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鸡,在十二生肖中排行第十。因每天下午5~7点(即酉时)日落时鸡便归窝夜宿,故鸡的十二地支配属为“酉”。  相似文献   
青冈县国土资源局加强队伍建设,在土地资产管理、土地市场治理整顿、项目建设以及业务基础建设上强力推进,取得突破性成果。  相似文献   
为大力推进先进制造业基地建设,加快形成各具特色、优势互补、功能配套的产业基地,增强工业综合竞争力,巩固土地市场治理整顿成果,近日,浙江省金华市人民政府印发了<关于提高开发区(园区)及工业功能区发展水平的若干意见>(金政发[2005]31号),就如何进一步规范工业用地管理,努力提高集约用地水平,形成公开公平的用地机制,防止企业圈占土地,作出了七方面的具体规定.  相似文献   
The authors analyzed the data collected in the Ecological Station Jiaozhou Bay from May 1991 to November 1994, including 12 seasonal investigations, to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and variation trends of the silicate in the bay. The results indicated that the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay provided abundant supply of silicate to the bay. The silicate concentration there depended on river flow variation. The horizontal variation of silicate concentration on the transect showed that the silicate concentration decreased with distance from shorelines. The vertical variation of it showed that silicate sank and deposited on the sea bottom by phytoplankton uptake and death, and zooplankton excretion. In this way, silicon would endlessly be transferred from terrestrial sources to the sea bottom. The silicon took up by phytoplankton and by other biogeochemical processes led to insufficient silicon supply for phytoplankton growth. In this paper, a 2D dynamic model of river flow versus silicate concentration was established by which silicate concentrations of 0.028–0.062 μmol/L in seawater was yielded by inputting certain seasonal unit river flows (m3/s), or in other words, the silicate supply rate; and when the unit river flow was set to zero, meaning no river input, the silicate concentrations were between 0.05–0.69 μmol/L in the bay. In terms of the silicate supply rate, Jiaozhou Bay was divided into three parts. The division shows a given river flow could generate several different silicon levels in corresponding regions, so as to the silicon-limitation levels to the phytoplankton in these regions. Another dynamic model of river flow versus primary production was set up by which the phytoplankton primary production of 5.21–15.55 (mgC/m2·d)/(m3/s) were obtained in our case at unit river flow values via silicate concentration or primary production conversion rate. Similarly, the values of primary production of 121.98–195.33 (mgC/m2·d) were achieved at zero unit river flow condition. A primary production conversion rate reflects the sensitivity to silicon depletion so as to different phytoplankton primary production and silicon requirements by different phytoplankton assemblages in different marine areas. In addition, the authors differentiated two equations (Eqs. 1 and 2) in the models to obtain the river flow variation that determines the silicate concentration variation, and in turn, the variation of primary production. These results proved further that nutrient silicon is a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010), and the Director's Fund of the Beihai Sea Monitoring Center, the State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   
苏梅 《国土资源》2006,(9):22-30
人类的生态系统是循环的、可持续的。传统意义上的废物和垃圾都是可利用的。中美可持续发展示范村黄柏峪在发展农村经济、转变生存观念上走出了一条可持续发展的新路,形象的喻为:“从摇篮到摇篮。”黄柏峪所选择的道路,是新世纪建设社会主义新农村可以借鉴的一种模式。  相似文献   
近日,为认真贯彻全省国土资源信息工作会议精神,进一步加快我局信息化建设步伐,提高广大干部职工的计算机知识和信息化应用水平,实现土地登记发证微机化管理,缙云局举办了为期一天的地籍信息系统操作实务培训。培训中,杭州网新超图地理信息技术有限公司的技术人员就我局下步要投入运行的地籍信息系统操作实务进行授课。局科室、事业单位及基层所业务人员30余人参加了培训,掌握了土地登记中常见的设定登记和变更登记操作,拓展了对地籍信息系统的了解。  相似文献   
近年来,由于受诸多因素的影响和制约,宾县没有突破以传统农业为主的经济发展格局,致使农业大而不全、工业弱小、第三产业不发达,与周边市县的发展差距不断加大。为了从根本上实现经济的跨越发展,从解放思想入手,在大调研、大考察、大讨论的基础上,确定了“工业强县、牧业富民、旅游带动、外力牵动”的经济发展思路。把招商引资,借外力发展壮大工业经济做为主攻目标和突破口,以工业经济的率先发展带动整个县域经济的快速发展。因此,借宾西镇的区位优势,辟建了宾西经济开发区。2002年9月,经  相似文献   
结合临沂市几年来开展集体建设用地使用权流转的实践和探索,对开展集体建设用地使用权流转的背景、概念及范围进行了论述。认为在计划经济条件下形成的农民集体所有建设用地使用权不能流转的制度已与当前农村经济,特别是小城镇的建设发展严重不适应,允许集体建设用地使用权流转已势在必行。开展集体建设用地使用权流转对保护土地所有者和失地农民的权益,推动小城镇建设健康发展,规范土地市场具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在省以下国土资源管理体制改革取得阶段性成效的时候、为切实加强各级领导班子建设、日前省厅举行党组中心学习组(扩大)集中学习贯彻中央两个《决定》的会议.会上厅党组书记、厅长葛洪元就加强党的执政能力建设、联系国土资源部门的实际作了重要讲话。现摘要如下:  相似文献   
由国土资源部向国家申报的“金土工程”一期建设项目建议书,于5月31日得到国家发改委正式批准。“金土工程”成为2002年确定的国家“十二金”电子政务重点工程之外第一个正式批准立项的电子政务工程项目。按照国家发改委对项目建议书的批复,“金土工程”一期建设包括:制定相关国土资源信息化标准;在国土资源部、31个省(市、区)和32个城市,建立相关土地基础数据库和耕地保护业务管理应用系统:建立重要矿产的矿产资源基础数据库和管理应用系统;  相似文献   
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