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Vertical profiles of chl-a and primary productivity in the middle continental shelf area and eddy area of the East China Sea
were studied using data from a cruise in the East China Sea in February to March, 1997 and a cruise in July, 1998. The results
showed that chl-a vertical distribution closely related to in situ hydrological and nutrient conditions. Chla-a concentration
ranged from 0.22 to 0.35 mg/m3 and 0.93–1.09 mg/m3 in the eddy area and in the middle continental shelf area, respectively. In both areas, chl-a concentrations in deep layers
were slightly higher than those in shallow layers, but was of the same order of magnitude. In summer, when a thermocline existed
in the water column, highest chl-a concentrations appeared at the base of the thermocline layers in both areas. In the eddy
area, chl-a concentration maximized at 31.743 mg/m3, and averaged 1.143 mg/m3 below 30 m depth. In the middle continental shelf area, the highest chl-a concentration was 2.120 mg/m3, the average was 1.168 mg/m3. The primary productivity reached 1418.76 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 1360.69 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. In the eddy area, the primary productivity was 787.50 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 159.04 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. Vertical carbon sinking rate from the deep layer to the bottom in both areas is also discussed in this paper.
Contribution NO. 4183 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Project No. 49636210 supported by NSFC. 相似文献
黄河壶口段全新世古洪水事件及其水文学研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
通过对黄河中游晋陕峡谷段的考察,在多个地点发现全新世古洪水滞流沉积层。选择壶口段左岸岩棚内典型的古洪水滞流沉积剖面进行沉积学和水文学研究。对于采集的全新世地层剖面序列样品,进行粒度成分、磁化率、烧失量、CaCO3含量等分析,从沉积学角度证明了研究剖面所夹洪水沉积物为典型的古洪水滞流沉积物,记录了全新世两个时期的特大洪水事件。通过地层学对比分析和OSL测年,确定其分别发生在全新世早期-中期转折阶段,和中期-晚期转折阶段。利用沉积学和水文学原理恢复古洪水水位,计算出第一组古洪水洪峰流量为27490m3/s、27830 m3/s、28570 m3/s,第二组为40920m3/s。本文的研究发现全新世特大洪水事件,并且恢复了其水文特征数据,对于揭示黄河水文过程对于全球变化的响应规律具有重要的科学意义,对于水利工程建设具有重要的现实意义。 相似文献
塔里木河流域径流变化趋势及其对气候变化的响应 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
This paper has studied the change of streamflow and the impact of climatic variability conditions on regional hydrological cycle in the headwater of the Tarim River Basin. This study investigates possible causes of observed trends in streamflow in an environment which is highly variable in terms of atmospheric conditions, and where snow and ice melt play an important role in the natural hydrological regime. The discharge trends of three head streams have a significant increase trend from 1957 to 2002 with the Mann-Kendall test. Complex time-frequency distributions in the streamflow regime are demonstrated especially by Morlet wavelet analysis over 40 years. The purpose is to ascertain the nature of climatic factors spatial and temporal distribution, involved the use of EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) to compare the dominant temperature, precipitation and evaporation patterns from normally climatic records over the Tarim's headwater basin. It shows that the first principal component was dominated since the 1990s for temperature and precipitation, which identifies the significant ascending trend of spatial and temporal pattern characteristics under the condition of the global warming. An exponential correlation is highlighted between surface air temperature and mean river discharge monthly, so the regional runoff increases by 10%-16% when surface air temperature rises by 1 ℃. Results suggest that headwater basins are the most vulnerable environments from the point of view of climate change, because their watershed properties promote runoff feeding by glacier and snow melt water and their fundamental vulnerability to temperature changes affects rainfall, snowfall, and glacier and ice melt. 相似文献
基于生态水文学的黄河口湿地生态需水评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据生态系统保护的要求,以提高生态系统承载力、保护河口生态系统完整性和稳定性为原则,以促进区域生态系统的良性维持为目标,从生物多样性保护的角度,研究确定了23600hm^2的黄河三角洲应补水的湿地恢复和保护规模。在此基础上,采用景观生态学的原理和方法,在湿地植物生理学、生态学、水文学研究基础上及遥感和GIS技术的支持下,研究水分—生态耦合作用机理,建立基于生态水文学的黄河口湿地生态需水及评价模型,并运用预案研究方法和景观生态决策支持系统的规划评价思想,预测和评价了黄河口湿地不同补水方案产生的生态效果,重点研究了丹顶鹤、东方白鹳、黑嘴鸥等指示性物种适宜生境条件与湿地补水后的生态格局变化。评价结果表明,黄河三角洲湿地具备东方白鹳及丹顶鹤等保护性鸟类的繁殖和越冬的潜在生境条件,但其生境质量并不十分理想,通过湿地补水,作为珍稀鸟类重要栖息地芦苇湿地面积从现状的10000hm^2增加至22000hm^2,生态承载力大幅提高;研究在统筹黄河水资源条件、水资源配置工程措施和湿地生态系统综合保护需求后,推荐提出了黄河三角洲湿地恢复和保护的3.5亿m^3黄河补水量及补水时期。 相似文献
通过野外观察研究,在黄河中游晋陕峡谷永和县佛堂村(FTC)支沟口的回水湾内发现了全新世古洪水滞流沉积物。结合沉积学分析,判定它们是典型的全新世古洪水悬移质泥砂颗粒在高水位滞流环境中的沉积物。利用“古洪水SWD厚度含沙量法”恢复古洪水洪峰水位,借助HEC-RAS模型估算出4次古洪水事件洪峰流量在25 200~51 500 m3·s-1之间。OSL测年结果显示,FTC地点的古洪水发生在1 900~1 700 a BP、3 400~3 000 a BP。全新世气候变化研究表明,这两个时期气候恶化,旱涝灾害多有发生。FTC地点的两期四次洪水反映了这两个时期的气候异常变化成果,表明了黄河中游水文系统对气候变化作出的响应,也印证了季风区河流对气候突变的响应规律,为黄河中下游地区防洪减灾和水资源开发提供了基础数据。 相似文献
沙坡头生态水文学研究进展及水量平衡自动模拟监测系统 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
在中国科学院野外站网络重点科技基础设施建设项目的支持下,沙坡头沙漠研究试验站建成了以36台大型称重式蒸渗仪为主体的中国北方不同气候带沙区水量平衡自动模拟监测系统——Lysimeter群。概述了沙坡头生态水文学研究进展。介绍了Lysimeter群建设的科学目标、构建思路、建设内容和预期研究方向。Lysimeter群由大型称重式蒸渗仪、各类探头、移动大棚和降水模拟器等组成,具有集成性和唯一性。该平台可全自动模拟控制降水和地下水位,量化植物水分来源;自动监测蒸散发、植物蒸腾、土壤水渗漏、土壤水分、温度和电导率等。该平台的建成将提升在不同尺度上认知中国沙区生态和水文过程、植被重建的生态水文学和环境胁迫生理生态学机理等相关领域的研究能力,回答不同沙区土壤水分植被承载力和人工植被稳定性维持的生态水文阈值等国家在防沙治沙实践中所面临的核心科学问题。 相似文献
1987~1995年对降水、黑河水和古日乃草原地下水作了定位观测,在巴丹吉林沙漠水文探险中采集了沙漠和戈壁地下水及湖水.降水同位素组成δD~δ18O与Craig线相同,但发现了地下水的δD~δ18D关系平行于降水线且有氘盈余为负且达-22‰的异常,其成因不明.由地表、地下水环境同位素组成,分析了黑河治理规划实施后可能对地下水资源产生的工程影响,它近期不会成为古日乃草原沙漠化进程的因素,但对额济纳绿洲的影响却不容忽视. 相似文献