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1 INTRODUCTION Turbot is a type of marine flatfish naturally distributing along the coastal area of European. It is highly demanded for good taste. The price therefore, is very expensive. To meet the consump- tion, large-scale turbot cultures were perform…  相似文献   
Histological study on the ontogeny of the lymphoid organs, kidney, thymus and spleen of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, from hatching to 40d was carried out. The pronephric kidney duct appeared early in hatching although the primordial haemopoietic stem cells wereobserved within a week after hatching. The spleen was first seen after 8d of hatching. The thymus appeared after 15d, situated near the pronephric kidney. Small lymphoid cells appeared during the later phase of the post-larval stage in the sequence of thymus, kidney and spleen. During the 40d of observations, there were no distinct inner or outer zones in thymus and no red or white pulp in spleen. These results suggest that the nonspecific defense immune system plays a very important role in the early larval stage of Japanese flounder.  相似文献   
冠鲽属鲽科。是比目鱼中的一种,这种鱼类又叫偏口鱼,两眼均位于口部的右侧。有眼一侧披有栉鳞、无眼侧披有圆鳞。是一种小形海洋底栖鱼类。它们行动缓慢,但其肉质鲜嫩。  相似文献   
京服不是京城服装,也不是佛身“金”装,而是我国少数民族京族的服饰。“身着一件圆领白衫、一条黑裤,脑后扎着一把长长的黑发,打扮素净,自然清新”,这是京族故事《比目鱼的来由》中描写的京族姑娘的穿着打扮。这身素雅、靓丽的京族服饰又与气候有着怎样的关系呢?  相似文献   
尚可 《海洋世界》2014,(1):38-43
<正>鳕鱼学名Gadus,俗称Cod,是西方人爱吃的一种海鱼,早于17世纪,当时在北美洲的移民已将鳕鱼晒干后输往西班牙、葡萄牙及英国等地出售。由20世纪起,随着电冰箱的发明,鳕鱼多以急冻鱼块出口。鳕鱼的鱼肉为雪白色,肉质嫩滑结实而味淡。而鳕鱼肝脏亦含大量维生素A及维生素D,故经常被用作提炼鱼肝油。鳕鱼曾在英国与冰岛之间引发了三次战争,令人惊讶的是,庞大的英国皇家海军舰队竟然败给了小渔船改造的冰岛炮艇,世界老牌海军强国连续输掉了这三场战争。  相似文献   
止敬 《海洋世界》2001,(7):22-22
钻天打洞生活在印度洋和地中海的“球鱼”,有着一种与众不同的斗敌本领和绝招,善于从内部置敌人于死地。这种鱼,遇到敌害立即使身体膨胀如泡,像打足了气的皮球似地浮到水面上来。在通常情况下,敌害看见这圃鼓溜球的东西,倒有七分害怕,不敢贸然侵犯。但也有不知天高地厚的鲨鱼,偏要将它一口吞下,结果惹了杀身之祸。原来球鱼的腹部,长着极其锋利的尖刺,一进入鲨鱼胃后,便很快地将鲨鱼胃壁刺成千疮百孔,使鲨鱼疼痛难忍,直到鲨鱼痛死时,“球鱼”又从鲨鱼腹内慢慢地游出。  相似文献   
The in vitro acute cytotoxicity of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid to FG cell line, derived from the gill of flounder Paralichthys olizaceus, was tested by the three widely used endpoint bioassays-neutral red (NR) assay, tetrazolium (MTT) assay and cell protein assay. It was found that acetamiprid was increasingly toxic to FG cells at concentrations of 1 μg/cm^3 or above, and the inhibitory concentration 50% values for NR, MTF, and cell protein assays were 38.38, 36.27 and 32.03 μg/cm^3, respectively. This appeared to be the first report on the in vitro cytotoxicity of acetamiprid to non-mammalian vertebrate cells. Ultrastructural examination revealed that for the cells exposed to 60 μg/cm^3 acetamiprid for 48 h, their mitochondria were severely damaged with the cristae swelled up or disrupted, while their nuclei and rough endoplasmic reticlum (RER) appeared to be still normal. This suggests that mitochondria are possibly the primary target of acetamiprid.  相似文献   
A 605 bp section of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene from Paralichthys olivaceus, Pseudorhombus cinnamomeus, Psetta maxima and Kareius bicoloratus, which represent 3 families of Order Pleuronectiformes was amplified by PCR and sequenced to show the molecular systematics of Pleuronectiformes for comparison with related gene sequences of other 6 flatfish downloaded from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis based on genetic distance from related gene sequences of 10 flatfish showed that this method was ideal to explore the relationship between species, genera and families. Phylogenetic trees set-up is based on neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods that accords to the general rule of Pleuronectiformes evolution. But they also resulted in some confusion. Unlike data from morphological characters, P olivaceus clustered with K.bicoloratus, but P cinnamomeus did not cluster with t3. olivaceus, which is worth further studying.  相似文献   
欣文 《海洋世界》2001,(8):40-40
海鲜批发市场有名目繁多的海鲜品,令人目不暇接。当我站在海产鱼类的柜台前,有大黄鱼.带鱼,鲳鱼、比目鱼、鳗鱼等等。我正要购买时,旁边一位打扮入时又很漂亮的少妇大声说着:“我们什么时候能买到活的大黄鱼呀?”一语惊人。周围的人议论纷纷,有的说“我都这把年纪了,可以说活了…辈子,也从来没听说有活的大黄鱼”。有的说“什么时候你们卖活的黄鱼.先登个广告,我一定来买”。  相似文献   
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