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Marine macroalgae can absorb carbon and play an important role in carbon sequestration. As an important economic macroalga, Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis has the potential to significantly affect carbon absorption and storage in wave-sheltered intertidal reef systems. However, detailed knowledge on seasonal biomass changes and carbon storage of G. lemaneiformis is lacking, especially in many small and scattered ecosystems. Considering the influence of human activities on wild distribution of G. lemaneiformis, the understanding of seasonal dynamics of an economically important species in nature is necessary. In this study, we first investigated seasonal variations in biomass, coverage area, and carbon storage during low tide from August 2011 to July 2012 in Zhanshan Bay, Qingdao, China. Furthermore, we estimated the carbon storage potential of wild G. lemaneiformis using light use efficiency(LUE). The results show that the standing biomass and coverage area changed significantly with season. However, seasonal variations in carbon content and water content were not obvious, with an average content of 35.1% and 83.64%, respectively. Moreover, carbon storage in individual months varied between 0.67 and 47.03 g C/m 2, and the value of carbon storage was the highest in August and June and the lowest in February. In Zhanshan Bay, LUE of G. lemaneiformis was only 0.23%. If it is increased to the theoretical maximum(5%–6%), the carbon storage will have an increase of at least 21 times compared with the current, which suggested that carbon storage of wild G. lemaneiformis had a high enhancement potential. The study will help to assess a potential role of G. lemaneiformis in reducing atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
Grazing exclusion is widely adopted in restoring degraded alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. However, its effectiveness remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of grazing exclusion on plant productivity, species diversity and soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (STN) storage along a transect spanning from east to west of alpine meadows in northern Tibet, China. After six years of grazing exclusion, plant cover, aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), SOC and STN were increased, but species diversity indices declined. The enhancement of AGB and SOC caused by grazing exclusion was correlated positively with mean annual precipitation (MAP). Grazing exclusion led to remarkable biomass increase of sedge species, especially Kobresia pygmaea, whereas decrease of biomass in forbs and no obvious change in grass, leguminous and noxious species. Root biomass was concentrated in the near surface layer (10 cm) after grazing exclusion. The effects of grazing exclusion on SOC storage were confined to shallow soil layer in sites with lower MAP. It is indicated that grazing exclusion is an effective measure to increase forage production and enhance soil carbon sequestration in the studied region. The effect is more efficient in sites with higher precipitation. However, the results revealed a tradeoff between vegetation restoration and ecological biodiversity. Therefore, carbon pools recover more quickly than plant biodiversity in the alpine meadows. We suggest that grazing exclusion should be combined with other measures to reconcile grassland restoration and biodiversitv conservation.  相似文献   
近日,国土资源部发布我国首部页岩气储量行业标准《页岩气资源/储量计算与评价技术规范》,并于6月1日起实施。《规范》将页岩气勘探开发分为勘探、评价、先导试验、产能建设4个阶段,按技术可采储量大小,页岩气田规模分为特大型、  相似文献   
正辽宁矿产资源储量综合业务管理系统试运行为加强矿产资源储量管理,提高办事效率,推进政务公开,省国土资源厅研究开发了矿产资源储量综合业务管理系统,并在阜新市国土资源局、彰武县国土资源局和阜新蒙族自治县国土管理局进行试点。近日,省国土资源厅对试点单位进行了系统演示和培训,三家试点单位已开始在矿产资源储量管理中使用系统操作。该系统分为矿产资源补偿费管理、价款评估委托、储  相似文献   
正禹州市国土资源局采取措施,进一步加强2013年矿山企业资源储量动态检测报告编制工作,为及时掌握辖区内资源储量变化情况,了解资源家底奠定基础。该局专门印发通知,对矿山企业资源储量动态检测报告编制工作提出明确要求,规定辖区内凡持有效采矿许可证的矿山企业必须进行资源储量动态检测,并于2013年12月底前完成动态检测报告编制工作,及时完成并报送相关动态检测资料。凡未开展资源储量动态检测,不按要求  相似文献   
为进一步提升全省矿产督察员依法开展工作的能力和水平,促进全省矿产资源监督管理水平的不断提高,12月18日,省国土资源厅通过集中培训的方式,举办了全省第四批国家级矿产督察员培训班。全面、系统地学习了国家有关矿产资源勘查开发监督管理的法律法规、矿政管理相关政策和业务知识,以及国家和省对矿产督察工作的有关要求。本次培训班得到了部储量司的高度重视和大力支持。全国矿产督察员办公室副主任马克、部油气资源战略研究中心研究员葛维宁出席培训班开班式,厅矿产资源储量处处长姜明辉代表张财副厅长讲话。  相似文献   
正为了进一步加强和完善矿产资源储量评审备案的统计管理工作,提高矿产资源储量评审备案数据的权威性和公信力,国土资源部根据《关于调整矿业权价款评估确认(备案)和储量评审备案管理权限的通知》(国土资发〔2006〕166号)和《关于规范矿产勘查资源储量成果信息发布的通知》(国土资发〔2012〕34号)的有关规定,自2012年起将全国矿产资源储量评审备案情况统计工作纳入全国统一管理轨道,建立了全国  相似文献   
正城步县黄铁矿区虽经多个地质队涉足,却始终未能找到矿,我们用两年的时间揭开了这个"魔术铁帽"的秘密。37年前,我从偏僻的雪峰山脚的隆回县,招工来到远离家乡千里以外的中南石油局第四普查勘探大队,当了一名钻工,从此开始了地质工作生涯。当时,地质队流行一句顺口溜:"伟大的电工,万能的钳工,舒服的车工,倒霉的钻工。"因为钻工的工作非常辛苦,实行24小时3班倒。几年后,1980年,我来到地质部418地质队地质组从事勘探工作。没想到,这一做就是一辈子。如今,回首往事,地  相似文献   
根据浙江省国土资源厅机关职责分工,对矿业权评估实行监督管理是厅矿产资源储量处的职责之一,浙江省对矿业权评估监督管理主要采取矿业权评估备案的方式进行,矿业评估备案包括:评估机构备案、评估工作备案、评估报告备案、评估报告清单备案等。根据省矿业权交易中心统计,2011年4月1日该中心正式挂牌成立以来,省级矿业权累计办结交易项目202个,交易总金额66.66亿元,其中协议出让矿业权50个,出让金额20.31亿元;挂牌出让矿业权42个,出让金额34.89亿元;协议转让矿业权110个,交易金额11.46亿元。  相似文献   
在世界面临能源短缺的背景下,页岩气作为油气勘探的一个新领域,越来越得到世界各国的重视。我国页岩气资源丰富,许多盆地或地区具有页岩气大规模成藏的地质条件,对页岩气的研究显得尤为重要。该文介绍了我国页岩气资源储量、分布及开采面临的问题,概述了页岩气地质特征。在此基础上探讨了我国页岩气的影响因素,认为我国页岩气主要受有机碳含量、成熟度、裂缝的发育程度、地层压力的控制;页岩气与煤层气同属于非常规天然气,其赋存形态、成因类型、富集规律具有很多相似之处,因此可将页岩气与煤层气进行对比研究。  相似文献   
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