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陈有龙  何君锐 《广西气象》2005,26(A01):58-60
介绍一种利用C++Builder6.0语言设计,采用SQL Server2000作为数据库,适用于市、县级的气候资料管理与综合应用系统。系统通过调用地面测报AO或D文件和MICAPS系统的热带气旋数据文件可实现历史气象资料的查询、热带气旋路径显示、统计、图形处理、气候评价等。系统充分利用了Windows操作系统的特点,设计界面美观,使用方便。且具有开放性、灵活性、可扩充性。  相似文献   
吕勇平 《广东气象》2010,32(4):4-5,9
对2010年亚运会期间的广州同期历史气温、降水、风和太阳辐射等基本气象条件进行了分析,并专门统计分析了同期对亚运会比赛有较高影响的天气。结果表明广州亚运会同期历史气候适宜,对比赛有高影响的天气出现概率较小,影响最大的是强冷空气入侵,而降水天气是影响开幕式效果的主要风险。  相似文献   
In the early part of 2006 the Philippines was hit by a La Nina event which brought floods, flashfloods and landslides. The most significant event was the February 2006 landslide that covered the whole community of Guinsaugon, in Southern Leyte, resulting in 154 deaths with 973 people still missing. Another rare event was the simultaneous presence of two tropical cyclones inside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) in August-- Tropical Depression Bopha and Tropical Storm Saomai--that enhanced the southwest monsoon. With the strong winds and high waves associated with the southwest mon- soon, an oil tanker, the M/T Solar 1, sank, resulting in the worst oil spill the country has ever suffered. Lastly, with a weak El Nino phenomenon forming in the Pacific Ocean and affecting the Philippines, a destructive typhoon, Xangsane, made a multi-landfall before hitting Metropolitan Manila. This was followed by the landfall of three superty- phoons--Cimaron, Chebi and Durian--during the last quarter of the year, bringing tremendous destruction of life and property. The occurrence of these weather events are attributed to climate variability the effects of which were exacerbated by a range of factors that include inappropriate land use.  相似文献   
莫知 《海洋世界》2010,(1):34-38
全球的气候真的是在变暖么?这似乎越来越像一个谜团。这个真假难辨的世界太难以捉摸了,我们眼睛所见的一切,都不一定就是真实,到底去相信谁?要不实在不行的话,不如干脆等到开春儿的时候,直接到公园或者是郊外去观察一下嫩叶舒展和花朵绽放,并且记录下来去年迁徙而去的鸟儿今年返回的时间,如果有可能的话,再将这些结果与历史数据进行一下比较。这样一来,就不难发现春天来得究竟是比往昔早还是晚。  相似文献   
棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 属鳞翅目夜蛾科,是一种世界性的重大害虫,在世界各地均有分布。因其具有远距离迁飞,繁殖力强等特点,条件适宜时常大面积暴发成灾,给农业生产带来较大损失。摸清棉铃虫生活习性、种群变化规律是棉铃虫防治的前提条件。由于棉铃虫是变温昆虫,气候条件对其生长发育、成灾机制等产生极大影响。因此,本文系统综述了气候变暖对棉铃虫影响的研究进展,包括棉铃虫生长发育、体色变化、繁殖、滞育、飞行、越冬、与作物的互作关系等方面,并对未来研究重点进行了展望。以期对棉铃虫的综合治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Based on investigations of the Zhongwei Nanshan aeolian section situated in the southeastern margin of Tengger Dcsert, carbon-14 and TL (thermoluminescence) dating results and paleoclimatic proxies such as magnetic susceptibility and grain size, we inferred that the northwestern margin of East Asian monsoon region experienced abrupt climatic changes during the last deglaciation. Six oscillation events were identified: Oldest Dryas, Belling, Older Dryas, AllerФd, lntra-AllerФd Cold Period (1ACP) and Younger Dryas (YD). The summer monsoon was weaker during Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas when the winter monsoon was stronger. However, during the B/A (BФlling/AllerФd) period, the summer monsoon strengthened, reflected by magnetic susceptibility, when the winter monsoon also became strong, which is different from the paleoclimatic pattern established in the East Asian monsoon region. Furthermore,the summer monsoon was nearly in phase with the climate changes inferred from the oxygen isotopic records of Greenland ice cores. It could be speculated that the variations of the sea ice cover in the high latitudes of the North Hemisphere affected the high pressure of Asian continent and the changes of the winter monsoon inland. On the other hand,the sea ice cover variations might have indirectly caused the occurrence of ENSO events that has tightly been related to the summer monsoon in northwest margin of East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   
今年2月,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)相继在法国巴黎和比利时布鲁塞尔召开全球气候变暖评估会议,尽管各国代表在许多问题上争议  相似文献   
为研究34年来菏泽市气候干湿状况的变化,并对该市干旱灾害进行风险区划,给市、区(县)各级人民政府防御干旱灾害风险提供理论数据支撑,指导农、林业的生产和发展。主要利用菏泽市最近34年气象站基本资料,分析菏泽市的潜在蒸散量和湿润指数变化,同时利用地理区划软件Mapinfo对该地区的干湿风险灾害进行区划分析。结果表明:(1)20世纪80年代以来,菏泽市年均潜在蒸散量和降水量水平都有所增加,但降水量的增加程度远远低于潜在蒸散量,于是湿润指数一直呈现下降趋势,年均降幅约为1.05%;(2)年均潜在蒸散量的增加主要由于气温上升和湿度下降两个因素影响,其中湿度下降对其产生的影响最大,两者正相关系数分别为0.312和0.94;(3)从时间轴上看,每年10月到次年6月为菏泽市干旱灾害多发期,尤其是每年的12月到次年4月,月平均湿润指数<0.5,为旱灾易发期;(4)目前,鲁西南8县1区中,单县的湿润程度最好,曹县、定陶、牡丹区等次之,鄄城县的湿润程度最差。  相似文献   
通过分析地质构造的生态学涵义,指出构造运动既是地球大循环的动力起源,也是生态环境生物小循环的物质基础与空间载体,揭示了地质构造影响生态环境的一般规律,进而得出地质构造是区域生态环境形成机制的决定性因素。基于波浪镶嵌构造学说所揭示的构造运动规律,探讨秦岭构造带对陕西气候和生态环境的控制作用。结果表明:秦岭在构造上的特殊位置导致了秦岭地区构造运动显著而复杂,从而形成中国大陆中东部气候的南北分界线,形成陕西特殊的天气系统、气候综合效应,进而在秦岭形成区成为联系广泛、成分极为复杂的生物多样性中心;构造运动规律与生态环境区域差异性之间存在一定耦合规律,波浪镶嵌构造学说揭示的构造运动规律成为揭示区域生态环境分异规律和生态环境问题形成机制的有效途径。  相似文献   
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