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Summary of results from a high - resolution pan - Arctic ice - ocean model are presented for the northern North Pacific, Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. The main focus is on the mean circulation, communication from the Gulf of Alaska across the Bering Sea into the western Arctic Ocean and on mesoscale eddy activity within several important ecosystems. Model results from 1979 -2004 are compared to observations whenever possible. The high spatial model resolution at 1/12o (or -9 - km) in the horizontal and 45 levels in the vertical direction allows for representation of eddies with diameters as small as 36 km. However, we believe that upcoming new model integrations at even higher resolution will allow us to resolve even smaller eddies. This is especially important at the highest latitudes where the Rossby radius of deformation is as small as 10 km or less.  相似文献   
The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea at two different culturing temperatures. The results showed that the general occurrence percentage of GAB was quite high, average abundanees of GAB at cultured temperatares of 4℃ and 25℃ were 4.46 ×10^7 and 5.47×10^7 cells·g^-1(wt), respectively. The highest abundance of GAB occurred at 20 -22 cm section in the sediment. GAB abundances changed among the section of sediments, but there is a trend : the a-bundances at the middle or lower sections were lower than those at upper section. Cultivation at 25℃ could improve the occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB, which suggests that the increasing of temperature may change the living circum-stances of GAB. The differences of GAB among the latitudes areas indicated that occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB in middle latitude areas were higher than those in the higher or lower latitude areas, and were more obvious at 4℃ than those at 25℃. The GAB abundances in sediment under the shallower water seemed to be low- er than those in sediments under the deeper water and this status was more obvious at 25℃ than that at 4℃.  相似文献   
涉农企业及农业资源信息系统的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从农业信息化与涉农企业管理两方面出发,研究探讨基于GIS技术的农业信息化管理问题,并最终提出了一个涉农企业及农业资源信息系统模型。将电子地图的空间表现功能和空间分析功能应用于涉农企业及农业资源信息管理,直观地表现了涉农企业和农业资源的分布情况以及相关信息,为农业生产和农业决策提供辅助支持。  相似文献   
梓童 《国土资源》2008,(1):46-47
2007年12月24日,国务院出台《关于促进资源型城市可持续发展的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》),首次明确了未来资源性产品的成本构成,这  相似文献   
最近借和日本城市友好交流的机会,我们对日本部分地区进行了考察,利用不到半个月的时间走访了日本一都、一道、两府和静冈、爱知、三重等几个县,参观了东京、名古屋、京都、大阪以及北海道的札幌、旭川等城市。给我们留下最深刻印象的是日本丰富的自然资源、开阔的地理空间以及汉字在日本使用的普遍,这些都是我们在国内从来没有想到过的。过去一直有这样的印象:日本领土狭小、资源匮乏、人口拥挤、到处是摩天大厦,而这次日本之行彻底改变了我们原本对日本的看法。  相似文献   
围海造地是人类开发利用海洋的重要方式,也是人类拓展生存空间及生产空间的重要手段.世界上大部分沿海国家或地区都有围海造地的历史,也因此积累了比较丰富的成功经验及失败教训.我国海岸线长、海湾多,改革开放以来,东部沿海地区一直是我国经济增长最活跃、工业化和城市化进程最快的区域.  相似文献   
合肥,作为安徽的省会城市,近年来,随着城市建设步伐的加快,发展和用地的矛盾日益突出,合肥市国土资源管理部门在市委、市政府的坚强领导下,努力践行科学发展观,解放思想, "敢"字当头,闯新路,破难题,积极出谋献策,探索出一条符合自身实际的土地节约集约利用新机制,推动经济社会又好又快发展.  相似文献   
国土资源部官员目前对此城市房地产成交量出现萎缩、房价有所回落的现象表示,这是土地政策、房地产政策、税收政策综合作用的结果。  相似文献   
铀矿地质勘查,土地占用和土地税收缴纳情况清查工作,城市地价动态监测,能源消费普查,国土资源管理工作,矿业权有偿取得政策向地方倾斜,矿产资源储量利用现状调查……  相似文献   
一、五年来工作回顾 省国土资源厅组建以来,特别是刚刚过去的五年,在省委、省政府的正确领导和国土资源部的有力指导下,历任领导班子和广大干部职工以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,以科学发展观为统领,围绕"保护资源、保障发展、维护权益、服务社会"的宗旨,全面履行国土资源调查评价、规划、管理、保护与合理利用职能,服务青海经济社会发展大局,做了大量卓有成效的工作,各方面都取得了显著成绩.主要体现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   
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