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Vertical variations of wave-induced radiation stress tensor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUcrIONThe concept of radiation stress was deve1oPed by tonguet--Higgins and Stewart (1964 ),who intreduced the definition of radiation stress as the excess mornentum due to the presence ofwaves, on the basis of time-averaged laws of Newtonian fluid mechanics and the assmption ofa unifOrm velocity distribution over depth. Subequently, the theory has been applied success-fully in the investigation of phenomena such as wave set-up and set--down (Bowen et al.,l968), longshore currents …  相似文献   
We present a linear Boltzmann equation to model wave scattering in the Marginal Ice Zone (the region of ocean which consists of broken ice floes). The equation is derived by two methods, the first based on Meylan et al. [Meylan, M.H., Squire, V.A., Fox, C., 1997. Towards realism in modeling ocean wave behavior in marginal ice zones. J. Geophys. Res. 102 (C10), 22981–22991] and second based on Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136]. This linear Boltzmann equation, we believe, is more suitable than the equation presented in Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136] because of its simpler form, because it is a differential rather than difference equation and because it does not depend on any assumptions about the ice floe geometry. However, the linear Boltzmann equation presented here is equivalent to the equation in Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136] since it is derived from their equation. Furthermore, the linear Boltzmann equation is also derived independently using the argument in Meylan et al. [Meylan, M.H., Squire, V.A., Fox, C., 1997. Towards realism in modeling ocean wave behavior in marginal ice zones. J. Geophys. Res. 102 (C10), 22981–22991]. We also present details of how the scattering kernel in the linear Boltzmann equation is found from the scattering by an individual ice floe and show how the linear Boltzmann equation can be solved straightforwardly in certain cases.  相似文献   
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) based on Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equation is used for determining the transverse hydrodynamic damping force and moment coefficients that are needed in the maneuverability study of marine vehicles. Computations are performed for two geometrical shapes representing typical AUVs presently in use. Results are compared with available data on similar geometries and from some of the available semi-empirical relations. It is found that the CFD predictions compares reasonable well with these results. In particular, the CFD predictions of forces and moments are found to be nonlinear with respect to the transverse velocity, and therefore both linear and nonlinear coefficients can be derived. A discussion on the sources of the component forces reveal that the total force and moment variations should in fact be nonlinear.  相似文献   
以最常用的18种原料为对象,用线性规划的方法对华东沿海中国对虾人工饲料配制过程中的限制营养成分进行了分析。结果表明,粗脂肪、粗灰分、磷、精氨酸、赖氨酸是限制性营养成分,粗纤维和蛋氨酸在以植物性蛋白质为主的配方中是限制性营养成分。因此,在中国对虾人工饵料配方设计中,应注意选用脱脂原料,增加矿物质添加剂中磷的含量以及采用富含精氨酸和赖氨酸的原料。  相似文献   
多源遥感数据综合解译鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区地质构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多源遥感数据假彩色合成、融合及纹理分析等增强处理方法提取研究区构造信息,进而对研究区进行综合解译;通过分析水系、色调、纹理、地貌及岩性等特征,判断出杭锦旗地区存在一小一大、内外相套的2个环形构造,发育的北西向、北东向2组共轭断层和一组北北西向断层,与环形构造相互构架,构成研究区特殊的构造体系。经分析预测,这些构造是受周边南北向构造应力共同挤压而形成。  相似文献   
线性最小二乘估计在对非线性函数进行线性近似的过程中会产生模型误差,而一些非线性参数估计方法可能因为函数复杂而难以求导,法方程系数矩阵秩亏或呈病态矩阵时难以求解,非线性迭代解法有时对初始值的选择存在依赖性,不恰当的初始值会导致迭代无法收敛。针对这些问题,引入了模拟退火算法,介绍了该算法的基本原理、计算步骤和收敛性,并以3个控制网平差应用为例,说明该算法具有无需求导求逆,简洁实用,易于编程等优势,并能实现全局优化,获得高精度的平差结果。  相似文献   
Desertification is a severe stage of land degradation, manifested by “desert-like” conditions in dryland areas. Climatic conditions together with geomorphologic processes help to mould desert-like soil surface features in arid zones. The identification of these soil features serves as a useful input for understanding the desertification process and land degradation as a whole. In the present study, imaging spectrometer data were used to detect and map desert-like surface features. Absorption feature parameters in the spectral region between 0.4 and 2.5 μm wavelengths were analysed and correlated with soil properties, such as soil colour, soil salinity, gypsum content, etc. Soil groupings were made based on their similarities and their spectral reflectance curves were studied. Distinct differences in the reflectance curves throughout the spectrum were exhibited between groups. Although the samples belonging to the same group shared common properties, the curves still showed differences within the same group.Characteristic reflectance curves of soil surface features were derived from spectral measurements both in the field and in the laboratory, and mean reflectance values derived from image pixels representing known features. Linear unmixing and spectral angle matching techniques were applied to assess their suitability in mapping surface features for land degradation studies. The study showed that linear unmixing provided more realistic results for mapping “desert-like” surface features than the spectral angle matching technique.  相似文献   
从一般的热力学原理或其它自然原理对唯象关系所强加的限制,能够演绎出大气系统的一系列热力学性质。利用非平衡态线性热力学导出了湍流K闭合理论中湍流交换系数同唯象系数的关系,从理论上证明大气系统热量湍流输送同水泡之间存在交叉耦合,还导出了湍流强度同速度和位温梯度的关系,从而证明速度和位温空间分布的非均匀性是湍流之源。并证明湍流强度定理,不可压缩气体和各向同性湍流大气中,湍流强度正比于速度与位温梯度的标积。进而证明大气涡旋定理,位温的切变将导致涡旋运动或各种环流运动,速度涡度等于速度同位温相对梯度的矢积。展现了线性热力学在大气系统的应用前景。  相似文献   
Samples of dune sands, surveys of the morphology and field measurements of wind velocity and direction of a simple linear dune in Taklimakan Sand Sea show that the airflow and sand flux vary with the change of wind direction on the dune surface. Decrease of the airflow stress on the lee flank does not result in much decrease of the sand flux because of the low threshold shear velocities and the airflow conditions. There are no significant relations between the sand flux on the lee flank and the angle of incidence of the airflow. The low threshold shear velocities and the maintenance of the sand flux at the lee flank are the main mechanisms keeping the linear shape of the dunes. Measurements of the sand flux shows that it reaches a maximum on the crest of the dune. The grain size of the transported sands has some differences compared to that of the dune surface. The sands transported are finer than that on the dune surface, but better sorted under the influence of the medium to low wind activity. The field experiment results exhibit that it is possible for the dunes to be shaped as linear dunes during the processes of accumulation and elongation.  相似文献   
非线性观测值函数的协方差和协因数传播及其权倒数   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
将非线性观测值函数在其近似值处泰勒级数展开,取至二次项,得到线性-二次项形式。利用线性空间[L,Q]^N的概念和性质,将它表示成[α,β]的向量形式。定义广义协方差算子和广义协因数算子,导出了线性-二次项的非线性观测值函数的广义协方差和广义协因数传播律。在此基础上,给出了非线性平差值函数和未知数函数的权倒数公式。  相似文献   
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