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地质与岩土工程领域中,变形监测一直是评价岩土体稳定性的一个重要指标,其时空演化规律可为工程设计与施工 技术参数优化、地质灾害预警阈值设定提供科学的依据。随着光电感测技术的不断发展,其在地质与岩土工程变形监测中 的作用越来越重要,然而分布式感测光纤与岩土体之间的耦合性对监测结果有显著影响,阐明两者间的作用机理成为该技 术应用的关键环节。文章在综合分析当前地质与岩土工程变形监测技术的基础上,开展了基于BOTDA感测技术的光纤-砂 土界面耦合性能拉拔试验,从试验结果和感测光纤特性两方面分析了感测光纤与砂土的耦合性及二者间的应变传递规律。 试验结果表明:除第一级拉拔外,数据拟合R2均在0.99以上,显示了光纤实测应变分布具有良好的规律性;由试验数据反 算得出的光纤弹性模量约为0.35 GPa,与给定值基本一致;通过感测光纤的F-S端和F-S尾关系,得出光纤-土界面作用过程 可分为全耦合、半耦合和相对滑动三个阶段。上述研究结果为分布式感测技术在各类地质与岩土工程变形监测中的应用提 供指导,同时为开展各类室内模型试验提供参考依据。  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物-水界面磷的迁移转化机制与定量研究方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湖泊磷循环主要指磷在沉积物、上覆水和生物体间的迁移转化,而沉积物-水界面磷的迁移转化作为富营养湖泊磷循环的关键过程,备受关注.本文就国内外研究进展,综述了磷在上覆水、沉积物中的赋存形态和生物有效性,沉积物-水界面磷迁移转化的机制与定量研究方法.探讨沉积物性质、环境因子和生物特性对界面磷迁移的驱动机制,以及磷在浅水湖泊、深水湖泊中迁移转化机制的差异,指出现阶段迁移机制的研究多集中在单因素和定性化方面,而对多因素和定量化的研究还相对缺乏,未来可深入探究多因素耦合作用下磷的迁移规律.分析了野外调查、模拟实验、质量衡算和模型等研究方法的优缺点及适用情况,提出未来可将野外调查、模拟实验和模型法相结合,借助野外调查识别磷的迁移过程,模拟实验验证磷迁移的机制,并以野外调查和模拟实验的数据和结论为基础,构建模型量化具体迁移过程及其对湖泊磷循环的贡献,从而全面认识磷迁移转化规律.最后,提出了未来湖泊沉积物-水界面磷迁移研究需要关注的几个方面.  相似文献   
夏季东亚高空西风急流气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析风场资料定义了西风急流强度指数和位置指数,然后利用EOF方法对西风急流进行了进一步的分析,分析了高空西风急流的空间分布特征,从强度和位置两方面分析了西风急流与东亚环流及其与海温的关系。分析表明: EOF第一模态反映了东亚高空急流的位置指数,第二模态反映了高空急流的强度指数。东亚高空急流与对流层大气环流包括南亚高压,西太平洋副热带高压,东亚夏季风存在着密切关系,其气候变化与热带副热带东太平洋、印度洋海温密切相关。  相似文献   
黄土缓坡片蚀过程及其水力参数适宜性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为确定黄土缓坡片蚀过程中侵蚀限制条件的变化及水力参数的适宜性,采用模拟降雨试验,在60 mm/h雨强、3种坡度(7.5°、10°、15°)和2种坡长(5 m和10 m)条件下,验证含沙量作为表征参量判定片蚀过程侵蚀限制条件的可行性,提出检验水力参数与产沙量作用关系适宜性的评价方法。结果表明:①依据含沙量随径流的变化规律,片蚀过程依次经历输沙能力限制阶段、剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ共3个侵蚀阶段,其中剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ的侵蚀量占绝对优势。②从水力参数的适宜性来看,径流功率和雷诺数均能很好地表征与产沙量的关系,径流剪切力和弗劳德数则不能有效反映与产沙量的关系。③在不同侵蚀限制阶段,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量的作用关系是不同的。输沙能力限制阶段和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ时,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量分别呈指数关系和线性正相关关系;剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ时,该2种水力参数均与产沙量呈线性负相关关系,但作用关系不唯一,且存在雷诺数临界值,即在输沙能力限制阶段和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量的作用关系不受坡长效应影响;在剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ,需要同时考虑坡长和雷诺数临界值的共同影响。该研究结果可为深入理解片蚀过程的复杂性提供参考依据。  相似文献   
After more than 300 years of widespread and intensive river management, few examples of complex, unmanaged river systems remain within Europe. An exception is the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy, which retains a riparian woodland margin and unconfined river channel system throughout almost the entire 170 km length of its river corridor. A research programme is underway focusing on a range of related aspects of the hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and ecology of the Tagliamento. This paper contributes to that programme by focusing on large wood retention. The paper adopts a simple force:resistance approach at the scale of the entire river corridor in order to identify reaches of the river with a high wood retention potential. Information on the character of the river corridor is derived from 1:10 000 scale topographic maps. A range of indices measured at 330 transects across the river corridor supports a classification of the geomorphological style of the river which reflects the presence and abundance of properties previously identified in the literature as large wood retention sites. This classification provides a qualitative representation of the ‘resistance’ of the corridor to wood movement and thus its overall wood‐retention potential. The map‐derived indices are also used to extrapolate estimates of the ten year return period flood to each of the 330 transects so that the downstream pattern of unit stream power can be quantified as an index representing ‘force’ in the analysis. Although input of wood is an important factor in many river systems, it is assumed not to be a limiting factor along the Tagliamento, where riparian woodland is abundant. Field observations of large wood storage illustrate that wood retention at eight sites along the river reflects the presence and abundance of the features incorporated in the classification of geomorphological style, including the complexity of the channel network, the availability of exposed gravel areas, and the presence of islands. In general at the time of survey in August 1998, open gravel areas were estimated to store approximately 1 t ha−1 of wood in single‐thread reaches and 6 t ha−1 in multiple‐thread reaches. Established islands were estimated to store an average of 80 t ha−1 of wood. Nevertheless, there was considerable variability between sites, and pioneer islands, which are not represented on maps or readily identified from air photographs because of their small size, were estimated to store an order of magnitude more wood than established islands. Furthermore, the wood storage from this sample of eight sites did not reflect variability in estimated unit stream power. A series of areas for further research are identified, which can be explored using field data, and which will throw more light on the processes of wood retention in this extremely dynamic fluvial environment. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
西北太平洋楚科奇海沉积物-水界面营养盐输送通量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陆架区沉积物间隙水的营养盐再生是水体营养盐补充的重要途径之一。楚科奇海陆架区中部沉积物间隙水中的营养盐分布,是物理和生物扰动较弱状态下的沉积物-水界面的典型分布。本文对中国第4次北极科学考察采集的4个多管短柱沉积物样品及多管样站位的上层水样进行分析,得到沉积物间隙水、上覆水以及水柱中营养盐数据。结果表明,沉积物间隙水各营养盐浓度均先随沉积深度增加而呈指数快速升高,记为Ⅰ层;然后进入沉积物再矿化作用与营养盐移出速率相互抵消的稳定变化层,营养盐浓度在该阶段基本不变,记为Ⅱ层;最后是营养盐缓慢递减层,记为Ⅲ层,由于该层有机质降解作用耗尽氧气,NO-3和PO3-4被还原细菌利用而失去氧离子。通过双层模式和Fick第一扩散定律,计算得出楚科奇海沉积物-水界面硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐的扩散通量分别为1.660mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量)、0.008mmol/(m2·d)(以P计量)、0.117mmol/(m2·d)(以N计量)(以R06站为例)。四个调查站位沉积物中硅酸盐的扩散通量分别为3.101mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,CC1站)、1.660mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,R06站)、1.307mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,C07站)、0.243mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,S23站),含量呈现明显的纬度分布特征。沉积物间隙水N*的分布表明,楚科奇海沉积环境具有很强的反硝化过程,沉积物脱氮作用是硝酸盐一个重要的汇。  相似文献   
Urban stream features can be used to promote nutrient retention; however, their interactions with different hydrological regimes impact nutrient cycling, decrease their retention capacity, and inhibit stream ecosystem functioning. This study analysed the temporal and spatial dynamics of the uptake of three nutrients (nitrate, ammonium, and phosphorus) in an urban drainage stream during high flows. In particular, we studied variations in net uptake along the right margin (with native vegetation and a roots mat) comparatively to the left margin (a non‐rooted grassy bank). Applying the spiralling approach within each subreach on either side, we determined nutrient subreach (sr) retention metrics: uptake rate coefficients , mass transfer rates , and areal uptake rates . Our results showed nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4) net uptakes on the right side were higher and more frequent along subreaches where the root mat was more abundant ( [μg m?2 s?1] = 22.80 ± 1.13 for NO3 and 10.50 ± 0.81 for NH4), whereas on the left side both nutrients showed patchy and inconsistent net uptake patterns despite the homogeneous grass distribution. Net uptake for filtered reactive phosphorus (FRP) was not observed on either side at any flow rate. The impact of hydrological factors such as discharge, travel time, water depth, and concentration, on uptake metrics was studied. Despite increases in travel time as the flow decreased, there was a reduction in net uptake rates, and , on either side. This was attributed to a reduction in water level with declining flows, which decreased hydrologic connectivity with the stream banks, combined with a decrease in water velocity and a reduction in nutrient concentrations. We concluded the rooted bank acted as an effective retention area by systematically promoting net uptake resulting in a twofold increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) retention relative to the non‐rooted side where net uptake was spatially localized and highly dynamic. Overall, this work emphasized the importance of strategically sampling close to biologically active surfaces to more accurately determine areas where gross uptake surpasses release process.  相似文献   
根据条件平差原理,推导出三维导线平差的数学模型,并在VB下实现平差程序设计。  相似文献   
Streams and their accompanying riparian environments are intrinsic components of terrestrial carbon cycling. However, they have been understudied in terms of the magnitude of their storage components and the role of disturbance in determining carbon storage capacity. This study presents partial carbon budgets for stream‐riparian corridors along six study reaches in mountain headwater streams of southeast Wyoming to evaluate the impact of tie‐driving, a historic disturbance legacy, on contemporary carbon storage. Detailed measurements of biomass were collected for in‐stream components of carbon including fine and coarse particulate organic matter and in‐stream large wood. Biomass was also estimated for riparian components including standing trees (live and dead), regenerating conifers, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, downed wood, litter, and duff (partially decayed litter). Biomass was converted to carbon for all components and differences in storage were compared between tie‐driven and non‐driven reaches. Carbon content in riparian soils (to approximately 20 cm) was also measured. Twice the amount of carbon was stored in the riparian areas relative to the streams; most carbon was stored in standing trees (live and dead). While overall carbon storage within the riparian areas and streams were similar between disturbance conditions, the amount of carbon stored in large in‐stream wood and downed wood on the floodplain was significantly higher in systems that were not tie‐driven. The results of this study indicate that legacies of tie‐driving influence carbon storage within the region, while also capturing baseline estimates of carbon storage in the wake of recent bark beetle infestations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
藏北多龙矿集区荣那斑岩铜矿找矿突破的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
荣那铜矿是中铝矿产资源有限公司近年在斑岩型铜矿找矿方面取得的一项重大突破。矿床产于班公湖—怒江缝合带北侧岛弧带中。公司在找矿初期重视基础地质研究,加强对地调和矿调成果的二次解剖,借鉴国内外斑岩铜矿区域分布规律,结合1∶5万磁法异常,明确多龙矿集区重点找矿方向;根据前期勘查成果,结合1∶5万水系沉积物测量成果,确定荣那、拿若为重点验证区。通过总结国外斑岩铜矿蚀变模式、矿化模式和勘查模式,选择有效的激电勘查方法圈定重点验证地段。结合隐伏斑岩体系矿化中心为中低阻、负磁异常、中等极化率,外围发育黄铁矿化壳形成近似环状中高阻、正磁异常、中高极化率异常,最终确定外围正磁、中高极化环形异常系荣那矿床与青磐岩化带有关的黄铁矿化壳引起,负磁、中等极化率异常为矿化中心部位,通过选择合理网度进行钻探验证实现找矿突破。荣那矿床勘查过程中的理论思考,区域-矿田物化探异常的综合分析、有效方法的投入和验证工程的部署充分体现了科学研究与生产的有机结合。  相似文献   
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