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层序地层研究表明,位于扬子地块西南缘的黔西南地区在中三叠世末期(相当于Ladinian-Carnian期)出现了一次与全球同步的大规模海侵,形成了一个向上变深的碳酸盐岩台地淹没沉积层序。垄头组顶部和竹竿坡组分别是海进体系域(TST)的下、上部分。碳、氧同位素研究表明,垄头组顶部自下而上δ(18O)持续增大,而δ(13C)先逐渐增大,后在顶部界面附近快速下降,反映了垄头组顶部在暴露环境下氧化作用的结果。竹竿坡组δ(13C)自下而上逐渐增大,δ(18O)总体呈现逐渐减小趋势,反映了海平面变化特征。研究认为,海进体系域的δ(13C)和δ(18O)演化不但反映了海平面和沉积环境变化,同时对密集段(CS)、层序界面和古暴露面等也有很好的识别作用,在层序地层研究中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
中生代义马盆地不仅以中原唯一的中生代产煤盆地而著名,而且早中侏罗世的义马组含煤地层和晚三叠世地层中,保存了大量完美的各类动植物化石。长期以来,随着煤田勘查和开发,许多著名的地质、古生物学家进行了大量地质调查及地质古生物科学研究工作,取得了多项有世界性影响的科研成果。其中银杏化石植物群的发现,在世界上引起轰动,这是全世界迄今发现最古老的银杏化石群,被国际地质、古生物学术界命名为“义马银杏”,  相似文献   
The 32nd INHIGEO Symposium was held between 28 July and 5 August 2007 in Eichstatt, northeast Bavaria. This part of Bavaria is celebrated for many things, not least its diverse Jurassic fossils. Amongst the latter, the most famous is one of the great "missing links" in paleontology, the feathered Archaeopteryx with its reptilian teeth. Equally renowned is the lithographic limestone from Solnhofen that was used to produce the early illustrations of Archaeopteryx along with other countless maps and figures in publications well known to historians of geology. It was fitting that the symposium theme was "The Historical Relationship of Geology and Religion".  相似文献   
根据微体化石、粒度、孢粉、粘土矿物和碳酸钙含量等多项分析资料,以及古地磁、14C和ESR等项测年资料,划分出7个海相地层,它们是中更新世中、晚期的H  相似文献   
The name Calabrian was introduced in the geological literature by the French stratigrapher Maurice Gignoux in 1910, and later described in his important monograph (633 pages) "Les formations marines pliocknes et quaternaires de l'ltalie du sud et de la Sicile "published in 1913. Detailed data were provided on several sections (Santa Maria di Catanzaro, Caraffa, Monasterace, Palermo) and on their fossil content. The Calabrian Stage has commonly been used for over fifty years as the oldest subdivision of the Qua- ternary, notably in the time scales of Berggren & van Cou- vering (1974) and Haq & Eysinga (1987). However, after the GSSP for the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (P/P) was approved by INQUA in 1982 and ratified by lUGS in 1984 at the Vrica section of Calabria, there was a decline in the usage of the stage name, and an increasing tendency by many Quaternary workers to question the boundary stratotype. This was because there was increasing evidence that it did not correspond to the beginning of the "ice age". In doing so, they were not complying with the recommendations presented at the 18th International Geological Congress (IGC) in London, 1948 (Oakley, 1950).  相似文献   
科学性、典型性、稀有性 公同中分布的地层剖面、岩浆侵入体、峡谷及水体景观等重要地质遗迹,是我省乃至全国地质科学研究领域的宝贵财富;是区内地层划分、岩浆岩、变质岩研究,地质构造分级的重要依据,对于研究区域地质发展史、进行全国性对比有着重要意义。[第一段]  相似文献   
藏南特提斯喜马拉雅沉积岩带,从奥陶纪到老第三纪,发育了一套层序连续完整的海相沉积地层,很少有缺失,沉积总厚度达万米以上,是研究古生代以来地壳化学演化的理想剖面。剖面岩石主要由灰岩、砂岩,粉砂岩和页岩组成。按剖面厚度计算,灰岩、砂岩、  相似文献   
本文应用沉积体系的研究方法,恢复了福建省晚泥盆世-中侏罗世地层的古沉积面貌。上泥盆统发育河流体系、三角洲体系和碎屑滨岸体系;石炭系发育冲积扇体系、河流体系、碎屑滨岸体系和陆架体系;二叠系发育河流体系、湖泊体系、三角洲体系、碎屑滨岸体系和陆架体系;下三叠发育碎屑滨岸体系、陆架体系、陆坡体系和盆地体系;晚三叠世之后主要发育冲积扇体系、河流体系、湖泊体系和滨岸体系。  相似文献   
南四湖周边地区第四纪地层划分的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据南四湖周边地区数十眼钻孔的数据资料,以岩性地层分析对比研究为基础,通过利用14C、热释光等年代测定和孢粉分析技术方法,对该地区第四纪地层的划分提出了初步认识.经研究认为,该区中南部的南四湖、北五湖的湖相沉积大约形成于全新世中晚期之后.根据区内松散岩层的沉积物岩性和岩层的组合特征可以划分出5个岩组段.  相似文献   
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