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城市蔓延是城市边界向外扩张、城市用地更为分散的现象,往往是人口增长、经济收入提高、交通便捷、土地利用变化等引起的。采用集成3S技术综合测度城市蔓延的程度,将城市蔓延的综合指数分解为人口指数(Ips)、社会经济指数(Ies)、交通指数(Its)和土地利用指数(Ils),并融合遥感、地理信息系统和空间分析技术进行多因素多因子评价,对武汉市1984—2013年城市蔓延程度进行度量。研究结果表明:Ips总体呈直线上升,Ies、Its和Ils总体呈指数型上升,Ils和Its近5年的增幅较大;路网密度空间自相关指数Moran’s I值最低,分布最为分散,Its权重值最高,建设用地比例权重值最低;城市蔓延度综合指数在2004年前的增长速度相对缓慢,之后呈显著上升趋势。  相似文献   
While urbanization has accelerated, the rural population in China has started decreasing in recent years. However, the expan- sion of rural settlement has not been sufficiently curbed. The questions of why this has happened and who has driven the land-use change (LUC) of rural settlement in China have aroused great interests among researchers. In this paper, it is suggested that population is not always a positive driving force for the LUC of rural settlement in China. Furthermore, socio-economic driving forces other than urbanization, population and industrialization are analyzed. On a national scale, the major driving forces are the per-capita rural housing area and the cultivated land area. On a regional scale, the main driving forces in the eastern China are the house-building capacity of rural households and the per-capita rural housing area; while in the central China, the main driving forces are rural housing investment, the proportion of primary industry employees in the rural working population, and the cultivated land area. For the western China, the main driving forces are rural register population and cultivated land area.  相似文献   
Global warming is recently an urgent issue worldwide. The increase of carbon emissions induced by human economic activi- ties has become a major driving force behind global climate change. Thus, as a matter of social responsibility, reasonable carbon con- straints should be implemented to ensure environmental security and sustainable development for every country. Based on a summary of studies that examined the relationship between carbon emissions and regional development, this paper shows that human activity-led carbon emission is caused by the combination of several influencing factors, including population size, income level, and technical pro- gress. Thus, a quantitative model derived from IPAT-ImPACT-Kaya series and STIRPAT models was established. Empirical analysis using multivariate nonlinear regression demonstrated that the origins of growing global carbon emission included the increasing influ- encing elasticity of the population size and the declining negative effect of technical progress. Meanwhile, in context of classification of country groups at different income levels, according to the comparison of fluctuating patterns of the influencing elasticity, technical progress was found as the main factor influencing carbon emission levels in high-income countries, and population size might he the controlling factor in middle-income countries. However, for low-income countries, the nonlinear relationship between carbon emission and its influencing factors was not significant, whereas population growth was identified as an important potential driving force in future carbon emissions. This study can therefore provide a reference for the formulation of policies on carbon constraints, especially to de- velop more efficient carbon mitigating policies for countries at different income levels.  相似文献   
城市潜能是城市空间相互作用的一个量化指标,用以表征区域内任一地点所受到的周围所有城市的作用合力。以城市人口规模作为潜能计算指标的城市潜能即为城市人口潜能。由于在地理信息系统中通常以点代表城市的空间位置,以点的属性字段存储城市人口数量,因此,城市人口潜能模拟最便捷的方法是建立基于城市点源数据的空间分析模型,但这种方法存在明显不足:(1)国家基础地理信息数据库中的城市点位经纬度绝大多数与现实中的城市人口质心不吻合;(2)多数城市通常都由空间上相互分离的多个城市用地斑块构成,城市辖区内部的斑块与斑块之间也存在相互作用。本文通过将独立的城市斑块作为基本空间分析单元来设计基于城市人口潜能的模拟技术方案,提出了斑块分层方法,构建了京津冀时间耗费栅格面,通过python建模技术,在ArcGIS平台上实现了对京津冀城市人口潜能的精细化数值模拟。  相似文献   
文章介绍了SPD的基本功能后,阐述SPD的电压保护水平、通流容量、最大持续运行电压三个主要参数的重要性、基本概念、术语、相关标准和选择方法。可作为电气、电子设备电源侧电涌保护设计的基础。  相似文献   
正11月25日,闭坑9年的阜新海州露天矿迎来涅槃重生的重要时刻——海州露天矿矿山环境治理工程开工仪式在这里举行。作为建设"宜居阜新"的重要一环,工程完工后,烟尘弥漫的露天矿及周边地区将变成树木茂盛、设施齐全、景色优美、宜居宜业的旅游休闲重要场所。海州露天矿是阜新市的城市符号和地标之一,它  相似文献   
根据巴彦县土地利用现状调查,2012年巴彦全县农村居民点共计14344.93hm,占全县土地面积的4.74%,占巴彦县建设用地面积的71.50%,全市农业人口为574819人,全市农村居民点人均用地为0.025hm,主要分布在天增镇、山后乡、万发镇、兴隆镇等地。  相似文献   
当前,农村人口非农化比例不断提升,加速了农村土地流转进程。而农村土地流转反过来可以带动土地权属调整,使土地资源向农村种植大户、农村专业合作社或农业企业集中,吸引整合优质资源,促进耕地面积有效增加、人口集中居住、产业集聚发展,这些恰恰与土地整治的主要目标相得益彰。如果土地整治后仍维持以农户承包地为主的耕作方式,难以借流转之机实现适度规模经营,那么,土地整治综合效益将极其有限。因此,土地整治应通过产权调整与土地流转有效对接,这在保护耕地资源、提高土地生产率、推进农业现代化、保障粮食安全等方面都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
在324国道广西北流市境内,有一个乡镇叫民安镇,处于桂东南人口密集区的核心位置。过去由于人多地少,习惯了过"紧日子"的农民建起的房屋普遍较小,不利于居住。近年来,随着经济发展和民生改善,当地农民纷纷建起了新房子,但是旧房子却闲置下来,形成了内空外扩的"空心村"。民安镇1万多户农村家庭中,有超过1/5的农户建了新房不拆旧房,导致原来的宅基地空置下来。  相似文献   
正防城港核电厂位于美丽的北部湾之畔——广西壮族自治区防城港市企沙半岛东侧,是我国在西部地区和少数民族地区开工建设的首个核电项目。防城港核电厂规划建设6台百万千瓦级核电机组,其中一期工程采用中广核集团自主品牌的中国改进型压水堆核电技术——CPR1000,建设两台单机容量为108万千瓦的压水堆核电机组。防城港核电厂一期工程已于2010年7月30日正式开工建设,计划2015年第一台机组建成并投  相似文献   
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