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在7月16目召开的全国地质勘查管理座谈会上,国土资源部副部长汪民指出,按照我国法律法规,探矿权两级管理、采矿权四级管理,不存在初审问题。  相似文献   
河南地调健儿克服了高寒缺氧,交通、通讯不便,供给不足等诸多困难,以科学求实的态度和拼搏奉献的精神,在青藏铁路沿线南段为国家找到铜铅锌矿产地4处,其中大型2处,中型、小型各1处。向国家提交铜资源量36万余吨,铅锌资源量240余万吨,银近千吨,金10余吨。这一信息是由日前召开的《西藏当雄县拉屋-嘉黎县同德一带铜铅锌多金属矿评价报告》评审验收会议上获悉的。 西藏雅鲁藏布江成矿区战略性矿产勘查,是“十五”期间国家地质工作矿产资源调查评价部署的4个重点之一。河南省地质调查院以其雄厚的技术实力和十余年西藏地质矿产勘查工作积累的…  相似文献   
It is very important to establish cooperative mechanism to guarantee all members to develop their e-conomies in the Yellow Sea Rim. In this paper, the development strategies ofshipplng centers and transportation networkare discussed based on economic giobalization tendency. The results argue that a united transportation network should bebuilt in order to promote the economic competition of Northeast Asia in the world. As a key component of the economiccooperation, a hierarchical shipping centers network should be established with Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pusan, Koho,and Tokyo as cores. The authorities of China, Japan, R. O. Korea and D. P. B. Korea should make more efforts tobuild a set of cooperation institutions based on raising the transportation efficiency.  相似文献   
The exploitation and utilization of the tour resources of tournament athletics, including skiling, boat sail-ing, archery, ice engraving, snow engraving, has become a new trend of the development of Chinese tourism. Due tothe unique cold climate and superior geographic location, Harbin is a promising city for developing tour resources of tourna-ment athletics. Based on the analysis of the superiority and peculiarity of Harbin, the speculation on development of tour resources of tournament athletics in Harbin is proposed as follows : 1 ) Harbin should develop its special tour resources of tournament athletics associated with needs of market; 2) Harbin should take the advantages of rich resources and devel-op ice and snow entertainment in winter and travel for sight-seeing and spending summer;, 3) the adjustment of the layoutof ice and snow resources should be based on the idea of taking Harbin as the center and all-side opening at the largescale in the way of radiation; 4) tourism should be developed by the combined efforts of various departments to make feasi-ble plan, and the organizers should pay much attention to ensuring the safetv of tourists.  相似文献   
为了加大国家财政对矿产资源勘查投入力度,鼓励和引导社会资金投入,建立矿产资源勘查投入良性循环机制,财政部、国土资源部近日发布《中央地质勘查基金(周转金)管理暂行办法》。这是贯彻落实《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》的第一个配套文件。  相似文献   
经过几十年,特别是20世纪90年代扶贫攻坚计划实施,我国扶贫工作取得了巨大成就,但目前我国还有约3000万贫困人口,这些人口主要聚集在生态环境恶劣地区。事实上,以往正是由于这些地区人口活动造成毁林开荒,过度垦牧,严重恶化了生态环境。目前,我国已成为世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,约占国土面积的38%,并以每年1万平方公里的速度在增加。西北黄土高原是我国水土流失最严重的地区,长江流域也面对巨大的生态隐患。我国还是世界上沙漠化危害严重的国家之一。  相似文献   
省国土资源厅从讲政治和实践“三个代表”重要思想的高度出发,不断强化大局意识、服务意识、效率意识,坚持把信访工作融入国土资源事业大局之中,使信访工作逐步走上法制化、规范化轨道。日前,国土资源部发出了《关于表彰全国国土资源系统信访工作先进集体和先进工作者的决定》,我省国土资源厅等4家单位、滕姣丽等5人分别荣获先进集体和先进工作者称号。  相似文献   
三峡地区发展战略构想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
去年第二期,本刊的卷首语是<确立科学的发展观>.如果从经济发展战略这一更高的层面回顾去年的工作,那么也可以说,其主线就是确立科学的发展观.贯穿全年的土地市场治理整顿,本质上就是治理整顿铺摊子、拼资源的粗放型经济发展模式;"三个暂停"的严厉措施,本质上就是对不可持续的经济发展模式实行"休克治疗".温家宝总理在日理万机中,关注到我省绍兴县"土地集约利用十法",因为这符合可持续发展的科学发展观,是方向.  相似文献   
本文扼要介绍了山东省金矿地质勘查、开发现状及存在的环境问题 ,为确保山东省黄金资源可持续开发利用 ,提出要保证黄金资源的可持续供给 ,要在资源开发过程中保护好环境 ,以及要高度重视地勘单位和矿山企业自身的可持续发展等建议。  相似文献   
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