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We studied the radio source associated with the ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5408  ( L X≈ 1040 erg s−1)  . The radio spectrum is steep (index  ≈−1  ), consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission, not with flat-spectrum core emission. Its flux density (≈0.28 mJy at 4.8 GHz, at a distance of 4.8 Mpc) was the same in the March 2000 and December 2004 observations, suggesting steady emission rather than a transient outburst. However, it is orders of magnitude higher than expected from steady jets in stellar-mass microquasar. Based on its radio flux and spectral index, we suggest that the radio source is either an unusually bright supernova remnant, or, more likely, a radio lobe powered by a jet from the black hole (BH). Moreover, there is speculative evidence that the source is marginally resolved with a radius ∼30 pc. A faint H  ii region of similar size appears to coincide with the radio and X-ray sources, but its ionization mechanism remains unclear. Using a self-similar solution for the expansion of a jet-powered electron–positron plasma bubble, in the minimum-energy approximation, we show that the observed flux and (speculative) size are consistent with an average jet power  ≈ 7 × 1038 erg s−1∼ 0.1 L X∼ 0.1 L Edd  , an age ≈105 yr, a current velocity of expansion ≈80 km s−1. We briefly discuss the importance of this source as a key to understand the balance between luminosity and jet power in accreting BHs.  相似文献   
Summary. As of today, seven X-ray sources have been tentatively identified as radio-quiet, isolated neutron stars. The family appears to be a rapidly growing one, although not all the objects have been identified with the same degree of certainty. The most convincing example of radio quiet pulsar is certainly Geminga, the neutron star nature of which, proposed in 1983 on the basis of its similarity with the Vela pulsar, has been firmly established with the discovery of its X and pulsation. Four more neutron star candidates, originally found in the Einstein data, have been confirmed by ROSAT, which has added to the list two more entries. All this is not the result of an unbiased search. The seven sources were not selected at random: four are inside supernova remnants, an obvious place to search for isolated neutron stars, while the remaining three were singled out because of some peculiarity. Intense -ray emission in the case of Geminga, very high X-ray counting rate for RXJ185635-3754, or being the brightest unidentified source in the Einstein medium sensitivity survey, MS 0317-6647. In spite of the limited number of objects and of the observational biases, these seven radio quiet neutron star candidates add valuable pieces of information to the observational panorama of known pulsars. Their properties, inferred from the X-ray emission, offer a coherent picture, pointing towards thermally emitting, cooling neutron stars. Received: April 1, 1996  相似文献   
We propose an iterative algorithm for computing the synthesis of heavy elements through the rapid capture of neutrons (r-process) and, at sufficiently high temperatures, protons by simultaneously using two distinct computer codes. One of the codes describes the kinetics of nuclear reactions between light and intermediate chemical elements, which are the source of free neutrons and protons used by the second code to synthesize heavy elements from seed nuclides (isotopes near the iron peak of the cosmic abundance curve). The two codes interact through the neutron and proton reaction channels. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method with an example of the nucleosynthesis in a supernova’s helium shell triggered by the evaporation of neutrons and protons from α particles exposed to the neutrino flux from a collapsing stellar core. In this case, three or four iterations are enough to obtain an almost exact self-consistent solution.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of a prominent non-thermal X-ray feature located near the Galactic centre that we identify as an energetic pulsar wind nebula. This feature, G359.95-0.04, lies 1-lyr north of Sgr A* (in projection), is comet like in shape, and has a power-law spectrum that steepens with increasing distance from the putative pulsar. The distinct spectral and spatial X-ray characteristics of the feature are similar to those belonging to the rare class of ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae. The luminosity of the nebula at the distance of Sgr A*, consistent with the inferred X-ray absorptions, is   Lx ∼ 1 × 1034 erg s−1  in the 2–10 keV energy band. The cometary tail extends back to a region centred at the massive stellar complex IRS 13 and surrounded by an enhanced diffuse X-ray emission, which may represent an associated supernova remnant. Furthermore, the inverse Compton scattering of the strong ambient radiation by the nebula consistently explains the observed TeV emission from the Galactic centre. We also briefly discuss plausible connections of G359.95-0.04 to other high-energy sources in the region, such as the young stellar complexes IRS 13 and SNR Sgr A East.  相似文献   
In this article we use 1420 MHz data to demonstrate the likely reality of Galactic radio Loops V and VI. We further estimate distances and spectral indices for both these and the four main radio loops. In the cases of Loops I–IV, radio spectral indices are calculated from the mean brightnesses at 1420 and 820/404 MHz. The spectral indices of Loops V and VI are obtained from TT plots between 1420 and 408 MHz. Using the supernova remnant (SNR) hypothesis for the origin of radio loops, distances are calculated from the surface brightnesses and the angular diameters at 1420 MHz. We also study how results for brightnesses and distances of radio loops agree with current theories of SNR evolution. For this purpose, the ambient density and initial explosion energy of the loops are discussed. We also discuss applications of different Σ–D relations. The results obtained confirm a non‐thermal origin and nearby locations for the Galactic radio loops. Therefore, we have indications that they are very old SNRs that evolve in low ambient densities, with high initial explosion energies. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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