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古老而年轻的祖国,我们是你广袤大地上一棵稚嫩的幼苗,摇曳在你温暖呵护的怀抱。我们是幸福的新一代,也是有重大责任的新一代。我们的今天决定着中华民族明日的复兴。让我们弘扬民族精神,再现中华之雄魂。树爱国之心,立报国之志,时刻准备着为我们伟大祖国的和平与发展贡献力量。  相似文献   
延绵达千万年的百越传统文化,是壮族的精神家园.从百色盆地的石器到柳江人,从左江畔的花山壁画到红水河岸边的铜鼓,从<布洛陀>诗经到<刘三姐>,无一不流淌着壮族先祖的殷殷血脉,无一不弥散着浓郁的骆越遗风.  相似文献   
贺州市统筹推进的重点项目——桂台客家文化旅游贺州实验区项目前期工作进展顺利。 截至5月,该项目一期工程用地已通过预审,可研报告也已获发改部门批准,并与金融部门就融资问题进行协商落实资金22000万元,项目规划作进一步修改完善后即可转入项目分区规划和招商引资工作,预计2009年可实现项目开工目标。  相似文献   
认识一到位,事情就好办了.团结胜利的大会结束之后,在禹的领导下,中华民族历史上最著名的治水运动轰轰烈烈地开始了.  相似文献   
文星镇是湘阴县县城所在地,是全县政治、经济、文化生活的中心.全镇人口13万,其中农业人口9817人,土地总面积30450亩,耕地6083.7亩,农民人均耕地0.62亩,2007~2008年公益性征地682.4亩,耕地171.6亩;经营性征地1989.8亩,其中耕地389.06亩.  相似文献   
“科学发展的实物基础主要依赖于地球资源的维系,也就是地球资源的深度发现和合理开发利用。破解保障发展和保护资源两难命题,已经历史性地摆在我们的面前,需要大家共同努力,需要有变革的勇气、创新的思路,共同探索走出一条新路子,使我们有限的国土资源顺利地承载中华民族未来伟大的复兴和繁荣。” ——9月1日,国土资源部部长、党组书记、国家土地总督察徐绍史在中央党校“推进土地管理制度改革”专题研讨班上表示,要共同努力破解保障发展与保护资源两难命题。  相似文献   
一是强化规范化操作,落实村庄规划。在规划思想上充分考虑本区域现状,结合地形地貌和风土人情,因地制宜,体现“以人为本”理念。尊重自然,尊重历史文化传统,延续原有村庄特色,保护整体景观。体现生态优先,节约用地的原则。突出重点,强化居住质量。融入周边环境。规划适当超前,倡导和鼓励农民自治,建设要量力而行,先易后难来改造。  相似文献   
时光流转,岁月如歌。 刚刚过去的2008年,是中华民族发展史上极不寻常的一年。这一年,我国成功战胜了南方雨雪冰冻的严重自然灾害,经受住了汶川特大地震的严酷考验;圆满地举办了北京奥运会和残奥会,顺利地完成了“神舟七号”载人航天任务;  相似文献   
测绘文化,是综合实力的体现,是一个文明程度的反映,也是知识形态生产力转化为物质形态生产力的源泉。随着《国务院关于加强测绘工作的意见》的颁布实施,面对新的形势、新的任务、新的机遇、新的挑战,要在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,把单位做大做强,实现单位的跨越发展,就必须培育与经济发展相适应的测绘文化,提高单位在市场环境中的竞争能力、生存能力和发展能力。  相似文献   
Microbes are believed to play important roles in ecosystem function in many environments. The hot springs of Xiamen Island are close to the Xiamen Sea, and may have some characteristics different from those of inland hot springs. Microbes living in the hot springs of Xiamen may have new characteristics. However, little is known about microbial communities of hot springs close to the Xiamen Sea. A cuhure-dependent survey of microbial population in the Xiamen hot springs was pcrformed by using an approach combining total cellular protein profile identification and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. A total of 328 isolates of bacteria were obtained from liquid and sediment samples from the Xiamen hot springs, including neutrophilie thermophilic bacteria and moderately thermophilic acidophiles. Neutrophilic thermophilic bacteria, which grow at a temperature range of 55-90℃ including Rhodothermus marinus (Strain 1) , Thermus thermophilus (Strain 2), Thermus thiopara (Strain 3) , Geobacillus stearothermophilus(Strain 4) , Geobacillus thermoleovorans (Strain 5) , and Pseudomonas pseudoal-caligenes (Strain 6), were recovered by 2216E plates. Moderately thermophilic acidophiles, which can grow at temperatures above 50℃ and a pH range of 1. 8-3.5 such as Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris (Strain 8) , Sul-fobacillus acidophilus (Strain 9), and Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (Strain 10), were isolated on selective solid medium containing sulfur and Fe2+. Among these strains, Rhodothermus marinus, Thermus thermophilus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus are not only thermophilcs, but also halophiles. One bacterium strain (Strain 6) shared 99% nucleotide sequence homology with Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes on the 16S rRNA gene se-quence, but was quite different from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes in biological characteristics, suggesting that it may represent a novel thermophilic species. Results indicated that various species of neutrophilic thermophiles and moderately thermophilic acidophiles were widely distributed in the Xiamen hot springs and that Rhodother-mus marinus and Thermus thermophilus dominated the cultivable microbial community.  相似文献   
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