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利用2009年4月18日三架飞机联合探测层积混合云资料,结合MICAPS再分析资料、雷达、卫星及地面台站资料等,在准确区分自然云区与催化响应区的基础上,对这次降水性层积混合云的微结构和催化物理响应进行了深入研究。结果表明:云上部(4 800 m层,距云顶1 700 m,距云底3 000 m)累积了云中大部分的过冷水,是云内发展强盛区;云上部嵌入式积云区温度低于周围层云区2℃,积云区含水量分布不均,最大值为1.5 g/m~3,标准差为0.4 g/m~3,而层云区含水量最大值和标准差分别为0.6 g/m~3和0.15 g/m~3,积云区和层云区的云滴谱峰值直径分别为25μm和15μm,云滴数浓度的量级分别为102cm-3和101cm-3。对催化云而言,此次联合探测在4 800 m层捕捉到嵌入式积云区的催化响应,人工播撒Ag I会促进该层云的消散过程,催化后1 h内云区占比由71%降至13%,云中液态含水量持续减少且趋于均匀分布,催化后10 min与20 min云中含水量的最大值分别为1.0 g/m~3和1.5 g/m~3,标准差为0.3 g/m~3和0.15 g/m~3,凇附与聚合增长为主要冰相微物理过程,云滴谱先变窄,后因H-M冰晶凇附繁生而拓宽;在云的中下层则受上层催化影响而产生旺盛云区,10 min内该层云区范围显著扩大,云滴及冰相粒子尺度均增加一倍,同时旺盛云区自上而下扩展。  相似文献   
本文以江苏滨海沿海工业园尾水离岸排放区为例,在参考和借鉴国内外海洋水环境容量研究成果和实践的基础上,综合分析离岸排放的特点,建立了基于物理扩散的离岸排放区COD三维对流-扩散运输模型。根据海洋水环境现状,按半径2 km设定排污区,排污区外边界按照二类水质标准确定水质标准控制点,计算出该海域COD在一级排放标准80 mg/dm3的条件下,允许的尾水最大排放量为不超过12×104t/d,由此确定出该离岸排放区COD基准剩余环境容量为不超过9.6 t/d。  相似文献   
随着计算机和倾斜摄影技术的迅速发展,三维实景地理信息系统为用户提供了更丰富的地理信息、更友好的用户体验以及低廉的成本,应用前景广阔。鉴于此,本文探讨了以Skyline平台为基础建立晋江市三维实景地理信息系统的数据建模和实现方法。  相似文献   
针对输电线路建设初期施工调查的需求,研究设计了基于三维GIS的软件平台,建立了输电线路建设工程辅助施工调查系统。系统利用高分辨率遥感影像和DEM数据建立三维虚拟环境,辅助进行输电线路沿线施工环境调查,并进行施工道路和索道规划管理。经应用后表明,该系统为施工单位分析施工场地条件提供了方便,提高了工作效率,为解决在自然条件恶劣地区外业调查困难等问题提供了方案。  相似文献   
对南海某海域深度100~400 m的海底浅层(约2 m埋深范围)沉积物柱状样在接近海底水压力下进行三轴应变-声学同步测量,结果表明沉积物纵波声速有两个特征:(1)从应变过程开始到结束,沉积物纵波声速不断变化;(2)平均声速随着平均静弹性模量的增加,由大变小又由小变大,存在声速最小值。这些结果与海底浅表层沉积物的物理力学性质、围压、颗粒的结合状态改变有关。此外,沉积物动弹性模量和孔隙度呈良好的负相关性,这与孔隙度增大含水量增大有关;动弹性模量是静弹性模量的10~100倍,这主要与三轴应变试验的应变数量级与声波振动产生的应变数量级的差异大有关。采用本论文实验测量的数据分别建立了双复合参数-声速和孔隙度-声速经验公式,分析结果表明双复合参数-声速公式声速预报误差约是孔隙度-声速公式的1/4,表明双复合参数-声速公式更加有效。  相似文献   
黔西北峨眉山玄武岩顶部普遍发育Fe-Al岩系。为查明峨眉山玄武岩顶部Fe-Al岩系特征,探讨其三稀元素富集特点,开展了针对峨眉山玄武岩顶部Fe-Al岩系的野外调查。调查结果显示: 当峨眉山玄武岩上覆地层分别为宣威组或龙潭组时,峨眉山玄武岩顶部风化壳Fe-Al岩系表现出明显差异。样品测试结果表明: Fe-Al岩系内Sc、Nb、REE等三稀元素含量丰富,具有很好的找矿前景,宣威组Fe-Al岩系内Sc、Nb、REE含量更高,尤其是Nb和REE。Fe-Al岩系内Sc、Nb、REE等三稀元素富集为峨眉山玄武岩风化初始富集和后期改造再次富集作用的结果。  相似文献   
The Riemann problem for an irreversibly compressible three‐phase medium has been solved. This solution introduces the maximum medium density that is attained in the process of active loading. The possible wave configurations have been analyzed, and the corresponding equations for the evaluation of the contact pressure and velocity have been obtained. The existence and uniqueness of the solution has been proven. The technique of the Riemann problem's solution for the arbitrary Lagrange–Euler mesh was developed. Examples of the Riemann problem solution for various wave configurations show that neglecting the bulk elastic plastic deformations yields significant errors in the results both quantitatively and qualitatively. The effect of the air volumetric content in a three‐phase soil medium on the Riemann problem solution has been investigated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Agricultural water management (AWM) has been shown to improve and secure yields in the tropics and has been suggested as an important way to combat poverty in the region. In this paper, we describe potential impacts on upstream and downstream flows of extensive AWM interventions, using the watershed development programme of the Osman Sagar catchment of Musi sub‐basin, Andhra Pradesh semi‐arid India, as an example. Various AWM interventions are compared with a non‐intervention state and the current state of the study area, using 31 years of data by application of the calibrated and validated ARCSWAT 2005 (Version 2.1.4a) modelling tool. Different AWM interventions contribute to improved livelihoods of upstream smallholder farmers by increasing soil moisture availability and groundwater recharge, which can subsequently be used for irrigation. The result is higher crop production and hence larger incomes. Moreover, lower flow intensities and sediment losses reduced by 30–50%, reducing the risk of flooding and sediment accumulation in the Osman Sagar drinking water reservoir. On the other hand, AWM interventions are predicted to result in reduced total water inflows to the Osman Sagar reservoir from 11% of the total annual rainfall (754 mm) recorded at present, to 8% if AWM interventions were implemented at large scale throughout the catchment. A cost–benefit analysis of AWM interventions showed that the highest net economic returns were achieved at intermediate intervention levels (only in‐situ AWM). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using the continuum‐based finite element approach in conjunction with the strength reduction technique, one can easily find out the factor of safety of a slope with rather high precision, but will encounter some obstacles in the accurate location of the corresponding three‐dimensional critical slip surface (CSS). On the basis of the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion and the stress field in the limit equilibrium state of the slope, it is deduced that the three‐dimensional CSS is the solution of the Cauchy problem of a quasi‐linear partial differential equation (PDE) of first order. By means of the method of characteristics for the problem, the three‐dimensional CSS that may take any shape can be determined without the specification of its geometry. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The stratigraphic division and correlation has important guiding significance to oil and gas field. This paper presents the application of Hilbert-Huang Transform to extract the “three instantaneous” attribute features of logging data (GR,AC) to perform the division and correlation of stratigraphic sequence, that is, the three properties of "instantaneous frequency", "instantaneous amplitude", "instantaneous phase" are extracted from logging data, which revealed the frequency characteristics of each depth of logging data and clearly reflected the structural characteristics of the frequency change. According to the oscillation anomalies of different attributes, we scale sequence boundaries, and use the variation characteristics of oscillation period of different frequency components attributes to scale the periodic characteristics of different scale sequence cycle, then use the “three instantaneous” attribute information for stratigraphic correlation, and for describing the internal features of formation. These attributes anomalies can be used to clearly find the different class interface of stratigraphic sequence, to achieve the sequence division at all levels, and under the control of sequence stratigraphic framework at all levels, we can do the isochronous stratigraphic correlation at all levels. The “three instantaneous” attribute extraction of logging data provides a new approach and idea for high resolution sequence stratigraphy analysis, and it has important significance for promoting the development of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   
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