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The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) is devoted to mountains and their surrounding lowlands ecoregions of particular global importance, with a particular emphasis on the important highlands/ mountains in the wodd, such as the Tibetan Plateau, the Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes, the Rockies and many other mountain ranges of our planet.  相似文献   
Guide to authors     
<正>Aims and scope(Editorial Policy)The Journal of Mountain Science(JMS)is devoted to mountains and their surrounding lowlands-ecoregions of particular global importance,with a particular emphasis on the important highlands/mountains in the world,such as the Tibetan Plateau.the Himalayas,the Alps,the Andes,the Rockies and many other mountain ranges of our planet.JMS mainly publishes academic and technical papers concerning environmental changes and sustainable development in mountain areas under natural conditions or/and with the influence of human activities.  相似文献   
<正>版权问题:敬请投稿本刊的作者:投稿中没有侵犯他人著作权或其他权利的内容;投稿给本刊的稿件自发表之日起,其专有出版权和网络传播权即授予本刊,并许可本刊在本刊网站或本刊授权的其他数据库收录。设置栏目:学术论文、研究报道、综述、学术争鸣。用稿原则:1.物理海洋、化学海洋、海洋地质、生物海洋学科及海洋交叉学科和海  相似文献   
1. Aims and scope Sciences in Cold andArid Regions (SCAR) is a bimonthly journal that publishes in English the latest research achievements in processes and the patterns of the Earth surface system in cold and arid regions, Researches in cold regions emphasize particularly on the cold-region-characterized physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions, and on the response of cryosphere to global change and human activities as well as their effects on environment and the acclimatizable strategies; focus on the objects of glacier, snow, river, lake, sea ice, pemaaffost and seasonal frozen ground, and periglacial geomorphology, etc.; and think much of cold regions engineering and technology. Researches in arid regions emphasize particularly on the arid-region-characterized physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions, and on the response of arid regions to global change and human activities as well as their effects on environment and the acclimatizable strategies; focus on the objects of desert, oasis, loess, and aeolian landforms, etc.; and support integrated studies on mountain-desert-oasis system in arid watershed with water resources as masterstroke, so as to provide reliable technological support for water safety, ecology safety and food safety in arid regions.  相似文献   
正《地球》杂志全新改版,现面向全社会及国土资源系统专业人士征集相关原创稿件。具体说明如下:1.文字稿件要求系作者本人原创,论点明确、数据可靠、逻辑严密、文字精炼、深入浅出。2.来稿请注明笔名、作者真实姓名、作者单位、职务及具体  相似文献   
正《地球》杂志全新改版,现面向全社会及国土资源系统专业人士征集相关原创稿件。具体说明如下:1.文字稿件要求系作者本人原创,论点明确、数据可靠、逻辑严密、文字精炼、深入浅出。2.来稿请注明笔名、作者真  相似文献   
稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词,正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。  相似文献   
城市化是不可阻挡的历史潮流,但城市在给社会创造财富和机遇的同时,也带来了“贫民窟”现象,那里的居民被绝望、犯罪、污染和贫困包围。在一些发展中国家,50%以上的城市人口居住在贫民区中,住房条件极度匮乏。作为联合国协调人类住区问题的机构,联合国人居署对这种现象了解最多、感受最深,并且负有总结推广成功经验、协助有关国家改善居民住区状况之责。  相似文献   
为适应我国科技信息化建设的需要。扩大作者、读者学术交流渠道,本刊已加入《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》、《中国期刊网》及《中文科技期刊数据库》。今后,我刊将作者著作权使用费与本刊稿酬一次性付给。如  相似文献   
正《岩石学报》是由中国科学院主管,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会和中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所主办的学术性期刊。其办刊方针是:坚持以创新性、综合性、前沿性、导向性为特色,坚持"百花齐放,百家争鸣",依靠和团结全国广大地学工作者,探索自然奥秘,开展广泛而深入的基础理论研究,促进我国地球科学领域研究和发展,发表高水平科研成果,为我国培养和造就大批地学科  相似文献   
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