析,重建了北大西洋45°N上层水体水团性质演化历史。结合AMS14C数据和氧同位素地层学,在氧同位素3期(MIS3)和2期(MIS2)中识别出5个Heinrich层,其中Heinrich 1、2和4层具有明显IRD峰值、Neogloboquadrina pachyderma高丰度和轻δ18O值特征,而Heinrich 3和5层的δ18O值未明显变轻。Heinrich 3和5层与Heinrich 1、2和4层的δ18O 差异可能反映了上层水体受融水输入的影响不同。δ13CN.incompta和δ13CN.pachyderma差值也反映了Heinrich事件期间混合层和温跃层的变化,它们的δ13C差值在Heinrich 1和2期间接近零,归因于强风驱动的海水垂向混合。而δ13CN.incompta和δ13CN.pachyderma差值在Heinrich 4和5期间增大,反映了季节性温跃层变浅,推测与北大西洋暖流增强有关。浮游有孔虫组合进一步反映了海洋上层水团性质, 特别是N. pachyderma和Neogloboquadrina incompta的相对丰度反映了MIS3期以来海表温度(SST)变化。  相似文献   
Total organic carbon and organic carbon stable isotope, biogenic silica, chlorin were measured from a high resolution sediment core to indicate the variation in paleoproductivity and the environmental implications over the past decades (1942 to 1997) in the Changjiang Estuary. Based on these biomarkers, the shift in the phytoplankton community structure in the past decades was discussed in response to the long-term variations in nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios. The results showed that the δ 13 C values varied from –26.15‰ to –19.5‰, suggesting the combined organic carbon sources of riverine and marine organisms. Based on the biogenic proxies, paleoproductivity changes were categorized into three stages: low production before 1950; an increase in production with the dominance of diatoms during 1950 to 1980, consistent with increasing of nutrient concentrations; a decrease in production after 1980 when the diatom production decreased while the production of non-silicious phytoplankton increased due to high nutrient inputs, and high N/P and P/Si ratios in the Changjiang Estuary. The sedimentation records also indicated that the riverine organic carbon increased since 1980.  相似文献   
基于2009—2019年共11年辽河口夏季生态环境调查资料,应用冗余分析(RDA)方法,研究了辽河口附近海域夏季环境因子对浮游植物群落的影响,研究发现浮游植物群落变化主要受亚硝酸盐、活性磷酸盐、硝酸盐、溶解氧和铵盐的影响,其中布氏双尾藻、中肋骨条藻、日本星杆藻、柔弱菱形藻与铵盐呈显著负相关;丹麦细柱藻与溶解氧、铵盐呈显著负相关,与亚硝酸盐呈显著正相关;柔弱菱形藻、浮动弯角藻与活性磷酸盐呈显著负相关,与亚硝酸盐呈显著正相关;圆筛藻与溶解氧呈显著负相关,与活性磷酸盐呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
依据渤海中、南部底质样品的分析资料,探讨该地区现代沉积中有孔虫的分布特征;结合聚类分析,讨论有孔虫动物群的组合分布与沉积环境的关系。  相似文献   
闽南-台湾浅滩上升流区浮游介形虫的生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年12月—1988年11月对闽南-台湾浅滩上升流区调查结果表明,该海区的介形虫基本属暖水性种类,其中以终生营浮游生活的种类占优势(74.5%),后圆真浮萤Euconchoeciamaimai和针刺真浮萤Euconchoecia aculeata为优势种。外海种和近岸种一般都分别在台湾浅滩南部和福建沿岸水城形成密集区,并向相反方向扩散。夏季(6月)的垂直分布表明,近岸密集区的介形虫载浮于涌升水的上层,远岸的种类和数量分布与次表层水爬坡涌升现象颇为一致。秩季(11月)的垂直分布则反映出沿岸偏低温、低盐水向外扩展的趋势。宽假浮萤Pseudoconchoecia concentrica和短形小浮萤Microconchoecia curta等的出现,对夏季近岸上升流的存在有一定的佐证作用。  相似文献   
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