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Tides are often considered to be the dominant hydrodynamic process within mesotidal estuaries although waves can also have a large influence on intertidal erosion rates. Here, we use a combination of hydrodynamic measurements and sediment deposition records to determine the conditions under which observed waves are ‘morphologically significant’, in which case they influence tidal and suspended sediment flux asymmetry and subsequently infilling over geomorphological timescales. Morphological significant conditions were evaluated using data from contrasting arms in a dendritic mesotidal estuary, in which the orientation of the arms relative to the prevailing wind results in a marked difference in wave conditions, deposition rates and morphology. By defining the morphological significance of waves as a product of the magnitude of bed shear stress and frequency of occurrence, even small (but frequently occurring) winds are shown to be capable of generating waves that are morphologically significant given sufficient fetch. In the arm in which fetch length is restricted, only stronger but rare storm events can influence sediment flux and therefore tides are more morphologically significant over longer timescales. Water depth within this mesotidal estuary is shown to be a critical parameter in controlling morphological significance; the rapid attenuation of short period waves with depth results in contrasting patterns of erosion occurring during neaps and accretion during springs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计数据信息中存在周期成分混淆问题.对其中的一类混淆引入差比关系方法对混淆的分潮进行分离.卫星轨道交叉点资料包括升轨和降轨资料,资料量比沿轨点资料多1倍,经分析发现:在已有为期6a多的观测资料时间序列中,在沿轨处混淆的分潮如K1和SSA在交叉点处不再混淆,可以直接分离.因此首先对交叉点资料进行调和分析.然后由交叉点的分析结果得到分潮间的差比关系,处理到相近的沿轨点处,从而得到沿轨点的调和常数.用引入差比关系方法,对西北太平洋海区6a多的T/P卫星高度计资料进行了潮汐分析,并与沿岸及岛屿验潮站资料进行了比较,所得结果较满意.  相似文献   
崇明东滩沉积环境探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探讨崇明东滩的沉积环境,了解崇明东滩的植被、水动力等对沉积的影响,对崇明进行了为期一年的实地观测和采样实验分析研究,研究结果表明:①沉积物中含有细砂、粉砂、黏土,其中粉砂是主要组分。塑造滩地的动力以潮汐作用为主,波浪作用居于次要地位;②沉积物的平均粒径自北线断面向南线断面、自高潮向低潮滩有逐渐变粗、分选变差的趋势,且平均粒径具有明显的季节变化;③潮滩季节性冲淤变化主要是与不同季节水文条件的差异性、潮滩植被季节变化及风暴天气等有关。  相似文献   
在海南东寨港林市村附近红树林港湾潮汐动力测量的基础上,建立二维可移动边界有限元数值模型,研究红树林港湾浅水湖滩潮流场特征。实测与计算结果表明,潮沟区流速最大,具驻波特征,呈明显时间-速度不对称,东潮沟涨潮优势,百潮沟落潮优势,整个港湾水体呈顺时针循环。白滩与林地周期性淹没,白滩流速较湖沟略小。林地曼宁系数为白滩的10倍,流速小于10cm·s(-1),约为相应潮沟流速的1/10。林地如去掉林木,流速可增加3倍以上,流向也有变化。  相似文献   
Variations in elemental and isotopic ratios of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were investigated in the Guayas River Estuary Ecosystem (GREE) that empties into the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Detritus in the system was identified on the basis of extremely high carbon:chlorophyll aratios (>1000). This material had mean δ13C of −26·4±0·3, δ15N of +4·8±0·2, and (C:N)atomicof 14·1±0·9. The isotopic data were comparable to measurements reported for fresh and degrading mangrove leaves, whereas the elemental ratio was comparatively enriched in nitrogen. Isotope measurements of SPM throughout the GREE were more similar to values for riverine material and detritus compared with that for the coastal end-member. Values indicative ofin situproduced algae, sewage and shrimp pond effluent were only found at selected sites. Bacterial bioassays, which were used to document potential sources of dissolved organic matter in the GREE, were isotopically similar to SPM. This correspondence coupled with the relatively low (C:N)aof SPM could be explained by bacterial immobolization of nitrogen onto detritus. Finally, tidal variations of (C:N)aand δ13C at a brackish mangrove site were similar in magnitude to spatial variations encountered throughout the GREE. Based on these results, the authors caution that care must be taken when samples are taken for food-web studies in these systems.  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionTheglobalairtemperatureroseabout 0 .5~ 0 .6°Coverthepast 2 0thcentury ,andtheglobalmeansealevelincreasedbyabout2 0cmduringtheperiod .Theregionalmeansealevelriseswiththerisingglobalmeansealevel.Zuoetal.( 1 997)indicatedthatthemeanrisingrateofabsolutemeansealevelalongtheChinacoastontheassumptionofunifiedisostaticdatumis 2mm a .Woodworth( 1 999)analyzedsealevelspanning 1 76 8tothepresentinLiverpool,andobtainedaseculartrendforheperiodupto 1 880of0 .39± 0 .1 7mm a ,andatrendfort…  相似文献   
本文基于本系列论文Ⅰ中数值化的长江河口20世纪50年代、70年代海图获得的岸线和水深资料,以及2012年水深实测资料,设置不同年代模式网格,考虑径流量、潮汐和风应力作用,建立长江河口水动力和盐水入侵三维数值模式,模拟和分析不同年代潮汐潮流、单宽余通量、分汊口水通量和分流比,及其河势变化对它们的影响。最大潮差在3个年代间的变化主要在北支区域,50年代至70年代,北支潮差减小,减小区域集中在北支中段,2012年相比70年代北支潮差增大。单宽水通量在50年代北港大于南港,北支下段向上游输运、上段量值较小,在70年代南港大于北港,北支下段量值较小、上段向下游,在2012年南北港水通量较为接近,北港稍大,整个北支水通量向上游。定量给出了50、70年代和2012年南北支、南北港大潮期间和小潮期间涨潮、落潮和净水量和分流比,结合河势变化分析了不同年代间的变化原因。  相似文献   
High-resolution measurements of velocity and physio-chemistry were conducted before, during and after the passage of a transient front in a small subtropical system about 2.1 km upstream of the river mouth. Detailed acoustic Doppler velocimetry measurements, conducted continuously at 25 Hz, showed the existence of transverse turbulent shear between 300 s prior to the front passage and 1300 s after. This was associated with an increased level of suspended sediment concentration fluctuations, some transverse shear next to the bed and some surface temperature anomaly.  相似文献   
传统的海湾(泻湖)纳潮量计算方法不能精确地反映潮间带被部分围垦后纳潮量的实际情况,本考虑围堤的影响,将纳潮量分解为堤基以下的“梯形”区和堤基以上的“矩形”区两部分之和,在理论上更加严密。根据改进后方法算出的胶州湾近期纳潮量比传统方法算出的纳潮量大15%左右。可见,半个多世纪以来胶州湾的纳潮量只减少了约15%.而不是传统方法得出的约25%。  相似文献   
广东流沙湾4个测站2个周日潮流观测的准调和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对水深为4.4~17.0 m的流沙湾4个测站2个周日潮流观测获得的表、中、底层的潮流资料进行了分析,分别计算了4个测站O1、K1、M2、S2、M4、MS4共6个主要分潮的潮流调和常数,并给出了各观测站位在各层的潮流椭圆要素.计算结果表明:流沙湾主要为日潮流海区,其中湾外为规则日潮流,湾内为不规则日潮流;湾外主要分潮流的北分量一般大于东分量,而湾内主要分潮流的北分量一般小于东分量.观测期间余流的流向主要呈西北向,最大余流流速出现在湾内地形突然收窄处,且在湾内中层余流流速要大于表、底层余流流速.整个海区潮流的可能最大流速表层在57~107 cm/s之间,中层在53~106 cm/s之间,底层在34~98 cm/s之间.流沙湾湾外潮流主要为顺时针的旋转流运动,湾内为带有旋转流的往复流运动.  相似文献   
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