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The high-mineral contents of some thermal waters are believed to have medicinal properties. Numerous spas and bathhouses might be built at these hot springs to take advantage of theses supposed healing properties such as skin diseases, rheumatism and so on. This paper is to find thermal reservoir and to classify the kinds of water. The majority of thermal springs are found discharging from igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen (research area). Structurally these volcanisms are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Temperature and pH values of the thermal spring range 37℃-96℃, and 6.3-8.7 respectively. The Yemen/thermal waters indicate high variability in composition since they are ofNa (K) -CI, Na=HCO3 and Ca (Mg) =SO4 types, whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg) -HCO3 composition. Different liquid phase geothermometers,such as SiO2, K^2/Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir temperatures ranging 70℃-140℃ perform equilibrium temperature evaluation of the thermal reservoirs.  相似文献   
2011年5月,省政府在辽阳市召开全省温泉旅游现场会,依据《辽宁省人民政府关于加快发展温泉旅游的意见》精神,提出了把辽宁建成全国温泉旅游大省的目标。东北煤田地质局物探测量队是省属地勘单位中唯一的从事地球物理勘探专业队伍,理所当然地要在打造温泉旅游大省过程中有所作为。下面就结合本队近年来所承担的多个地热勘探项目.谈一谈关于物探技术在地热勘探,特别是深层地热勘探中发挥作用的一些体会。  相似文献   
热泵是消耗一定高品位能源把能量从低温物体传递到高温物体的设备。热泵是以低温地热水作为热泵夏季制冷的冷却源、冬季采暖供热的低温热源,同时是实现采暖制冷和生活用热水的一种系统。它用来替代传统的用制冷机和锅炉进行空调采暖和供热的模式,是改善城市大气环境和节约能源的一种有效途径,也是国内地源能利用的一个新发展方向。  相似文献   
该文对聊城市自然地理、地质特征进行了概述,对聊城市矿产资源的现状及基本特点、矿业权设置现状进行了总结,在此基础上进行了矿业权区块的划分,完成了聊城市矿业权的设置工作,提出了方案实施的保障措施。  相似文献   
通过对刘公岛地热资源地质勘查,区内岩浆活动强烈,断裂切割深度大,破碎宽度大,有一定汇水区的局部地温异常区,具备形成地热的条件。刘公岛地热温泉属于温热水型低温地热资源,其水质属于锶型低温温水型矿水,适宜洗浴、理疗、保健,可与刘公岛旅游资源开发密切结合。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了郑州市水文地质和地热地质条件 ;分析解释了在郑州市芦邢庄进行地热井定位勘探时取得的激电测深资料 ;确定了具体的地热钻探井位 ,给出了该井成井后的实际水温、水量等参数  相似文献   
汤池沟热田大地构造位置处于辽阳-本溪凹陷与凤城凸起的交接部位,属浅埋藏水热对流型热田。热储由中生代燕山期花岗斑岩、凝灰岩组成。热源为岩浆活动的余热。热流体主要靠侧向基岩裂隙水及断裂充水带的水补给,自北东向南西方向以脉状裂隙水运动为主,热流体直接受北东、北北东及北西向断裂控制。该热田储存有较丰富的地热资源,热能总量计算为 58.05 TJ,目前的热水开采量每年为 414 000 t,相当于消耗燃烧值为 29.3 MJ的标准煤每年 1 833.43 t,如果按此潜力开发,其开采年限预计可持续 80年以上。  相似文献   
山东省地热信息系统建设工作 ,把以往分散和零乱的地热地质条件、普查勘探及地热资源勘查开发利用等资料 ,通过文、图、表、声、像等形式综合地、直观地反映出来 ,以有助于政府管理部门更好地开展地热资源勘查规划、开发管理与利用指导。  相似文献   
Based on introducing geological structure of Tanggu area, the authors analyzed the sedimentary environment of Paleogene Dongying Formation, and further analyzed its geothermal occurrence. The studied area spans two grade IV tectonic units which are Beitang depression and Banqiao depression. The studied area is mainly located in the Tanggu nose-like structure which is the secondary structure of Beitang depression. Its existence affects the sedimentary distribution of the part strata of Paleogene. The depositions of Dongying Ⅲ ( SQEd3 ) and Dongying Ⅱ ( SQEd2 ) are mainly delta front facies and lake sand bars which are propitious to the geothermal fluid enrichment. The favorable enrichment region of geothermal fluid is located in south Hetou- Tanggu. Most of Dongying Ⅰ ( SQEd1 ) changes into swamp plain deposition, only the northeast part of this area is the distributary riverway facies with developed sand layers. There is the favorable enrichment region of geothermal fluid. The hydraulic connection is weak among the geothermal reservoirs of Dongying Formation and its overlying Guantao and Minghuazhen formations. The underlying Shahejie Formation geothermal reservoir pro- vides a steady stream of fluid supply and ground pressure protection for Dongying Formation geothermal reservoir.  相似文献   
正阅读提示:北方的供暖季,雾霾频频造访。于是,地热这一清洁能源逐渐受到关注。实际上,在天津,地热资源的开发利用已经走在世界前列,技术上先后攻破了基岩和孔隙型热储回灌两大世界难题,形成了在保护中开发、在开发中保护的良好机制。古人把从地壳裂隙深处涌出地面的热水喻为"金汤"。近年来,随着温泉、地热供暖等产业的发展,"金汤"盲目开采严重,一些地方的地热水位严重下降甚至枯竭。因此,加强地热水回灌成为地热管理工作的重中之重。在这方面,  相似文献   
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