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The stratigraphical context of two Middle Pleistocene fossiliferous palaeosols from Central Italy (Abruzzo and Tuscany) have been studied. Small mammals and molluscs occur in both palaeosols, which are covered by tephra layers that were analysed using an interdisciplinary approach. Application of fission‐track dating to apatites separated from the Case Picconetto tephra (Pescara, Abruzzo), yielded an age of 0.48 ± 0.04 Ma, indistinguishable from those previously determined for the Campani Quarry (Lower Valdarno, Tuscany) (0.46 ± 0.05 Ma and 0.48 ± 0.05 Ma). Geochemical and petrographic investigations indicate that these tephra originated from different volcanoes, the Alban Hills Volcanic Complex and the Vico Volcano (Latium) respectively. Small mammal and mollusc assemblages indicate different palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions for the Case Picconetto and Campani Quarry palaeosols. Warm and humid conditions can be inferred for the Campani Quarry site, whereas open and cold conditions can be inferred for Case Picconetto. On the basis of faunal data, fission‐track dates and attribution of tephra to specific volcanic eruptions, we suggest a correlation of these faunas with marine oxygen isotope stage 14 (Case Picconetto) and with marine oxygen isotope stage 11 (Campani Quarry), respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A complex of channels underlying the Baginton-Lillington Gravel (Baginton Formation) at Waverley Wood Quarry, Warwickshire is described. Fossil pollen and plant macrofossils, Coleoptera, Ostracoda, Mollusca and Mammalia are described from the channel-fill deposits. Consideration of all the evidence allows the identification of four separate stages of channel fill which largely occurred under a cool temperate climate. At the top of Channel 2 evidence for a cold, continental climatic episode can be recognised, suggesting that the whole complex was deposited under a fluctuating climate at the end of a temperate stage. At two levels in the channels human artefacts were recovered confirming the presence of Palaeolithic people in Warwickshire during the deposition of the sediments. Amino-acid geochronology suggests an age within the ‘Cromerian Complex’ Stage for the channels. The small vertebrate and molluscan faunas indicate that the deposits are no older than the latter part of the ‘Cromerian Complex’ Stage of East Anglia. The regional stratigraphic significance of the Waverley Wood succession is outlined.  相似文献   
The Amiens-Renancourt 1 site recently yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic human occupations of northern France by the number of flint artefacts and especially by the presence of Venus figurines. All the material comes from a single archaeological layer located in a tundra gley bracketed by loess units. A multi-proxy study combining a detailed stratigraphy, luminescence and radiocarbon datings and high-resolution (5 cm per sample) grain size and molluscan analyses was therefore carried out to reconstruct and date the associated environmental changes and to determine the exact context of the human occupation. The chronological frame thus established supports the correlations of the archaeology-bearing tundra gley and of an underlying arctic brown soil with Greenland interstadials GI-4 and GI-3. Composition changes in the molluscan population enabled the identification of transitional and optimum phases and sub-phases within these two pedogenetic horizons. A conceptual correlation model linking molluscan phases with millennial-scale variations of Greenland ice-core and Sieben Hengste speleothem climate records is proposed. The Human occupation appears contemporaneous to the end of the stadial–interstadial transition of GI-3. Synchronous in Amiens-Renancourt 1 and Nussloch, subsequent micro-gleys may also result from a regional/global forcing. Such a level of detail is unprecedented in a loess sequence.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of parasitism and certain environmental factors on the shell size of Heleobia australis (Hydrobiidae, Cochliopinae). We report sporocysts and metacercariae of Microphallus simillimus (Microphallidae, Trematoda) parasitizing the gonad and digestive gland of H. australis specimens from two sites of Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. The prevalence of infection was significantly higher (34.17% in winter and 68.14% in late spring) in snails from the outer estuary at Site 2 than in those from the inner estuary at Site 1 (5.88% and 4.71% respectively). The only known definitive host for this digenean is the white-backed stilt Himantopus melanurus (Recurvirostridae, Aves), most abundant in the estuary during winter. Parasitism by M. simillimus causes variations in the shell dimensions of H. australis, the shells of infected snails being narrower than those of uninfected snails. Snails from Site 2 were found in general to be significantly smaller than those at Site 1, possibly as a result of differences in environmental factors such as the degree of exposure to wave energy, the allocation of energy to reproduction rather than growth (induced by predation and/or parasitic castrators) and anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Holocene sediments from southern Spencer Gulf are cool‐water carbonate‐rich gravels and sands, dominated by molluscs and Bryozoa. Five sedimentary fades are recognized: (i) molluscan gravel; (ii) branching coralline‐algal gravel, associated with shallow partially protected environments; (iii) molluscan‐biyozoan sand; (iv) mixed bioclastic sand, representative of the deeper central region of the lower gulf; and (v) bryozoan gravel, an isolated fades developed in a semi‐protected micro‐environment. The southern gulf is characterized by complex oceanographic conditions together with variations in water depth and substrate. The sediments share the characteristics of both the southern shelf and upper Spencer Gulf. Grain‐size distribution and sedimentary facies are controlled by a combination of all the above processes. Past sea level fluctuations are recognized from sea floor strand‐line deposits. The relic component of the palimpsest sediments has eroded from the Pleistocene aeolianite dunes. The sediments, therefore, reflect both the modern marine and past environments.  相似文献   
江苏宜兴骆驼墩、西溪遗址化石丰富,除软体动物外,还有植物、孢粉、昆虫、脊椎动物等。作者研究的软体动物化石,计有8属17种,其中有一新种:Corbicula yixingensis Huang et Caisp.nov.,隶属于双壳类(Bivalvia)的殊蚌科(Unionidae)、蚬科(Corbiculidae)及腹足类(Gastropoda)的田螺科(Viviparidae)。可分成3个组合类群,一是Unio—Cuneopsis类群,本类群属种个体数量虽然少,但地质历程长,从第三纪晚期中新世至第四纪全新世均有,代表古老的类群。如:Cuneopsis spocki Leroy最早发现于内蒙古锡林郭勒盟二连第三纪晚期中新世通古尔期:Unio tschiliensis Sherany曾发现于河北张家口岔道口更新世早期,上述二种均未见现生种。二是Arconaia-Lamprotula类群。这个类群从第四纪早期至现代河、湖、池塘、水库中均有分布。其中Arconaia—laneceolata(Lea)见于江苏沭阳钱集西南更新世早期。Lamprotula(Sinolamprotula)leai(Gray)见于河南三门峡更新世早期。三是Corbicula-Bellamya类群。该类群时代长,分布广,适应性强,属种个体数量极多,其中Corbicula largillierti Heude从第三纪晚期至现代均有。化石种曾发现于内蒙古乌兰察布盟四子王旗第三纪晚期;山西垣曲,陕西大荔更新世早期:但在江苏金坛、江阴、宜兴的全新世时大量发育、繁衍、繁盛。以致现代长江流域太湖、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖及其相通的河流中也有,为中国广泛分布的特有种,本种似乎起源于中国内蒙古,而后向西、向南迁移。Bellamya quadrata(Benson)见于广西桂林南郊全新世,也有现生种。  相似文献   
李永仁  张超  梁健  郭永军 《海洋科学》2017,41(11):113-118
为研究天津潮间带贝类资源的分布特征,2017年5月,作者对天津滩涂开展贝类资源调查。共采集贝类30种,分属2纲、4亚纲、10目、19科,在汉沽鲤鱼门、大港减河口、大港滨海湿地分别采集贝类20种、19种、19种;高潮区、中潮区、低潮区分别采集贝类11种、22种、10种;H'值大小顺序为鲤鱼门滨海湿地减河口,中潮区高潮区低潮区;经济贝类主要分布于中潮区,鲤鱼门与减河口滩涂的优势经济种均为菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum),生物量分别为562.8、828.5 g/m~2,滨海湿地的优势经济种为四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis),生物量为1 403.8 g/m~2。对比2013年,大港减河口滩涂的贝类种数及生物量均升高,鲤鱼门滩涂的贝类种数增加,滨海湿地滩涂的贝类资源为首次报道。  相似文献   
Extracts of the viscera of Haliotis iris (Martyn, 1784) were shown to hydrolyse 2‐hydroxy‐5‐nitrophenyl sulphate at pH 5.5, and the p‐nitrophenyl derivatives of α‐ and β‐D‐galactose, α‐ and β‐D‐mannose, α‐L‐lucose, β‐D‐glucuronic acid, β‐N‐acetyl glucosamine and phosphate at pH 4.0 and 5.5: p‐nitrophenyl‐β‐L‐fucose was not hydrolysed.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption was estimated for two eutrophic New Zealand lakes using a simple 2‐layer model, from estimates of net changes in oxygen, phytoplankton photosynthesis, inflow and outflow, diffusion, eddy diffusion, and changes in the depth of the thermocline. Of the total oxygen consumption, 75–85% occurred in the epilimnia. Epilimetic oxygen consumption per m3 and per m2 in Lake Johnson were higher than in Lake Hayes, reflecting known differences in the trophic status of the lakes, but estimates for the hypolimnia of the two lakes were similar. Daily hypolimnetic areal deficits were sensitive to both the depths and time intervals chosen.

In the epilimnia, monthly oxygen production by photosynthesis averaged 1.1 and 1.8 times the initial oxygen content in Lakes Hayes and Johnson respectively. Diffusion appeared to be of similar magnitude to photosynthesis in the isothermal period, but was less important during stratification. Losses to the hypolimnia by eddy diffusion were less than 10% of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the hypolimnia contributed 30–40% of the oxygen consumed there and eddy diffusion supplied a further 20%.

In Lake Johnson a 3–5 m stratum of water in the metalimnion became anoxic for 2–3 months each summer while there were still up to 5.2 g.rer3 of oxygen remaining in the hypolimnion. Metalimnetic anoxia is attributed largely to oxygen consumption in situ, resulting from the highly eutrophic state of the lake and intense thermal stratification. Zooplankton respiration accounted for less than 10% of the maximum net decline in metalimnetic oxygen in 1970–71, but was more important in the other 2 years.

Changes in the oxygen content of the hypolimnion indicate that Lake Hayes has become more eutrophic since 1954–55. In Lake Johnson low oxygen concentrations at the autumn overturn (<5 g.m‐3) represent a threat to the trout population.  相似文献   
In the Strait of Messina (Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea) strong tidal currents, very irregular hydrological regime and related solid load, and local seismic activity cause sediment instability; this area represents therefore a case‐study of a naturally disturbed soft‐bottom environment. In this paper, mollusc and polychaete assemblages of the northern part of the Strait were described. Composition, community structure, eco‐ethological features, trophic guilds and sediment‐type relationships were studied in 64 stations sampled located between 3.5 and 50 m depth in October 1992 by means of a Van Veen grab. A total of 131 species (65 molluscs and 66 polychaetes) were identified. A dense population of the tubicolous polychaete Ditrupa arietina was recognized, together with the occurrence of other species tied to a high sedimentation rate, such as Corbula gibba and Tellina distorta, as well as widespread, mud‐tolerant species (e.g.Chone spp., Hyalinoecia tubicola). Diversity (H′) showed a peak at intermediate depths (10/20 m) and a clear decrease beyond this depth, corresponding to the Ditrupa core population. Multivariate comparison between sediment features and community composition throughout the bathymetric gradient showed a narrow ecocline between two environments subjected to opposite hydrodynamic constraints. In the shallower zone, a wide typology of trophic‐ethological guilds was related to community patchiness, in contrast to a greater functional uniformity of the deeper assemblage, dominated by sessile, semi‐infaunal suspension feeders. A possible role played by a phase of increased rainfall to increase bottom instability, locally emphasized by a previous human activity, is also discussed.  相似文献   
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