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通过风洞实验,利用称重传感器自动记录风蚀观测样方重量变化过程,对供沙条件下不同砾石覆盖度戈壁床面风蚀速率进行了定量模拟研究。结果表明:砾石覆盖度是影响戈壁风蚀速率的关键因子,戈壁床面风蚀速率随砾石覆盖度增加按指数规律递减。各实验风速下,砾石覆盖度>50%时,戈壁床面风蚀速率随砾石覆盖度增加而减小量有限,甚至无风蚀发生;而盖度从10%到50%时,风蚀速率显著减小。因此,两种实验粒径砾石(3 cm与4 cm)至少在50%盖度时才能达到较好的风蚀防治效果。戈壁风蚀防护机理主要是砾石覆盖度的增加增大了砾石间沙粒的临界起动剪切风速,而且减少了作用在砾石间可蚀地表的剪切压。与沙质对照床面相比,10%~90%砾石盖度戈壁床面沙粒临界起动剪切风速增大了0.8~3.4倍,只有0.5%~28%的剪切压作用在砾石间可蚀地表。  相似文献   
微型无人驾驶飞机探空初步试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对具有自动导航,自动驾驶功能的微型无人驾驶飞机探空的可行性进行了初步研究。设计了水平空速归零测风方式,利用全球定位系统测风,进行了微型无人驾驶飞机探测试验。研究表明,微型无人驾驶飞机可成为一种方便,经济,灵活的探空工具。  相似文献   
谢东 《广西气象》2007,28(3):38-39
简要介绍柳州市风能资源评价工作的方法、成果,并对发展柳州市风电事业提出了一些探讨性思路。  相似文献   
A detailed study of long-term variability of winds using 30 years of data from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts global reanalysis (ERA-Interim) over the Indian Ocean has been carried out by partitioning the Indian Ocean into six zones based on local wind extrema. The trend of mean annual wind speed averaged over each zone shows a significant increase in the equatorial region, the Southern Ocean, and the southern part of the trade winds. This indicates that the Southern Ocean winds and the southeast trade winds are becoming stronger. However, the trend for the Bay of Bengal is negative, which might be caused by a weakening of the monsoon winds and northeast trade winds. Maximum interannual variability occurs in the Arabian Sea due to monsoon activity; a minimum is observed in the subtropical region because of the divergence of winds. Wind speed variations in all zones are weakly correlated with the Dipole Mode Index (DMI). However, the equatorial Indian Ocean, the southern part of the trade winds, and subtropical zones show a relatively strong positive correlation with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), indicating that the SOI has a zonal influence on wind speed in the Indian Ocean. Monsoon winds have a decreasing trend in the northern Indian Ocean, indicating monsoon weakening, and an increasing trend in the equatorial region because of enhancement of the westerlies. The negative trend observed during the non-monsoon period could be a result of weakening of the northeast trade winds over the past few decades. The mean flux of kinetic energy of wind (FKEW) reaches a minimum of about 100?W?m?2 in the equatorial region and a maximum of about 1500?W?m?2 in the Southern Ocean. The seasonal variability of FKEW is large, about 1600?W?m?2, along the coast of Somalia in the northern Indian Ocean. The maximum monthly variability of the FKEW field averaged over each zone occurs during boreal summer. During the onset and withdrawal of monsoon, FKEW is as low as 50?W?m?2. The Southern Ocean has a large variation of about 1280?W?m?2 because of strong westerlies throughout the year.  相似文献   
风廓线雷达回波信号强度定标方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
风廓线雷达返回信号功率定标通常通过返回信号信噪比和系统噪声功率的估算得到。该方法存在着噪声电平的确定、外部噪声等不确定性因素,影响了定标的精度。采用信号源分别对接收机和信号处理器进行定量测试,进而对雷达系统进行定标,是另一种可行的办法,该文利用这种方法对CFL-03风廓线雷达进行了定标,并利用该雷达在东莞2009年7月和8月探测资料与广州S波段天气雷达和地面雨量计资料进行比较。结果表明:用该定标方法得到的回波强度与天气雷达回波强度和地面雨量计资料估算的回波强度基本一致,平均标准差在1 dB左右,表明这种定标方法是可行的。  相似文献   
确定风廓线雷达功率谱噪声功率方法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
风廓线雷达以测风为主要目的设计,没有充分考虑强度的定量测量。如果能够实现强度定量测量将大大扩展风廓线雷达的应用范围。首要的扩展应用就是可以获取雨滴谱分布、解决降水定量测量准确性问题。若实现强度定量测量,需要解决的一个关键技术问题是如何由其功率谱数据准确计算噪声功率。该文根据风廓线雷达功率谱估计方法、依据噪声频域统计特性,提出了一种计算风廓线雷达功率谱噪声功率的方法,并利用风廓线雷达实测功率谱数据进行检验。检验结果表明:即便在有降水或存在地物时,该方法仍可以准确、快速分辨出噪声功率谱, 且客观有效。  相似文献   
由于OSSMO 2004版地面测报业务软件中抄录报表风向不太方便,故长治县气象局自行设计了自动风向角度和方位的转换程序。本程序用OBJECT PASCAL语言编写,在DELPHI中实现,采用Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0数据库引擎及ADO的方式操作数据库。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effect of wind input and whitecapping dissipation on the simulation of typhoon-waves, three experiments are conducted with the latest version of SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) model. The three experiments adopt the Komen, Janssens, and Westhuysen expressions for wind input and whitecapping dissipation, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned source tems, other parameterization schemes in these experiments are the same. It shows that the experiment with the Westhuysen expression result in the least simulation errors while that with the Janssens expression has the most. The results from the experiments with Komen and Westhuysen expressions show that the differenees in significant wave height (SWH) have a good correlation with the differences in dissipation energy caused by whiteeapping. This indicates that the whitecapping dissipation source term plays an important role in the resultant differences of the simulated SWH between the two experiments.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of sea surface wind in Guangdong''s coastal areas were analyzed with data from four offshore observational stations between 2012 and 2015. The results are shown as follows: (1) The probability distribution of wind speed was basically consistent with Gaussian distribution characteristics; winds of Beaufort force 6 or higher were observed mainly in far offshore stations from October to March. (2) The probability distribution of wind direction was represented well by Weibull distribution. The deviation of wind direction of far station was relatively small for it was mainly controlled by monsoon over the South China Sea, while the near offshore station had a relatively large diurnal variation because of the influence of local synoptic systems such as sea-land breeze. (3) There were significant seasonal differences in wind speed and direction observed by different offshore observational stations. In strong wind seasons, the deviation of wind direction was relatively small while the deviation of wind speed was relatively large, and vice versa. In contrast with Class I station, the other three stations exhibited approximately normal distribution of wind direction and wind speed deviations. (4) Wind direction diurnal variation was moderate in windy periods, while it was obvious in relatively lower speed conditions. The deviation of wind speed in windy periods was generally greater because it was influenced by mesoscale weather systems for 10-20 h, and the influence was complicated, resulting in greater local differences in wind speed.  相似文献   
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