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The Palomares Fault Zone (PFZ) is one of the main strike-slip brittle shear zones found in the Betics. It is segmented in several faults that have been active between the Upper Tortonian and present day. Data from drill cores in the Palomares area have permitted us to define the geometry and location of sedimentary depocentres related with the PFZ. These data show an eastward displacement between the Upper Tortonian to Messinian and the Pliocene–Quaternary sedimentary depocentres, towards the presently active Arteal fault, which bounds the western mountain front of Sierra Almagrera, showing that deformation along this fault zone has migrated towards the east, from the Palomares segment, with its main activity during the Upper Tortonian and Messinian, towards the Arteal fault, active during the Pliocene and Quaternary. To cite this article: G. Booth-Rea et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
Structural investigations in northwestern Sardinia highlight the occurrence of a regional D2 transpressional deformation related both to NNE–SSW direction of compression and to a NW–SE shear displacement. The deformation is continuous and heterogeneous, showing a northward strain increase, indicated by progressively tighter folds and occurrence of F2 sheath folds. D2 transpression is characterised by the presence of a crustal-scale shear deformation overprinting previous D1 structures, related to nappe stacking and top-to-the-south and southwest thrusting. The L2 prominent stretching lineation points to an orogen-parallel extension and to a change in the tectonic transport from D1 to D2. It is attributed to the position of Sardinia close to the northeastern part of the Cantabrian indenter during the progressive evolution of the Ibero-Armorican Arc. D1 phase developed during initial frontal collision, whereas D2 deformation characterised the progressive effect of horizontal displacement during the increasing curvature of the arc. To cite this article: R. Carosi, G. Oggiano, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 287–294.  相似文献   
The Kibaran belt that extends all over the central Africa, from the Katanga to the southern Uganda, straddles the African great lakes area. The Kibaran stratigraphy is one of the most debated questions. Some geologists favoured two different systems: the Ruzizian system (1800–2000 Ma) and the Burundian or Kibaran system (1600–960 Ma). Some others favoured a single Burundian system with large areas granitised and metamorphosed during several Burundian tectonic events and with a lot of sedimentary fold belts of the Burundian age. Recent geological data and new remote sensing interpretations allow us to favour the second hypothesis but with a major disconformity within the Burundian system which is separating the Upper and the Lower Burundian. To cite this article: M. Villeneuve, J. Chorowicz, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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The post-collisional Hercynian granitoids crop out in the easternmost part of the Moroccan Hercynian belt. Petrographical and geochemical studies show a composition similarity in the various granitoids. The granitoids belong to per-aluminous and metaluminous magmatic associations. They have evolved according to a scheme similar to high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic associations. To cite this article: H. El Hadi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
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稳定性问题是数值求解波动方程的基本问题 .文中对三维横向各向同性介质中一阶弹性波方程交错网格高阶差分解法的稳定性进行了分析 ,给出了不同精度差分方程统一的稳定性条件 ,证明了三维TI介质中一阶弹性波方程交错网格高阶差分解法的稳定性由弹性波在X、Y、Z三个方向上的Courant数共同决定 .最后通过几种精度差分方程的稳定性条件 ,说明了这种一阶弹性波方程高阶差分解法具有高精度、高效率的特点 .  相似文献   
In Volubilis, Roman mosaics are very beautiful and reveal, from the bottom to the surface, three layers: (i) ‘hedgehog’ layer, (ii) coarse grain mortar layer (rudus + nucleus) and (iii) tesselatum. Mineralogical analysis of coarse grain mortar sampled in Flavius Germanus mosaic shows that it consisted of quartz and calcite, with some feldspar and probably mica and dolomite. Fine-grained mortar in tesselatum is made from a mixture of calcite and quartz only. Limestone tesserae (white, pink and brown) show petrographic facies that change from micritic to oolithic limestone. Conversely, black and brick red tesserae are respectively made of marble, red sandstone and from fire clay. Other colours as yellow, blue, green and grey are obtained from artificial glass with different chemical compositions. To cite this article: A. Dekayir et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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