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山区建筑物选址目前存在一些问题,抗灾能力差,常给农民生命财产带来损失,为此,建议有条件的地方应走创新之路,实施科学选址,即地质上学注意"稳"、水文学上注意"干"、气候学上注意"爽"、环境学上注意"宜",心理学上注意"衡"、法学上注意"合".  相似文献   
近年来,农村违法建房现象时有发生,有些地方到了"村村点火,组组冒烟"的程度。而承担执法责任的国土、规划、城管等部门更是疲于奔命,但收效甚微。作为一名基层国土资源管理的工作人员,笔者认为当前村民违法建房有如下几个特点:  相似文献   
春节期间,笔者回老家与村里的"父母官"话聊土地资源管理工作,大家反应热烈,现将村级干部对国土资源管理工作的建议加以整理,希望能给大家的工作带来帮助。  相似文献   
Land use change in rural China since the 1980s, induced by institution reforms, urbanization, industrialization and population increase, has received more attention. However, case studies on how institution reforms affect farmers’ livelihood strategies and drive land use change are scarce. By means of cropland plots investigations and interviews with farmers, this study examines livelihood strategy change and land use change in Danzam Village of Jinchuan County in the upper Dadu River watershed, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that, during the collective system period, as surplus labor forces could not be transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, they had to choose agricultural involution as their livelihood strategy, then the farmers had to produce more grains by land reclamation, increasing multiple cropping index, improving input of labor, fertilizer, pesticide and adopting advanced agricultural techniques. During the household responsibility system period, as labors being transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, farmers chose livelihood diversification strategy. Therefore, labor input to grain planting was greatly reduced, which drove the transformation of grain to horticulture, vegetable or wasteland and decrease of multiple cropping index. This study provides a new insight into understanding linkages among institution reforms, livelihood strategy of smallholders and land use change in rural China. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40601006, 40471009), National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2005CB422006)  相似文献   
从2002年4月至2008年10月,平果县国土资源局用了6年时间终于打赢了农村集体土地所有权登记发证的"战争".完成了232184.68公顷的农村集体土地所有权登记发证工作,涉及全县12个乡镇181个行政村1921个村民小组,累计发放集体土地所有权证书428本,全县辖区内无权属争议的土地发证率达100%.  相似文献   
方向:新农村建设 通过归并零散地块、平整土地、改良土壤,加强道路、沟渠等配套设施建设,分片有序地推进田水路林村的综合整治,以增加有效耕地面积,改善农业生产条件。  相似文献   
在我国经济快速增长、社会结构加快转型、利益格局深刻变化的大背景下,同时在我国农村改革发展存在不少深层次矛盾尚待解决的背景下,又面临着一系列必须引起高度重视的新情况、新问题.  相似文献   
近年来,大力实施“一化三基”战略,加快新型工业化、新型城市化进程和新农村建设,经济社会发展加速跨越,特别是一系列扩内需、保增长项目的实施,使岳阳进入历史上固定投资规模最大、建设项目最多的发展高峰期,国土资源工作面临极其艰巨的保护资源、保障发展的双重任务。围绕保障岳阳经济社会的可持续发展,当前及今后一段时期,岳阳国土资源工作将突出抓好“三个统筹”,做活“双保”文章。  相似文献   
Mountain areas are often rich in ecological diversity and recreational opportunities. Mountain tourism is thought to be an effective and important means for maintaining and expanding rural economies and, thus, improving the living conditions of rural societies. As mountain tourism service research is a professional field with several disciplines involved, a multi-disciplinary management pIatform is needed and it facilitates participation in sustainable mountain development by diverse stakeholders. With the source regions of the Yangtze and the Yellow River as a case study, this paper presents a conceptual framework for an adaptation management of mountain tourism services according to technical, policy, social and economic dimensions. The framework is based on a vulnerability assessment of mountain ecosystems, and can serve as a reference for the development of tourism service in other mountain areas.  相似文献   
一是创新审批机制。改革农村宅基地审批办法,把宅基地审批权限下放到各镇乡(街道),并严把宅基地审批关。对新宅基地申请多的村进行合理指导,鼓励有条件的村在符合条件的建房户中以拍卖的方式安排宅基地,所得收益为村集体所有,实现宅基地资源的合理配置,同时使农村土地价值得到体现。二是盘活存量资源。逐步清理一户多宅、应退未退的宅基地资源,结合新农村建设,对退出和闲置的宅基地按照“宜耕则耕、宜建则建、宜绿则绿”的原则进行整治,通过基础设施配套和完善后作为新的宅基地推出,或直接用于村公益设施建设。  相似文献   
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