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Interaction between slab-derived melt and mantle peridotite and the role of slab melt as a metasomatizing agent in the sub-arc mantle is being increasingly recognized. Adakite, the slab melt erupted on the surface, usually exhibits anomalously high MgO, CaO, Cr and Ni contents that indicate interaction with mantle peridotitite. Here we note that Cenozoic adakites have Na2O contents below 5.8 wt.% with ∼95% samples lower than 5.0 wt.%, and are generally depleted in this component relative to experimental basalt partial melts (mostly beyond 5.0 wt.% and up to 9.0 wt.% Na2O) produced under 1.5-3.0 GPa conditions that are most relevant to adakite production. We interpret the adakite Na depletion to be also a consequence of the melt / rock reaction that takes place within the hot mantle wedge. During ascent and reaction with mantle peridotite, primary adakite melts gain mantle components MgO, CaO, Cr and Ni but lose Na2O, SiO2 and perhaps K2O to the mantle, leading to Na-rich mantle metasomatism. Selective assimilation of predominately mantle clinopyroxene, some spinel and minor olivine at high T/P has been considered to be an important process in producing high-Mg adakites from primary low-Mg slab melts [Killian, R., Stern, C. R., 2002. Constraints on the interaction between slab melts and the mantle wedge from adakitic glass in peridotite xenoliths. Eur. J. Mineral. 14, 25-36]. In such a process, Na depletion in the assimilated melt is the result of dilution due to the increase in melt mass. Phase relationships in the reaction system siliceous melt + peridotite and quantitative calculation suggest that assimilation of mantle clinopyroxene, olivine and spinel and fractional crystallization of sodic amphibole and orthopyroxene, under conditions of moderate T/P and increasing melt mass, is also an important process that modifies the composition of adakites and causes the Na depletion.  相似文献   
The reaction coefficients of nitrogen dioxide and nitrous acid with monodisperse sodium chloride and ammonium sulphate aerosols have been measured in a flow reactor at atmospheric pressure. These experiments were performed at relative humidities above and below the deliquescence points of both aerosols (r.h. 50 and 85%) at 279 K. The results for NO2 afford a reaction coefficient in the range (2.8–10) × 10-4 and for HONO, (2.8–4.6) × 10-3. For both species, there appears to be an enhancement of the reaction coefficient on sodium chloride aerosol at 50% r.h. The results are compared with reaction coefficients determined by other experimental methods. A good agreement is found for both gases between this method and the coated denuder method previously developed in our research laboratories (Msibi et al., 1993) and with the majority of other published data for NO2. In the case of HONO, our estimate of reaction coefficient is smaller than, or at the lower limits of the ranges reported by other published studies.  相似文献   
Reactions producing Al‐rich index minerals in the south‐eastern part of the Lepontine Dome (Central Alps, Switzerland) are investigated using mineral distribution maps, microstructural observations and equilibrium phase diagrams. The apparent staurolite mineral zone boundary corresponds to the paragonite breakdown reaction Pg + Grt + Qtz = Pl + Al2O3 + W. Equilibrium phase diagrams show that most natural metapelites do not contain staurolite or alumosilicates as long as univalent cations are predominantly accommodated in white mica. For a wide range of metapelitic compositions the paragonite breakdown releases sufficient Al for the formation of these minerals. Rare occurrences of staurolite and kyanite, north of the formerly mapped mineral zone boundaries, coexist with paragonite and are restricted to extremely Al‐rich bulk compositions. The stable branch of the kyanite‐forming paragonite breakdown reaction above 660 °C yields an additional mapable isograd. The second set of Al‐releasing reactions is biotite‐producing phengite breakdown. However, these reactions are less suitable to produce well defined reaction isograds in the field as they are more continuous and their progress is strongly dependent on bulk composition. Well developed fibrolite in metapelites does not appear until staurolite starts to breakdown. We conclude that amphibolite facies conditions in the study area were attained by decompression, without substantial heating at low pressures.  相似文献   
Abstract A detailed field and petrological study of rocks from nappes cut by the Valle dell'Orco (Italian Western Alps), in particular the Sesia–Lanzo composite unit, has revealed geological and metamorphic histories which started in pre-alpine times and lasted up to the alpine subduction-collisional processes. During these processes the nappes sustained an early high P–low T stage and a later low P greenschist facies stage, but followed partly distinctive P–T–time trajectories. This paper discusses the kinematic evolution and the thermal history of the alpine belt from the early subduction/underthrust to the later exhumation stage. The metamorphic crystallization is often governed by incomplete and/or local equilibrium, and the pervasive syn-metamorphic deformation and the composition of the syn-metamorphic fluid phase (if present) have exerted an effective local control on reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
This paper describes the progressive metamorphism and deformation of a series of metasediments, Le Conquet Schists and their higher grade equivalents, which occur as tectonically emplaced screens within a sequence of foliated gneisses, the Gneiss de Brest and Gneiss de Lesneven. The sequence exhibits a steep south to north increase in metamorphic grade from garnet-staurolite schist to sillimanite gneiss and sillimanite-K-feldspar migmatite. The relationship of mineral growth to foliation development has been established for individual screens. At least five phases of deformation (D1-D5) are preserved. Analysis of porphyroblast inclusion trails is used to demonstrate sequential mineral growth during the successive development of orthogonal foliations S1-S4. Porphyroblasts continued to grow during the subsequent development of C-S mylonite fabrics and extensional crenulation cleavages which are genetically related to a series of high-strain zones (D5). Mineral assemblages, phase relations and mineral chemistry are consistent with porphyroblast growth being the result of continuous reactions. Microstructure-porphyroblast relations are used to show that although mineral growth proceeded during continuous reactions, these only operated episodically. Phase relations, mineral chemistry and P-T estimates are used to constrain P-T trajectories and these are linked to the deformation histories within individual screens. A comparison between the resulting pressure-temperature-deformation paths is used to demonstrate that the metamorphic peak occurred progressively later and at successively lower pressures with increasing metamorphic grade. It is suggested that the early evolution of the belt is the result of crustal thickening by overthrusting. The subsequent history is one of progressive heating and unroofing of the higher grade rocks in a dextral strike-slip transtensional shear zone.  相似文献   
Abstract End-member, continuous and degenerate reactions are derived for the multisystem with the six components Na2O, CaO, (Mg/Fe)O, Al2O3, SiO2, H2O among the phases plagioclasess, garnetss, amphiboless, cpx, opx, olivine, spinel, quartz and an aqueous fluid. The chemography of this system is degenerate due to the co-linearity 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. This co-linearity has its implications both on reaction space and phase equilibria. From a total of 28 reaction systems, reaction space is derived for nine subsystems (phases in parentheses are absent): Case A1: (Cpx,Ol) (Cpx,Opx) and (Cpx,Qtz), Case A2: (Spl,Ol) (Spl,Opx) and (Spl,Qtz), Case B: (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz). In the absence of either cpx or spl (case A), three reactions form an invariant point, either [Cpx] or [Spl], where the co-linear phases olivine, opx and quartz coexist on the transformation line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. Changing mineral compositions force invariant points to move along the line with the different reaction curves changing their relative position according to Schreinemakers’rules. Zero contours, i.e. the location where (a) phase(s) disappear(s) in reaction space correspond to singular points in phase diagrams. Two types are distinguished; singular points of indispensable and of substitutable phases. In the first case the phase disappears from the entire bundle while in the second it disappears from a single reaction. In the specific case where the substitutable phases are also the co-linear ones, two of the three co-linear phases disappear simultaneously. Two of the three reaction curves coincide. In the system including Cpx and Spl (Case B) three reactions, (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz), oppose three invariant points, [Ol], [Opx] and [Qtz]. Invariant points no longer move along the line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. The coincidence of the zero contours of all three co-linear phases in reaction space-the result of the chemographic degeneracy-causes the respective singular points to coincide in the phase diagrams. This is the location where curves must be rearranged in a bundle to conform Schreinemakers’rules. The reaction Grs1Prp2= 2 Ol + An is fourth order degenerate and part of all nine subsystems (cases A and B). It can be used to relate the different phase diagrams to one another.  相似文献   
采用(斜长石+黑云母+石英)这三种单矿物组合与1mol/L NaCl或0.5mol/L NaCl 0.5mol/L NaHCO3溶液在450-250℃和50MPa条件下反应7d。实验表明,反应后流体pH值发生了变化,NaCl介质向酸性变化,N aCl NaHCO3介质向中性转化。溶液中K,Ca,Mg,Fe和Au量也随之发生变化。矿物表面发生溶解和离子置换等反应。斜长石表面形成钠长石反应边,黑云母变色,石英重结晶,反应器皿金管中的金被溶解后在金管壁和黑云母表面重结晶,黑云母周边出现红色Fe2O3,在450℃的NaCl介质中,金含量可达1070μg/g,但随温度下降迅速减低,在NaCl NaHCO3介质中,金含量较低,显著,金的活化迁移和富集与Cl,pH,Fe^3 /Fe^2 密切相关,这中金起到示踪作用,显示出金在水/岩反应中的原电池效应。  相似文献   
吉黑东部斑岩型-浅成热液型铜金矿床多重成矿模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过四个典型矿床(小西南岔、闹枝、五凤和刺猬沟)的对比,发现它们在形成时间-空间一成因上既相互联系,又相互区别。小西南岔和闹枝矿床存在三个成矿流体系统:加热天水系统(A)、排放流体系统(B)、蒸气缕(steam plume)反应系统(C);五凤和刺猬沟矿床只有一个成矿流体系统,即排放流体系统(B)。前者的成矿流体由浅成岩浆房的补给;后者的成矿流体主要为循环天水,浅成岩浆房的补给不明显。小西南岔金铜矿床产于中生代火山岩盆地边缘的隆起带,属于斑岩型矿床;闹枝金(铜)矿床产于中生代火山岩盆地内的断隆块,属于斑岩-浅成热液过渡型矿床;五凤和刺猬沟金(银)矿床产于中生代火山岩盆地内断裂带,属于浅成热液型矿床。在区域成矿上,由浅入深,浅成热液型斑岩-浅成热液过渡型和斑岩型构成多重成矿模型。  相似文献   
关于江陵凹陷富钾卤水的物质来源和成因机理仍未查明. 对凹陷新生代玄武岩开展矿物学、岩石学、地球化学研究以及水-岩反应模拟实验,重点研究时间、温度、流体成分等对水-岩反应的影响. 结果表明,卤水具有高锂低镁的特征,说明其在成因上受到火山活动的影响;研究区岩浆发生不同程度的分异,玄武岩蚀变作用强烈,表明地下热液的交代作用强烈,玄武岩通过水-岩反应为富钾卤水矿提供了物质来源;温度是流体对元素的淋滤能力的主要控制因素,高盐度流体是各成矿元素主要的迁移载体,水-岩反应是卤水形成的重要过程.   相似文献   
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