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1920年中国北方7省(市)大旱的灾情及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了1920年中国北方7省(市)大旱的旱情及其形成的物理因素。结果表明:1920年中国北方的大旱灾以京津冀最为严重,范围大,且多灾并发,危害异常严重。从1918年夏季到1920年春季南方涛动指数为负位相,是此次大旱重要的热带环流年际变化背景;该年是近百年来西太平洋副热带高压最弱最偏东的一年,这是形成大旱的主要原因;强厄尔尼诺事件是大旱的重要原因;登陆台风偏少和台风位置偏东、偏南,是造成干旱的原因之一。  相似文献   
利用昌图县2011年和朝阳县2010年生活用水数据,分析居民生活用水量周、年内变化特征,并根据各个月份北方生活用水特点划分了北方生活用水季节,同时,结合滑动平均、经验模态分析和小波分析方法计算了城市生活用水水平衡测试周期。主要结论:一周初始生活用水量最低,周末用水量最高;一年中11-3月用水量最高,为生活用水冬季,6-8月为夏季,用水量次之,4-5月为春季,9-10月为秋季,春秋季用水量较少;城市生活用水水平衡测试的最佳周期为7天。  相似文献   
近50年中国北方土壤湿度的区域演变特征   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
利用中国100E以东139站1951~1999年逐月反演的土壤湿度资料(0cm~100cm,共11层),重点分析了中国东北、华北和西北东部三个地区的土壤湿度在年际一年代际时间尺度上的演变特征.研究表明:不同层次上土壤湿度的变化特征有很好的一致性.华北地区在20世纪60年代末到70年代末为显著偏湿的阶段,之后发生突变直到90年代末土壤湿度持续降低并以90年代中后期为甚.东北区在70年代前后为一显著的干旱时段,此后土壤湿度有所恢复,但90年代以来该区的土壤湿度仍然较低.值得注意的是,华北夏季土壤湿度自80年代以来并未有明显的下降.另外,北方地区土壤在秋季普遍存在干化趋势,其中以东北地区最为显著.本文还分析了土壤湿度演变趋势的地理分布特征.  相似文献   
中国北方C3植物碳同位素组成与年均温度关系   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
本文对不同温度条件下生长的藜、独行菜、魁蓟和平车前4种常见的C3植物的δ^13C进行了分析,结果发现这4种C3植物的δ^13C组成都表现出随年均温度下降而变重的趋势,其中藜和独行菜的碳同位素组成对温度变化的响应相对要较其他两种植物强烈得多,同时还发现藜、独行菜和魁蓟的δ^13C组成与年均温度有显著线性相关,平车前碳同位素组成与年均温度 没有显著的相关性。表明藜、独行菜和魁蓟的 δ^13C组成可作为年均温度的替代性指标,平车前的δ^13C 组成不能作为年均温度的替代性指标。  相似文献   
The 1°×1° National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) data and mesoscale numerical simulation data are analyzed to reveal a mechanism for the formation of heavy rainfall in Northern China; this mechanism is the non-uniformly saturated instability induced by a dry intrusion. The dry intrusion and the accompanying downward transport of air with a high value of potential vorticity (PV) are maintained during the precipitation event. As the dry air intrudes down into the warm and moist sector in the lower troposphere, the cold, dry air and the warm, moist air mix with each other, and, as a result, the atmosphere becomes non-uniformly saturated. On the basis of this non-uniform saturation, a new Brunt-Vaisaila frequency (BVF) formula is derived and applied to the precipitation event. It is shown that, compared to the conditions of either a dry or a saturated atmosphere, the BVF in a non-uniformly saturated, moist atmosphere (BVF) may be more appropriate for depicting the atmospheric instability in rainy regions.  相似文献   
对"北方海区GPS控制网"项目进行了介绍,阐述了内、外业的作业流程、实施情况,并结合测量成果对今后海洋测绘领域提出了几点建议.  相似文献   
The authors quantify the impacts of sulfate and nitrate aerosol formation on surface-layer 03 concentrations over China using the one-way nested-grid capa- bility of the global three-dimensional Goddard Earth Ob- serving System chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). Chemical reactions associated with sulfate formation are simulated to generally increase 03 concentrations in China. Over the North China Plain (NCP) and the Si- chuan Basin (SCB), where simulated sulfate concentra- tions are the largest, ozone concentrations show maximum increases in spring by 1.8 ppbv (3.2%) in the NCP and by 2.6 ppbv (3.7%) in the SCB. On the contrary, nitrate formation is simulated to reduce 03 concentrations by up to 1.0 ppbv in eastern China, with the largest reduc- tions of 1.0 ppbv (1.4%) in summer over the NCE Ac- counting for the formation of both sulfate and nitrate, the surface-layer O3 concentrations over a large fraction of eastern China are simulated to increase in winter, spring, and autumn, dominated by the impact of sulfate forma- tion, but to decrease in summer because of the dominant contribution from nitrate formation.  相似文献   
We tested the use of otolith shape analysis to discriminate between species and stocks of five goby species( Ctenotrypauchen chinensis, Odontamblyopus lacepedii, Amblychaeturichthys hexanema, Chaeturichthys stigmatias, and Acanthogobius hasta) found in northern Chinese coastal waters. The five species were well differentiated with high overall classification success using shape indices(83.7%), elliptic Fourier coefficients(98.6%), or the combination of both methods(94.9%). However, shape analysis alone was only moderately successful at discriminating among the four stocks(Liaodong Bay, LD; Bohai Bay, BH; Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary HRE, and Jiaozhou Bay, JZ stocks) of A. hasta(50%–54%) and C. stigmatias(65.7%–75.8%). For these two species, shape analysis was moderately successful at discriminating the HRE or JZ stocks from other stocks, but failed to effectively identify the LD and BH stocks. A large number of otoliths were misclassified between the HRE and JZ stocks, which are geographically well separated. The classification success for stock discrimination was higher using elliptic Fourier coefficients alone(70.2%) or in combination with shape indices(75.8%) than using only shape indices(65.7%) in C. stigmatias whereas there was little difference among the three methods for A. hasta. Our results supported the common belief that otolith shape analysis is generally more effective for interspecific identification than intraspecific discrimination. Moreover, compared with shape indices analysis, Fourier analysis improves classification success during inter- and intra-species discrimination by otolith shape analysis, although this did not necessarily always occur in all fish species.  相似文献   
本文基于气象、遥感数据,运用RWEQ模型,结合风蚀季节的植被盖度变化对近30年的土壤风蚀量和植被的防风固沙服务功能的时空变化趋势进行了定量评估,揭示了植被盖度变化对防风固沙服务功能的影响。研究表明:中国北方多年平均土壤风蚀量为160.1亿t,并处于下降趋势,土壤侵蚀强度大的区域主要集中在各大沙漠区和植被盖度较低的草地,且春季为我国土壤风蚀的多发期,占全年风蚀量的45.93%;中国北方多年平均防风固沙量为203.1亿t;防风固沙服务功能保有率的分布特征表现为由东南到西北逐渐降低的趋势;工程实施后春季植被盖度的提升区主要集中在黄土高原、青藏高原、河北北部、内蒙古东部以及东北地区;大部分区域的春季植被盖度减小(提高)与防风固沙的服务保有率的下降(提升)呈显著正相关(r0.7,p0.01);前后两个十年相比较草地生态系统的防风固沙服务功能提升幅度最大(2.02%),其次为林地(1.15%)、农田(0.99%)和荒漠(0.86%)。  相似文献   
Three-North Shelterbelt Forest(TSF) program, is one of six key forestry programs and has a 73-year construction period, from 1978 to 2050. Quantitative analysis of the carbon sequestration of shrubs in this region is important for understanding the overall function of carbon sequestration of the forest and other terrestrial ecosystems in China. This study investigated the distribution area of shrubland in the TSF region based on remote sensing images in 1978 and 2008, and calculated the carbon density of shrubland in combination with the field investigation and previous data from published papers. The carbon sequestration quantity and rate from 1978 to 2008 was analyzed for four sub-regions and different types of shrubs in the TSF region. The results revealed that: 1) The area of shrubland in the study area and its four sub-regions increased during the past thirty years. The area of shrubland for the whole region in 2008 was 1.2 × 10~7 ha, 72.8% larger than that in 1978. The Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Sub-region was the largest shrubland distribution area, while the highest coverage rate was found in the North China Sub-region. 2) In decreasing order of their carbon sequestration, the four types of shrubs considered in this study were Hippophae rhamnoides, Caragana spp., Haloxylon ammodendron and Vitex negundo var. heterophylla. The carbon sequestration of H. rhamnoides, with a maximum mean carbon density of 16.5 Mg C/ha, was significantly higher than that of the other three species. 3) The total carbon sequestration of shrubland in the study region was 4.5×10~7 Mg C with a mean annual carbon sequestration of 1.5 ×10~6 Mg C. The carbon density in the four sub-regions decreased in the following order: the Loess Plateau Sub-region, the North China Sub-region, the Northeast China Sub-region and the Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Sub-region. The paucity of studies and data availability on the large-scale carbon sequestration of shrub species suggests this study provides a baseline reference for future research in this area.  相似文献   
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