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The dwarf nova oscillations observed in cataclysmic variable (CV) stars are interpreted in the context of a low-inertia accretor model, in which accretion on to an equatorial belt of the white dwarf primary causes the belt to vary its angular velocity. The rapid deceleration phase is attributed to propellering. Evidence that temporary expulsion rather than accretion of gas occurs during this phase is obtained from the large drop in extreme ultraviolet flux.
We show that the quasi-periodic oscillations are most probably caused by a vertical thickening of the disc, moving as a travelling wave near the inner edge of the disc. This alternately obscures and 'reflects' radiation from the central source, and is visible even in quite low inclination systems. A possible excitation mechanism, caused by winding up and reconnection of magnetic field lines, is proposed.
We apply the model, deduced largely from VW Hyi observations, to re-interpret observations of SS Cyg, OY Car, UX UMa, V2051 Oph, V436 Cen and WZ Sge. In the last of these we demonstrate the existence of a 742-s period in the light curve, arising from obscuration by the travelling wave, and hence show that the two principal oscillations are a dwarf nova oscillation and its reprocessed companion.  相似文献   
We show that the light curves of soft X-ray transients (SXTs) follow naturally from the disc instability picture, adapted to take account of irradiation by the central X-ray source during the outburst. Irradiation prevents the disc from returning to the cool state until central accretion is greatly reduced. This happens only after most of the disc mass has been accreted by the central object, on a viscous time-scale, accounting naturally for the exponential decay of the outburst on a far longer time-scale (τ20–40 d) than seen in dwarf novae, without any need to manipulate the viscosity parameter α. The accretion of most of the disc mass in outburst explains the much longer recurrence time of SXTs compared with dwarf novae. This picture also suggests an explanation of the secondary maximum seen in SXT light curves about 50–75 d after the start of each outburst, since central irradiation triggers the thermal instability of the outer disc, adding to the central accretion rate one viscous time later. The X-ray outburst decay constant τ should on average increase with orbital period, but saturate at a roughly constant value ∼40 d for orbital periods longer than about a day. The bolometric light curve should show a linear rather than an exponential decay at late times (a few times τ). Outbursts of long-period systems should be entirely in the linear decay regime, as is observed in GRO J1744−28. UV and optical light curves should resemble the X-rays but have decay time-scales up to 2–4 times longer.  相似文献   
The magnetic Ap star 53 Cam has been described as the best object for testing theories of elemental diffusion in the presence of a stellar magnetic field. It is thus vital to determine the rotational period of this very important star as accurately as possible. An improved period (8.026 81±0.000 04 d) is derived here by combining new measurements of the effective magnetic field with previously published values.  相似文献   
We present and apply a new computer program named SpotModeL to analyze single and multiple bandpass photometric data of spotted stars. It is based on the standard analytical formulae from Budding and Dorren. The program determines the position, size, and temperature of up to three spots by minimizing the fit residuals with the help of the Marquardt‐Levenberg non‐linear least‐squares algorithm. We also expand this procedure to full time‐series analysis of differential data, just as real observations would deliver. If multi‐bandpass data are available, all bandpasses can be treated simultaneously and thus the spot temperature is solved for implicitly. The program may be downloaded and used by anyone. In this paper, we apply our code to an ≈23 year long photometric dataset of the spotted RS CVn giant IM Peg. We extracted and modelled 33 individual light curves, additionally, we fitted the entire V dataset in one run. The resulting spot parameters reflect the long term light variability and reveal two active longitudes on the substellar point and on the antipode. The radius and longitude of the dominant spot show variations with 29.8 and 10.4 years period, respectively. Our multicolour data suggests that the spot temperature is increasing with the brightening of the star. The average spot temperature from V, IC is 3550 ± 150 K or approximately 900 K below the effective temperature of the star.  相似文献   
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