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寒武纪早期是地球海洋环境与生命演化的关键时期,但目前扬子东南缘深水相区的早寒武纪地层尚缺乏系统、精确 的地层对比工作。该文选取湖南省怀化地区会同钻孔剖面(深水相区) 的留茶坡组硅质岩、小烟溪组黑色页岩为研究对 象,进行了高分辨的有机碳同位素(δ13Corg) 地层对比,结果在会同剖面自下而上识别出四个正漂移(P1、P2、P3和P4) 与两个负漂移(N1和N2),结合其他剖面的生物化石记录和锆石U-Pb年龄资料,将会同剖面有机碳同位素与湖南其他 剖面,以及和云南和三峡等地浅水相区剖面的有机碳、无机碳同位素曲线进行对比,认为扬子东南缘埃迪卡拉系-寒武 系界线在湖南深水相区可放置于留茶坡组上部较大的有机碳同位素负漂移(Basal Cambrian Carbon isotope Excursion, BACE) 出现的位置,但由于钻孔深度不够,所以该负漂移未在会同剖面获得,而P1、P2和P3分别对应于寒武系的ZHUCE (ZHUjiaqing Carbon isotope Excursion,第二阶)、CARE (Cambrian Arthropod Radiation isotope Excursion,第三阶) 和MICE(MIngxinsi Carbon Isotope Excursion,第四阶) 正漂移,N1 和N2 分别对应于寒武系的SHICE (SHIyantou Carbon isotope Excursion,第二阶) 和AECE(Archaeocyathid Extinction Carbon isotope Excursion,第四阶) 负漂移,因此会同剖面留茶坡组顶部至小烟溪组底部属于寒武系第二阶,小烟溪组下部属于寒武系第三阶,而小烟溪组中-上部属于寒武系第四阶,而顶 部是否达到第四阶顶部尚无法确认。碳同位素的负漂移可能是海侵时期上升流水体将底层富含12C还原水体带至浅水地区所 致,并分别与埃迪卡拉动物群、小壳化石动物群和古杯动物的灭绝密切相关;而在生物繁盛时期,海洋初级生产力升高, 有机质埋藏增加,导致碳同位素的正漂移。  相似文献   
New data from abundant vegetative shoots and cuticular analysis are provided for the Cretaceous cheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis Deng, Yang et Lu. The material was found from a new locality of the Lower Cretaceous strata in the Luozigou Basin, Wangqing, Jilin Province, northeastern China. Pseudofrenelopsis is a common plant in the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin about 150 km from Wangqing, but there exists different species, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis only. Both P. dalatzensis and P. gansuensis have been recorded from the Lower Cretaceous of Jiuquan, Gansu Province, but they are in different stratigraphic horizons. The Lower Cretaceous plant-bearing strata in Luozigou have used to correlate with the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin. The discovery of P. gansuensis, which is lower in horizon than P. dalatzensis in Jiuquan, may indicate that they are also different in horizon in Jilin. Cheirolepidiaceous conifers are among the few fossils of red beds of the Early Cretaceous in China. The present discovery of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis provides important evidence for classification, correlation and determination of geological ages of the Early Cretaceous non-marine red deposits of the two separate basins in remote areas of North China.  相似文献   
从现代洋岛(海山)地层序列结构出发,认为洋岛(海山)通常具有洋岛型火山岩基底和碳酸盐岩盖层的双层式结构,具有低分异度、高丰度和地方性色彩的生物群面貌。探讨了造山带洋岛(海山)地层序列鉴别和恢复的方法以及它们对恢复古海洋、构造古地理的重要意义。  相似文献   
Five 3rd-order depositional sequences are interpreted from the early Albian to late Campanian interval in the Potiguar Basin. An integrated analysis of seismic interpretations, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data provides a stratigraphic framework composed by stratigraphic surfaces, systems tracts and sequences. Depositional Sequence 1 and 2 are, respectively, Albian and early to mid-Cenomanian aged and are composed by the falling stage, low stand, transgressive and high stand systems tracts. Depositional Sequence 3 is late Cenomanian to mid-Turonian aged and is composed by the transgressive and high stand systems tracts. Depositional sequences 4 and 5 are, respectively, late Turonian to mid-Santonian and late Santonian to mid-Campanian aged and are composed only by transgressive and high stand systems tracts. The lack of falling stage and low stand systems tracts in depositional sequences 3, 4 and 5, as well the increasing in transgressive and highstand systems tracts thickness as depositional sequences get younger, are reflection of an overall transgressive trend of a 2nd-order sequence. The interpretation proposed in this paper correlates onshore with offshore deposits within a seismic scale (3rd-order) sequence stratigraphy framework. This approach allows a better understanding of the Açu Formation, the primary oil-bearing formation of the Potiguar Basin. The Açu Formation is part of depositional sequences 1, 2 and 3 and is characterized by lateral and vertical variations of depositional systems instead of being associated to a specific depositional system. This sequence stratigraphy analysis can be used as a low-resolution framework for future high-resolution (4th-order scale) studies.  相似文献   
随机序列在密码学中有着广泛的应用,其产生方法已经成为密码学的重要研究课题。首先介绍了细胞自动机的基本概念,并详细介绍了2-by-n CA的规则及最大周期CA。最后基于2-by-n CA的特点提出了二维梯形伪随机序列发生方法。计算机模拟表明,基于2-by-n CA的二维梯形伪随机序列发生器具有结构简单、高速、周期长的特点,产生的伪随机序列统计性能好。  相似文献   
Seismic stratigraphic analysis of 150 km of high-resolution seismic profiles (GEO-PULSE and 3.5 kHz) obtained along the muddy coast off Taishan, Guangdong provided valuable information on the offshore Quaternary stratigraphy, tectonics, sedimentary evolution, and environmental and engineering geology of this area. The following late Quaternary stratigraphic sequences were mapped. (1) Pleistocene alluvial silty sand and shallow marine clay; (2) coarse fluvial channel sand; (3) nearshore and bay clayey sediments. The incision of fluvial channels occurred in two stages: dttring the Late Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Holocene. The Pleistocene fluvial channels have been filled by coarses and overlain by more than 10 m of late Pleistocene clay and 20 - 30 m of Holocene clay. The coastal area is dissected by two major fault systems: the first group strikes ENE-WSW and controls the evolution of the adjacent Quaternary basin, while the second one trends NNE-SSW. These fault systems must be taken into account in any coastal engineering considerations. In addition, both granitic and metamorphic basements were recognized.  相似文献   
1 Introduction TheYellowSeahasaveragewaterdepthsbetween30and 90m (Liuetal.,1 987) .Liuindicatesthattworegressiveevents ,namedChengshantou (4 0 -75ka)andYellowSea (1 5 - 2 3ka) ,haveoccurredsincetheLatePleistocenebasedonthepeatbedsfoundincores (Liuetal.,…  相似文献   
二郎坪群及其相关地层,自70年代以来,划分对比方案达十余种之多。笔者根据大量地质素材,将其划分为:上元古界歪头山组、下古生界二郎坪群、上古生界小寨组。这一方案不仅统一了河南境内和豫陕两省该地层的划分对比,更重要的是理顺了产于其中的(具层控和岩控型)金、银、铁、铜、硫等赋矿层的序次。  相似文献   
The geochemical components of the leachate from loess-paleosol deposits can provide information about climate-related post-depositional processes. For example, leachate lithium ([Li]leachate) is a potential paleoclimate proxy because lithium is a typical lithophile element that is readily adsorbed by clay minerals during weathering and pedogenesis, and thus stratigraphic variations in [Li]leachate can reflect these processes. We investigated the [Li]leachate values of two loess-paleosols profiles (the Luochuan and Weinan sections), on a north–south climatic gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Independent paleoclimate information was provided by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, Rb/Sr ratios, and clay mineral content. During the last glacial-interglacial period, [Li]leachate increased from 0.39 to 1.97 μg/g at Luochuan and from 0.67 to 2.45 μg/g at Weinan, mainly due to increasing pedogenesis. Based on these results we developed a conceptual model to explain the variations in [Li]leachate. Li+ within loess layers is mainly derived from dust input and the decomposition of primary minerals, influenced by the East Asian winter monsoon, while in paleosol layers Li+ is mainly derived from clay mineral adsorption during pedogenic processes, influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   
王海东    张寅科 《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):058-66
结构在主震作用下发生损伤,由于刚度和强度退化导致结构周期的延长,再加上高阶周期的影响,在随后的余震对主震损伤结构抗震性能的影响分析中,基于弹性周期的传统谱加速度可能不适用,有必要对地震动强度指标的选择进行进一步研究。本文以9层Benchmark钢框架为研究对象,选取10种地震动强度指标,分别从离散性和相关性两个维度对比分析了其在余震IDA分析中的优劣性。研究结果表明:与最大层间位移角相比,最大残余层间位移角更能够准确地量化主震对结构造成的损伤;对于钢框架结构,基于一段周期的几何平均谱加速度的IMBoj&Lev指标是最优的地震动强度指标,相对于SaT1)离散性降低了30%左右,相关性提高了6%左右。  相似文献   
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