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通过测量姜寨遗址窑灶烧土标本的剩余磁化方向,确定了公元前四千年左右该遗址所在临潼地区的地磁场方向(倾角和偏角),采用逐步热退磁法,求出了当时、当地的地球磁场总强度值。由此,按照中心偶极模式算得了当时该地区所在的地磁纬度,以及该时期的虚地磁极位置和地球的虚偶极矩。  相似文献   
尽管人类从猿进化到距今10万年的大荔人和大约经历了800万年的许家窑人,但人类真正与动物分道扬镳,成为自然界的主宰则不会超过1万年。1万年以前,世界的主宰也许是虎、熊、狼、豹、大象、野牛之类的动物。它们依靠庞大的身体和尖角利齿逍遥于自然界中。在这种情况下,人作为特殊  相似文献   
牛河梁文化遗存,是我国东北地区新石器时代红山文化遗存。它位于辽亍省西部凌源、建平两县交界处。东北距建平县城叶柏寿125千米,西南离凌源县城15千米,周围为种植的针叶林带。此遗存发现于1981年,之后经调查、试掘,发现红山文化遗迹地点10余处,包括祭祀址和墓葬群,1989年在此文化遗存处又发现了“金字塔”般巨大建筑遗址。  相似文献   
There are about 19 Neolithic Age sites and 120 Shang-Zhou dynasties sites in the western lakeshore of Chaohu Lake, Anhui Province, China. Based on sites data, topographic data, drainage maps, administrative maps and SPOT5 remote sensing data, spatial analysis methods were introduced into the archaeology of Chaohu Lake Basin with Geographic Information System (GIS). The spatial analysis methods include: 1) Point Density Analysis with density model to acquire the shift of the sites; 2) Distance Analysis to reveal the spatial structure of the sites; 3) 3D Analysis based on Digital Elevation Model to get micro-geomorphologic features of the sites; and 4) Buffer Analysis to discover the relationship between the sites and rivers. The results indicate that the archaeological sites spread from the western lakeshore of Chaohu Lake gradually to the northwest, later to the south, and then symmetrically spread. Controlled by productive forces and other factors, ancient people preferred to reside in those places near water, or in plain and fertile land, which resulted in linear and decentralized distribution of the sites, and presented such disciplines as river valley directivity, terrace directivity and soil directivity. This paper indicates that the distribution of archaeological sites was influenced earlier by natural elements and later by human elements in the study period. The research is important for the integration of GIS and archaeology.  相似文献   
中国是世界产盐历史最悠久的国家之一。相传炎帝时(约公元前4000年的新石器时代)风沙氏煮海为盐。最早起源于山东半岛胶州湾一带,是用火熬海水制盐之鼻祖;此法一直延续到明清之际,逐渐过渡到用滩晒法制海盐。湖盐的生产至少从3000多年前的商代就已开  相似文献   
作者在鉴定了上海几乎全部的新石器时代的脊椎动物化石的基础上,详细对比了浙江、江苏和山东同时代的动物群,重建了当时的野生生态自然景观,并讨论了一系列相关的学术问题。  相似文献   
良渚古城遗址是我国第55项世界遗产和第37项世界文化遗产,以规模宏大的城址,功能复杂的水利系统、分等级墓地等遗址,以及具有信仰与制度象征的玉礼器等出土物,揭示了新石器时代晚期在长江下游环太湖地区存在过一个以稻作农业为经济支撑,出现明显社会分化和具有统一信仰的区域性早期国家。  相似文献   
2003年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所学者尤海鲁、徐星和汪筱林,发表了对产自内蒙古赤峰市附近下白垩统义县组地层的一种新恐龙属种化石的描述。因发现地点位于著名的中国北方新石器时代晚期红山文化分布区,故以此命名属名,种名则以同一研究所学者及化石保管者侯连海命名:侯氏红山龙(Hongshanosaurushoui)。  相似文献   
新石器时代姜寨遗址的考古地磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过测量姜寨遗址窑灶烧土标本的剩余磁化方向,确定了公元前四千年左右该遗址所在临潼地区的地磁场方向(倾角和偏角),采用逐步热退磁法,求出了当时、当地的地球磁场总强度值。由此,按照中心偶极模式算得了当时该地区所在的地磁纬度,以及该时期的虚地磁极位置和地球的虚偶极矩。  相似文献   
The Gavd Neolithic Mining Complex (GNMC) near Barcelona was active during the Neolithic age, since ca. 6000 BP until about 700 years after. These mines show up to five different underground mining levels, developed as galleries and chambers, communicated through pits, drawing a complex network with a total known length of over 1000 m. These are some of the oldest underground mines in Europe but, contrary to the rest of the mine workings known of the same epoch, this is the only mining complex reported to date whose aim was not mining for conventional substances for the epoch such as chert, ochre or copper. The main aim of the GNMC was variscite, a green phosphate mineral similar to turquoise that can be easily cut and polished to make ornaments such as necklaces or bracelets. This paper is focused mainly on the geological mapping and examination in surface and underground exposures of the different phosphate mineralization types(stratabound and veins) and other relevant geological features such as discordances, thrusts, faults, and folds.  相似文献   
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