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目前,各级人民政府都在组织编制新一轮土地利用总体规划,通过规划编制和实施,切实保护耕地,统筹安排各类用地,提高节约集约用地水平,改善生态环境,进一步加强土地利用宏观调控,为促进经济社会又好又快发展提供土地保障。  相似文献   
丁尧清 《地理教学》2010,(12):32-34
2009年12月19日,经过马拉松式的艰难谈判,联合国气候变化大会在达成不具法律约束力的《哥本哈根协议》后闭幕。联合国秘书长潘基文对大会进展感到满意,并表示将尽力推动2010年的墨西哥会议产生实质性成果。美国代表在会上声称,中国未来的碳排放量将远超美国,而且中国没有资格获得美国的气候援助资金。  相似文献   
湍东 《河南地质》2009,(12):16-16
近年来,内乡县湍东国土资源所严格按照部、省、市关于开展土地动态巡查工作的要求,着力从源头上建立和防范国土资源违法行为的长效机制,注重把动态巡查与法规宣传、批前监督、批后检查和案件查处有机地结合起来,努力在提高辖区群众法制意识、规范土地市场利用秩序和加大对土地违法案件的查处力度上做文章,截至2009年8月底,共制止和查处违法占地21宗、农民违法违规建房4宗,恢复耕地30余亩,  相似文献   
据《济南日报》报道:限制民间资本进入垄断行业和领域的“坚冰”正在逐步消融。日前山东省政府提出,凡是国家法律、法规没有明令禁止的行业和部门,都要对民间资本开放。其中,能源、交通等垄断行业和领域也将逐步允许民间资本进入。  相似文献   
Transboundary water, more competitive utilization and uncertain availability under the globalization trend, the issue of its apportionment which directly impacts national benefits of each riparian state is becoming one of the important topics in the world. Water is scarce in China, the most important upstream state in Asia, and this task has to be thought over in the coming future. Based on "International Freshwater Treaties Database" (1820-2007) by Oregon State University, and publications and reports on transboundary water utilization and management since 1999, 28 indicators of water apportionment adopted in 49 international treaties and cases in 1864-2002 are divided into 6 types, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the adopted indicators are analyzed in order to find the key indicator(s) of transboundary water apportionment. The major results include: the major adopted indicators, have significant differences among 5 regions/continents, the indicators at rank first and second place in the developed region (North America and Europe) according to the adopted times are "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff", but in the developing region (Asia, Africa and South America), the ranking order of the above two indicators is reversed; the major adopted indicators in the watersheds with insufficient water are "mean annual runoff" and "keeping minimum water flow", the ones in the watersheds with sufficient water are "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake"; the international treaties signed from the first phase to the fourth phase, the developing process shows a progress of "fewer-increasing a lot-decreasing rapidly-equation basically", the regional distribution of the treaties shifts mainly from the developed region to the developing one, especially to Asia and Africa; the major adopted indicators shifts from "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1864-1945, to "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake" in 1946-1971, then to "hydraulic facility operation" and "mean annual runoff" in 1972-1991, and finally to "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1992-2002, the process shows similar a loop. Finally, the key indicator on transboundary water apportionment can be determined as "keeping minimum water flow".  相似文献   
从国防到航天,从对外援助到对外贸易,从中国特色社会主义法律体系到农村扶贫开发的新进展和应对气候变化的政策行动,从中国的和平发展到西藏和平解放60年……  相似文献   
编辑同志: 近年来在我们这里,挤占通道和宅基地的现象特别严重,我家的宅基地与外边的通道已经被相邻的几户人家挤占的只能单人通行了。请问,对这种情况应当如何处理?  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国资产评估法(草案)》在不久前落幕的第十一届全国人大常委会上首次进入审议阶段。这表明,我国的资产评估行业将有望正式迎来属于自己的行业“大法”,评估行业的法律地位将得到根本确立。资产评估法自2006年全国人大财政经济委员会成立了资产评估法起草组后,于2007年底提出了资产评估法草案初稿,  相似文献   
测绘工程专业“测绘管理”课程教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余旭  王国辉  张兴福 《测绘科学》2011,36(4):263-264,235
结合“测绘管理”课程的教学实践,针对测绘工程专业的培养目标和注册测绘师制度对人才的要求,论述了“测绘管理”课程的课程目标、课程特点和教学要求,对教学设计进行了较为深入的探讨,最后提出了几条教学建议.  相似文献   
国土资厅发[2011]44号 各省、自治区、直辖市及副省级城市国土资源主管部门。新疆生产建设兵团国土资源局,解放军土地管理局,国家海洋局、国家测绘地理信息局。中国地质调查局及部其他直属单位,各派驻地方的国家土地督察局,部机关各司局:为进一步推进国土资源普法工作,根据工作需要和人员变动情况,部研究决定,对国土资源部普及法律常识一作领导小组组成人员进行相应调整。现将调整后的名单通知如下:  相似文献   
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