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The Tres Arboles ductile fault zone in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, central Argentina, experienced multiple ductile deformation and faulting events that involved a variety of textural and reaction hardening and softening processes. Much of the fault zone is characterized by a (D2) ultramylonite, composed of fine‐grained biotite + plagioclase, that lacks a well‐defined preferred orientation. The D2 fabric consists of a strong network of intergrown and interlocking grains that show little textural evidence for dislocation or dissolution creep. These ultramylonites contain gneissic rock fragments and porphyroclasts of plagioclase, sillimanite and garnet inherited from the gneissic and migmatitic protolith (D1) of the hangingwall. The assemblage of garnet + sillimanite + biotite suggests that D1‐related fabrics developed under upper amphibolite facies conditions, and the persistence of biotite + garnet + sillimanite + plagioclase suggests that the ultramylonite of D2 developed under middle amphibolite facies conditions. Greenschist facies, mylonitic shear bands (D3) locally overprint D2 ultramylonites. Fine‐grained folia of muscovite + chlorite ± biotite truncate earlier biotite + plagioclase textures, and coarser‐grained muscovite partially replaces relic sillimanite grains. Anorthite content of shear band (D3) plagioclase is c. An30, distinct from D1 and D2 plagioclase (c. An35). The anorthite content of D3 plagioclase is consistent with a pervasive grain boundary fluid that facilitated partial replacement of plagioclase by muscovite. Biotite is partially replaced by muscovite and/or chlorite, particularly in areas of inferred high strain. Quartz precipitated in porphyroclast pressure shadows and ribbons that help define the mylonitic fabric. All D3 reactions require the introduction of H+ and/or H2O, indicating an open system, and typically result in a volume decrease. Syntectonic D3 muscovite + quartz + chlorite preferentially grew in an orientation favourable for strain localization, which produced a strong textural softening. Strain localization occurred only where reactions progressed with the infiltration of aqueous fluids, on a scale of hundreds of micrometre. Local fracturing and microseismicity may have induced reactivation of the fault zone and the initial introduction of fluids. However, the predominant greenschist facies deformation (D3) along discrete shear bands was primarily a consequence of the localization of replacement reactions in a partially open system.  相似文献   
采用水热法在不同反应条件下合成了一系列纤蛇纹石纳米管.利用红外吸收光谱、扫描电镜和透射电镜系统地研究了水热反应中,反应温度、Si/Mg比、反应时间等不同反应参数对合成纤蛇纹石纳米管的晶体生长及其结构的影响.结果表明,温度的升高、Si/Mg比趋近0.68及反应时间的延长均有利于纤蛇纹石的生长,并获得最佳条件下合成的纤蛇纹石条件.  相似文献   
采用(斜长石+黑云母+石英)这三种单矿物组合与1mol/L NaCl或0.5mol/L NaCl 0.5mol/L NaHCO3溶液在450-250℃和50MPa条件下反应7d。实验表明,反应后流体pH值发生了变化,NaCl介质向酸性变化,N aCl NaHCO3介质向中性转化。溶液中K,Ca,Mg,Fe和Au量也随之发生变化。矿物表面发生溶解和离子置换等反应。斜长石表面形成钠长石反应边,黑云母变色,石英重结晶,反应器皿金管中的金被溶解后在金管壁和黑云母表面重结晶,黑云母周边出现红色Fe2O3,在450℃的NaCl介质中,金含量可达1070μg/g,但随温度下降迅速减低,在NaCl NaHCO3介质中,金含量较低,显著,金的活化迁移和富集与Cl,pH,Fe^3 /Fe^2 密切相关,这中金起到示踪作用,显示出金在水/岩反应中的原电池效应。  相似文献   
Interaction between slab-derived melt and mantle peridotite and the role of slab melt as a metasomatizing agent in the sub-arc mantle is being increasingly recognized. Adakite, the slab melt erupted on the surface, usually exhibits anomalously high MgO, CaO, Cr and Ni contents that indicate interaction with mantle peridotitite. Here we note that Cenozoic adakites have Na2O contents below 5.8 wt.% with ∼95% samples lower than 5.0 wt.%, and are generally depleted in this component relative to experimental basalt partial melts (mostly beyond 5.0 wt.% and up to 9.0 wt.% Na2O) produced under 1.5-3.0 GPa conditions that are most relevant to adakite production. We interpret the adakite Na depletion to be also a consequence of the melt / rock reaction that takes place within the hot mantle wedge. During ascent and reaction with mantle peridotite, primary adakite melts gain mantle components MgO, CaO, Cr and Ni but lose Na2O, SiO2 and perhaps K2O to the mantle, leading to Na-rich mantle metasomatism. Selective assimilation of predominately mantle clinopyroxene, some spinel and minor olivine at high T/P has been considered to be an important process in producing high-Mg adakites from primary low-Mg slab melts [Killian, R., Stern, C. R., 2002. Constraints on the interaction between slab melts and the mantle wedge from adakitic glass in peridotite xenoliths. Eur. J. Mineral. 14, 25-36]. In such a process, Na depletion in the assimilated melt is the result of dilution due to the increase in melt mass. Phase relationships in the reaction system siliceous melt + peridotite and quantitative calculation suggest that assimilation of mantle clinopyroxene, olivine and spinel and fractional crystallization of sodic amphibole and orthopyroxene, under conditions of moderate T/P and increasing melt mass, is also an important process that modifies the composition of adakites and causes the Na depletion.  相似文献   
地球化学反应模型的发展及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据近年来地球化学反应模型的发展及其应用现状,对新发展的建模方法手段、模型计划方法以及模型计算软件作了简要的归纳和评述,最后以地球化学反应模型用于成矿动力学研究的应用为例,说明地球化学反应模型在地球化学研究中,对了解反应体系中物质的形态,分布、迁移和转化,起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
模拟天然翡翠成矿的物理、化学条件,参照硬玉各元素的理论质量分数,选用合适的化学试剂配制合成翡翠原料,采用高温固相法制备非晶质的、具有翡翠成分的玻璃料,再利用高压固相转变的原理,在高温高压设备上对其进行结构转化处理,使其在翡翠稳定区内结晶。X射线粉末衍射、傅里叶变换红外光谱、偏光显微镜矿物结构的分析结果表明:合成样品中的主要结晶矿物为硬玉,其红外吸收光谱与天然翡翠的基本一致,部分样品的结构转化较完全,结晶程度较好,且其硬度、密度及折射率等常规宝石学参数也与天然翡翠的十分相近。  相似文献   
In high-Mg, Al metapelites, monophase sapphirine corona occur around spinel–corundum aggregates in monomineralic cordierite layers, and bi-phase orthopyroxene–sillimanite aggregates replace locally warped sapphirine in polygonized cordierite aggregates. P–T phase topologies computed (Perple_X software) using compositions of cordierite-rich layers that host the reaction textures did not match the assemblages for the discontinuous reactions spinel + corundum + cordierite → sapphirine and sapphirine + cordierite → orthopyroxene + sillimanite. Instead, the reaction assemblages were reproduced using P–T pseudosection analysis for micro-domain reaction volumes estimated from compositions of product phases in the volume proportion they occur. The results are consistent with known phase relations deduced using Schreinmakers P–T grids. Apparently, the compositions of cordierite-rich layers that hosted the reaction textures were inadequate chemical proxies for determining P–TX relations of phase-boundary controlled reactions influenced by compositions of the nearest-neighbor minerals in the proportion they react (effective composition), and not in the proportion they existed in the layer/bulk rock. In other words, P–T–X phase topologies and reconstructed P–T paths in dry and aluminous rocks may be best understood by thermodynamic modeling of reactions using effective reaction volume compositions rather than the bulk composition of the rock or the mineralogical layer that host the reaction textures.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method of establishing a hydrothermal ore-forming reaction system.On the basis of the study of four typical hydrothermal deposits,the following conclusions concerning geochemical dynamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been sions concerning geochemical dynaamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been drawn:(1)The regional tectonic activities control the concentration and dispersion of elements in the ore-forming process in terms of their effects on the thermodynamic nature and conditions of the ore-forming reaction system.(2)During hydrothermal mineralization the activites of ore-bearing faults can be divideb into two stages:the brittle splitting stage and the brittle-tough tensing stage,which would create characteristically different geodynamic conditions for the geochemical thermodynamic ore-forming system.(3)The hydrothermal ore-forming reaaction system is an open dynamic system.At the brittle splitting stage the system was so strongly supersaturated and unequilibrated as to speed up and enhance the crystallization and differentiation of ore-forming fluids.And at the brittle-tough tensing stage,the ore-forming system was in a weak supersaturated state;with decreasing temperature and pressure the crystallization of oreforming material would show down,and it can be regarded as an equilibrated state.(4)In the lates stages of hydrothermal evolution,gold would be concentrated in the residual ore-forming solution.The pulsating fracture activite in this stage led to the crush of pyrite ore and it was then filled with gold-enriched solution,forming high-grage“fissure”gold ore.This ore-forming process could be called the coupling mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   
Abstract A detailed field and petrological study of rocks from nappes cut by the Valle dell'Orco (Italian Western Alps), in particular the Sesia–Lanzo composite unit, has revealed geological and metamorphic histories which started in pre-alpine times and lasted up to the alpine subduction-collisional processes. During these processes the nappes sustained an early high P–low T stage and a later low P greenschist facies stage, but followed partly distinctive P–T–time trajectories. This paper discusses the kinematic evolution and the thermal history of the alpine belt from the early subduction/underthrust to the later exhumation stage. The metamorphic crystallization is often governed by incomplete and/or local equilibrium, and the pervasive syn-metamorphic deformation and the composition of the syn-metamorphic fluid phase (if present) have exerted an effective local control on reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
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