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浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)生活史的初步研究   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
通过实验室培养实验,全面地观察描述了浒苔生活史各个阶段的发育情况。雌雄异体的配子体成熟后,放散双鞭毛的配子,雌雄配子结合成合子进而发育成孢子体,配子也可以进行单性生殖发育成膜状的配子体。孢子体成熟放散四鞭毛的游孢子,游孢子固着后,可直接发育成配子体。其生活史是单倍体的配子体与二倍体的孢子体相互交替的同形世代交替。雌雄配子具有正趋光性,易大量聚集,结合后同游孢子一样都呈负趋光性。  相似文献   
低熟煤中的孢粉与常量元素和微量元素的相关性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用电离耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)和X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF),对新疆八道湾煤矿中侏罗统西山窑组煤中的孢粉角质层进行了分析,测定了煤中的常量和微量元素。并对煤中孢粉和共伴生元素进行了回归分析,探讨了微量和常量元素的煤岩学及孢粉学属性,在微量元素与孢粉的煤相学应用方面作了初步尝试。结果表明,成煤的蕨类植物孢子和裸子植物花粉与某些常量元素和微量元素有着很高的相关性;蕨类植物孢子和裸子植物花粉的相对含量在煤中具有互补性,决定了它们与微量元素的关系也具有一定的互补性。  相似文献   
甘肃山北部霍勒扎德盖地区,分布着一套火山—沉积地层,对其进行岩石地层、区域对比及地层年代等方面的研究,划归扫子山组,并依据组内岩性差异划分为4个岩性段。该组的确定对研究哈萨克斯坦板块南缘地质演化历史有重要意义。  相似文献   
通过扫描电镜观察中华半管藻的营养细胞和休眠孢子的形态结构显示:营养细胞上下壳各具一个线性裂口而不外突的唇形突,壳壁上的眠纹放射状,爪状连接刺上有零散的单孔,从单孔分泌胶质与相邻细胞连接;休眠孢子双凸透镜形或近球形,壳厚,表面平滑无纹饰,上壳面边缘具8~16根分叉长刺,下壳面具微刺,外围有一裙状物,其上有微孔。两类细胞不同的形态特征反映其不同的生态适应。  相似文献   
马宗晋 《第四纪研究》2007,27(5):656-658
1 新中国成立前李四光的创业 李四光14岁(1903年)深怀日帝炮击我国舰、民之恨,赴日苦学造船,兼受中山先生革命宏愿之教诲,誓入同盟会.  相似文献   
Glaciogene sedimentary rocks have been found in modem tills of the Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during the 1998 - 1999 Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHNARE). Based on the lithilogic and sedimentary features, these sedimentary rocks are correlated with Cenozoic sedimentary strata of the Pagodroma Group in the neighboring Prince Charles Mountains and the Sorsdal Formation in VestFold Hills. Sedimentary clasts contain sparsely Late Tertiary spores and pollens, including : Toroisporis ( Lygodiaceae), Osmunda, Granulatisporites ( Pteridaceae?) , Polypodiaceae, Podocarpus , Araucariaceae, Artemisia , Rhus , Nothofagidites , Proteacidites (Proteaceae) , Quercus , Fraxinoipollenites ( Oleaceae ) , Oleoidearumpollenites( Oleaceae ), Operculumpollis, and Tricolpopollenites. Most of the pollen and spores contained in these samples originate from local sources according to the conditions of their preservations as well as correlations with the microfossil assemblages found in the neighboring areas. The majority of the pollen assemblages, as represented by Podocarpus and Nothofagus, belong to the Weddellian biogeocenose, however some exotic components from the old sedimentary basement rocks may have been included during erosion of the proximal ice sheet. If the source areas of glaciogenic sedimentary rocks that bear the pollen and spores are assumed to be local, or in the up glacier areas, the pollen assemblages in these samples might represent an inland flora during a warmer period of the ice-sheet evolutionary history. The finding of the Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae in the pollen assemblages implies that they may belong to late Tertiary (most probably Pliocene). The absence of diatoms in the samples analyzed may indicate that there are no Cenozoic marine strata in the interior of the east Antarctica beyond the Grove Mountains. The significances of the finding of the Nothofagus in these pollen assemblages are discussed on the basis of current knowledge about the age, distribution and ecological conditions of this kind of fossils found in Sirius Group or other strata outcropped in Antarctica. As a preliminary conclusion, we think that the existence of the Cenozoic glaciogenenic rocks and their pollen assemblages present new evidence for a large scale glacial retreat history in Grove Mountains of east Antarctica, and thus support a dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). This is consistent with the interpretations of Webb et al. (1984).  相似文献   
桂山岛海域甲藻孢囊的分布与浮游植物休眠体萌发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
康伟  王朝晖 《海洋科学》2016,40(7):33-40
为了了解珠江口桂山岛海域甲藻孢囊的分布及浮游植物休眠体的萌发状况,以揭示赤潮发生潜势,于2009年1月采集了珠江口桂山岛海域表层沉积物样品,对沉积物中甲藻孢囊的种类和数量进行分析,并对浮游植物休眠体进行了萌发试验。结果表明,桂山岛海域甲藻孢囊有21种,原多甲藻类孢囊在种类数上占优势。甲藻孢囊密度较低,为110~315个/g,平均为202个/g,养殖区密度高于非养殖区。异养型甲藻孢囊百分比含量较高,表明了该海域较高的富营养化程度。活体孢囊密度百分比达61.8%,说明表层沉积物中存在大量未萌发的活性孢囊,为赤潮暴发埋下了隐患。萌发的浮游植物种类数较少,为19属22种。20 d和40 d萌发的浮游植物细胞平均密度分别为490个/g和264个/g。萌发的甲藻优势种为Biecheleriopsis adriatica,其次为锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea);萌发的硅藻主要以中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvistus)和舟形藻(Navicula sp.)占优势。桂山岛海域有毒有害甲藻孢囊的广泛分布以及潜在赤潮种类的大量萌发,表明该海域有较高的赤潮发生风险。  相似文献   
斯行健 《地质论评》1951,16(Z1):52-60
所谓孢子广义的讲,是植物的生殖器官。古生代及中生代的煤层中的孢子化石,除去极少数的例外,都是属於维管束植物的。所有维管束植物都产生孢子以及和孢子同等的花粉等等。孢子可分为两种:(1)同子孢子(homosporous spores),所有的孢子,都是同样大小的。(2)异子孢子(heterosporous spores),小孢子是雄性的,内藏雄器,其中生精虫;大孢子是雌性的,内藏雌器,其中生卵球。古生代煤层中的孢子化  相似文献   
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