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下城分局结合中心城区的实际情况,不断创新和改进土地年租金征收工作方式,已连续五年位居杭州市各城区总量第一。今年年租金收缴再次实现了量的新突破,截至10月底达到781万元,提前二个月刷新去年770万元纪录,确保了年租金征收工作在城区的领先地位。一是确立奋勇当先的征收工作理念。尽管辖区内划拨土地随着企业改制、搬迁和土地出让等情况减少以及受专业市场停止征收等临时政策调整的影响,  相似文献   
方红建 《浙江地质》2008,(11):61-61
为进一步做好上一轮土地利用总体规划的实施评价和贯彻落实《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于土地利用总体规划局部修改工作的意见》,瑞安市国土资源局于5月份开始全面开展新增基本农田地块的清查工作。通过近5个月的清查核实,已基本查清了全市2001年1月1日至2007年12月31日期间,通过土地开发整理暨标准农田建设新增耕地可划为基本农田的地块面积及使用情况,并按省厅规定要求,完成了《新增基本农田地块储备库清册》的登记,其成果已通过省国土资源厅审查验收。  相似文献   
一是突出责任,落实项目任务。县政府和各乡镇签订土地开发复垦目标责任书,要求把土地开发整理复垦作为当前工作的重中之重,时时放在心上、紧紧抓在手上,集中力量攻坚,集中精力推进。二是完善制度,强化政策引导。进一步建立和完善激励机制,发挥经济政策和考核制度的导向作用,调动各方的主动性、积极性和责任感。三是强力推进,实行倒逼机制。制定全年项目工程倒排时间进度表,实行工作倒逼机制。  相似文献   
农业部日前发出《关于做好当前农村土地承包经营权流转管理和服务工作通知》强调:维护农民土地承包权益,加强农村土地承包管理和服务,正确指导农村土地承包经营权流转平稳健康发展。通知要求,加强农村土地承包经营权流转管理和服务工作,  相似文献   
《宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目实施方案》近日通过国土资源部、财政部专家组的评审,计划未来5年,在宁夏中北部实施337万亩土地开发整理重大工程。工程完工后将新增耕地面积78.5万亩,对提高项目区粮食生产能力、改变宁夏中北部地区农民生产生活条件、切实解决民生问题具有十分重要的意义。宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目,分中部片区和北部片区,中部片区涉及中宁、红寺堡、同心、海原、  相似文献   
土地复垦地籍调绘及数据处理中的MATLAB方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏省徐州市贾汪区为研究对象,详述矿区土地复垦中地籍测量的全过程;以JSCORS技术和全站仪相结合的野外作业方式大大提高数据采集的速度,深入讨论全站仪野外作业记录格式与CASS6.0不一致时数据的转换问题,详细分析MATLAB与其他传统的编程方式比较所体现出来的优越性。  相似文献   
刚才,赵洪祝书记、吕祖善省长和国土资源部李元副部长分别做了重要讲话。三位领导的讲话从我国和我省国土资源管理工作面临的形势出发。深刻阐述了加强土地管理、推进节约集约用地工作的重要性、紧迫性,明确提出了我省今后一个时期扎实推进土地节约集约利用、提高国土资源管理水平的目标、思路和举措。各级党委、政府和有关部门要认真领会和贯彻赵书记、吕省长、李部长的重要讲话精神,把加强对土地资源的保护保障作为经济社会发展的一个重要内容,把节约集约利用土地作为今后土地管理工作的一个基本抓手,深入扎实地抓紧抓好。  相似文献   
我国的土地出让制实际上源于香港的批租制。本质上,出让制(批租制)与年租制(租赁制)都是欧美国家所称的租赁(Lease)方式的一种。所谓批租制(Grant-Land Approach)是指土地所有者(出租方)将一定面积的地块在规定的期限内依据一定的条件通过法定合同(契约)租给土地使用者(承租方),期满后收回土地及其上建筑物。土地批租的基本特征是土地所有者一次出租土地若干年,按固定的年租额(或按预测的幅度而调升)一次收取若干年地租的折现值总和即土地出让金,亦可称为批地租。  相似文献   
Heavy mining of Jurassic and Carboniferous horizontal coal seams in the Datong coalfield has seriously affected the local geological environment, which is mainly manifested by such geohazards as soil avalanches, landslides, mudflows, surface subsidence, surface cracks, surface solid waste accumulation and surface deformation. More seriously, coal mining causes groundwater to leak. Overpumping of groundwater has resulted in substantial land subsidence of the urban area in Datong City. Based on the previous geo-environmental investigation in the work area, the authors used radar remote sensing techniques such as InSAR (synthetic aperture radar interferometry) and D-InSAR (differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry), supplemented by the optical remote sensing method, for geo-environmental investigation to ascertain the geo-environmental background of the Datong Jurassic and Carboniferous-Permian coalfield and evaluate the effects of the geohazards, thus providing a basis for the geo-environmental protection, geohazard control and prevention, land improvement and optimization of the human environment. In this study 8 cog-nominal ERS-1/2 SAR data frames during 1992 to 2003 were used, but the following processing was made: (1) the multitemporal SAR magnitude images were used to interpret the geological structure, vegetation, microgeomorphology and drainage system; (2) the multi-temporal InSAR coherent images were used to make a classification of surface features and evaluate the coherence change due to coal mining; and (3) the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images were used to complete D-InSAR processing to remove the information of differential deformation areas (sites). In the end, a ten-year time series of differential interferograms were obtained using the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images. In the tests, 84 deformed areas (sites) were obtained, belonging to those in 1993-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-2001, 1998-2002 and 2001-2003 respectively. Of the 84 areas, 44 are m  相似文献   
Palygorskite is a typical indicator mineral of the arid and strong evaporation environment. Distribution of palygorskite in loess-red clay sequences may act as an important indicator for reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. In this paper, field emission scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscope observations on the red clay-loess-paleosol of the Renjiapo profile at Lingtai, Gansu Province indicate that palygorskite occurs widely in red clay sequences formed before 3.6 Ma, but no occurrence has been found in eolian sediments since 3.2 Ma. Micromorphological features and microstructure of palygorskite show that it is an autogenic mineral formed during pedogenesis, and transformed from iilite-montmorilionite under the pore water action. In the Lingtai profile, the disappearance horizon of palygorskite is consistent with those of increasing magnetic susceptibility, dust flux and depositional rate. The distribution of palygorskite in the profile indicates that the interval of around 3.6 Ma was an important transformation period of the East Asian paleomonsoon, when changes took place in the East Asia paleoclimate pattern, i.e. a high-frequency strong fluctuation alternative evolution of the environment. Therefore, palygorskite is a key indicator mineral of the East Asian paleomonsoon evolution of that time.  相似文献   
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